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Vasectomy in Poland is illegal? Why?

dtaylor5632  18 | 1998
2 Oct 2010   #61
Maybe they know what's their abilities...

Or attempt to sell BS, its a private clinic yes?

I think we all exacly know when Ama has her menstruations.

Dont be nasty, it doesnt become you.
2 Oct 2010   #62
Or attempt to sell BS, its a private clinic yes?

It seems so.

Dont be nasty, it doesnt become you.

I see you don't like me anymore... ;D
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998
2 Oct 2010   #63
I see you don't like me anymore... ;D

I like you, but I think more of you without the insults and digs.
Amathyst  19 | 2700
2 Oct 2010   #64
When is your next period and on the same ground, have u been regular?

ROLF! So when Mr DT when was the last time you checked your ball back in a warm shower to see if you had any rice krispies down there?
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998
2 Oct 2010   #66
ROLF! So when Mr DT when was the last time you checked your ball back in a warm shower to see if you had any rice krispies down there?

almost everytime, never know what might happen down there. more the fool who didnt check ;)
Bolle  1 | 144
2 Oct 2010   #67
If vasectomies are illegal (news to me) in poland than go to another country to get snipped.

And going through life without progeny is a poor excuse for life indeed.

Wow. You are totally out of touch with the 21st century.


- not younger than 35
- have children

The government should mind it's own business.
Eurola  4 | 1898
2 Oct 2010   #68
Vasectomy illegal? That's what happens when the government and/or church are controlling their citizens. I agree that no 20 year old should do it, but illegal!? It is up to the individual and their doctor. What's next? Tattoos? After all you mutilate your body too...possible infection etc.
2 Oct 2010   #69
The government should mind it's own business.

That's what happens when the government and/or church are controlling their citizens.

We already stated that it is just unregulated matter. Why you all are picking up church?!
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998
2 Oct 2010   #70
Cos the law seems to be based on CC beliefs.
Amathyst  19 | 2700
2 Oct 2010   #71
almost everytime, never know what might happen down there. more the fool who didnt check ;)

Good boy! Remember that soapy hands help!
2 Oct 2010   #72
Cos the law seems to be based on CC beliefs.

what if it's not?
As for me it makes me think rather of anti regimes practise than fault of CC. Some anti eugenic laws not ****** CC bollox who wants us to reproduce like rabbits in the name of God's will.
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998
3 Oct 2010   #73
what if it's not?

If its not, then you have some very stupid law makers in Poland.
Ironside  50 | 12969
3 Oct 2010   #74
t, then you have some very stupid law makers in Poland.

this law is a result of social consensus in Poland
3 Oct 2010   #75
If its not, then you have some very stupid law makers in Poland.

Voluntary sterilization legalized in many countries , m . In . United States, Canada, Australia , India, China , Singapore, Japan , Sweden , Denmark , Germany. However, he could be the sterilization procedure requires there a rule that the conditions relating to the consent of the person concerned, appropriate medical care , social conditions , specified timeout period for surgery thoughtfully , children possession of the minimum of potential parents and others.

For many years sterilisation (both vasectomy and tubal ligation) have been illegal in France, because of the 19th century "Code Napoleon", which proscribes acts of so-called 'self mutilation'. Doctors performing vasectomies in France risk criminal charges, though there hasn't been an actual prosecution on the issue for over forty years. Nevertheless, the law surrounding vasectomy in France is sufficiently vague enough to prevent most French doctors risking criminal prosecution or civil litigation if they perform the service. So few are performed that the most recent statistics on global contraceptive usage published by the United Nations lists the number of vasectomies (...) (abstract from 1987)

So as you see vasectomy was illegal not only in Poland.
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998
3 Oct 2010   #76
So you are now quoting some med evil **** from the past.

