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Unmedicated home birth in Poland?

19 May 2023   #1
I am looking for information related to home birth in Poland. And I can't believe that I am the only woman that wants to do this in Poland (for sure not.. But where are the other fearless ladies?!). Where I come from (NL) this is common and accepted, in Poland however the info I find is scarce on this..

My partner is Polish and I seek to prepare both of us for this important life event, thus I educate myself online for the moment.

Important points that I read so far:
- It's very uncommon to have a home birth here... Most women (98% or so) apperantly prefer the hospital option...
- It is legal to give birth at home, but general insurance only covers hospital births. (No problem for me)
- You would have to find yourself ahead of time an experienced midwife that would agree to doing a home birth and of course pay her from your own pocket.

- A third option would be a birth clinic. Apperantly you pay 2500-6000zl for one in a remote area and around 10.000zl in big cities. (Correct me if I'm wrong about prices)

Does anyone recommend certain birth classes or other services for pregnant women?

If you know women who gave birth at home in Poland or a midwife who assisted in a home birth, please share below. Any relevant information and stories would be greatly appreciated!
Tlum  12 | 304
23 Jul 2024   #2
A hospital birth would be more stressful but probably safer? What if there are complications or something; they would still have to transport you to a hospital.
Lenka  5 | 3537
23 Jul 2024   #3
in Poland however the info I find is scarce on this..

It's not popular at all. None of my friends even considered it. I think the fear of complications, most midwifes etc working at hospitals etc, overcrowded housing for many decades

Poland has exceptional statistics on survival but there is problem with pain management, c section, treatment etc
johnny reb  49 | 8005
23 Jul 2024   #4
My partner is Polish

Your partner is Polish meaning not a husband and you are not married having children ?
I find that strange in Poland unless you are both Lesbians.
pawian  225 | 27344
23 Jul 2024   #5
- It's very uncommon to have a home birth here...

Yes! I have never met a woman who delivered at home. Once it was definitely more popular. My father`s mother worked as a midwife before WW2 and she assisted women at their homes.
Alien  25 | 6369
24 Jul 2024   #6
Yes! I have never met a woman who delivered at home

Because their number is negligible, apparently about 2%, which I think is too high anyway.
pawian  225 | 27344
24 Jul 2024   #7
apparently about 2%, which I think is too high anyway.

Yes, too high coz 2% would allow me to hear about such cases among my family, friends and their friends but I haven`t so far.

Home / Life / Unmedicated home birth in Poland?
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