Cmon on Zeti, at least be current with your arguments....
3 Oct 2010   #77
I"M NOT AGAINST VASECTOMY!!! I'm just showing you that it's not a trait of religious bigotry. It seems that polish lawmakers forget about that aspect. There is no regularons on volontary sterilizations. The law which makes it illegal is about mutilation of human body (it goes more less: who makes blind, deaf, barren etc... commits a crime which can make you land in up to 8 years in jail) not about contraception methods!!! It's just a law which a free interpretation makes vasectomy illegal not a special law set against vasectomy.
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998
3 Oct 2010   #78
The law which makes it illegal is about mutilation of human body

Then it only leaves that this law is stupid and out-dated.
Amathyst  19 | 2700
3 Oct 2010   #79
this law is a result of social consensus in Poland

The Law is an Ass!
3 Oct 2010   #80
Then it only leaves that this law is stupid and out-dated.

Otis Tarda  - | 2
3 Oct 2010   #81
I don't think vasectomy is illegal in Poland. There's no article in criminal code prohibiting it when it's consensual. There could be some laws in doctor's ethic code, or similiar, but I haven't heard of any of them.

I think it's just doctors that don't want to have troubles, and not direct ban.
urszula  1 | 253
4 Oct 2010   #82
Again an idiotic statement from the old timer

His statement was the most logical in this stupid thread
Teffle  22 | 1318
4 Oct 2010   #83
We are not discussing religion here, sean but polish law

Yes, but in this case, very closely related.

The catholic church is very influential in Poland is it not?

I don't think it's a coincidence that the countries with the strictest laws on abortion in Europe are also the "most catholic" (Poland, Malta, Ireland, Spain)
Seanus  15 | 19666
4 Oct 2010   #84
True. The overlap is far closer than they'd like to admit. If it fits the bill of Polishness, they'll go with it.
4 Oct 2010   #85
I don't think it's a coincidence that the countries with the strictest laws on abortion in Europe are also the "most catholic" (Poland, Malta, Ireland, Spain)

Yes in terms of abortion it was a Catholic infleunece. Note that until 1993 abortion on demand was legal. But we are not discussing here abortion.

Do you have any prooves that vasectomy legal status was influenced on church in any way??? I'm fed up with all this crap: Poland is such a catholic country blah, blah, blah, that blah, blah, blah. Oh, give me a break!

If it fits the bill of Polishness, they'll go with it.

Tell me then why in such a Catholic influenced country a contarcept pill or a rubber is not banned, huh?! We all are Catholics retards, aren't we?
Teffle  22 | 1318
4 Oct 2010   #86
Do you have any prooves that vasectomy legal status was influenced on church in any way???

No, but if it is indeed illegal I'm struggling to think who would benefit except the church.

Surely there are plenty of things that could be regarded as self mutilating or whatever - e.g. ridiculous breast enlargement or bizarre piercings etc - which I assumme aren't illegal?
4 Oct 2010   #87
No, but if it is indeed illegal I'm struggling to think who would benefit except the church.

Have you read whole disscussion or just 1st page? Could you read the rest?
Teffle  22 | 1318
4 Oct 2010   #88
Could you read the rest?

Just have. Ok, it's not illegal but still you must "have children".

This reeks of nanny type moral superiority and condescension to me and, yes, has the smell of the church about it.
4 Oct 2010   #89
Just have. Ok, it's not illegal but still you must "have children".

well not exactly. No one knows is it legal or illegal because it's just unregulated matter which some other law suggest it's illegal.

If someone know Polish can read this

Here is the answer on the question what this law is derived from! I have right! It was connected with eugenics!
Page 37 last chapter (Cięcie w luce).

It's the very old law. It was set against eugenic practises from XIX and XX centuries when prostitudes, mentally disabled and ill and some ethnic groups were sterilized in some countries. It was also set against those doctors who were sterilizing lower class women without their knoledge as they stated they know what is better for those women and society.

But there is a gray area and some clinics makes this procedure and say its legal... because the law is not precised, and vasectomy=/=sterylisation

So how about that, huh? If something wrong blame the church, is that the point? I'm agnostic myself but I'm sick with this old song: Poland=catholically indoctrined country
Teffle  22 | 1318
4 Oct 2010   #90
It was also set against those doctors who were sterilizing lower class women without their knoledge as they stated they know what is better for those women and society.

Ok well at least I was half right then...

This reeks of nanny type moral superiority and condescension

; )

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