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Can someone tell me about the reason behind being gay in Poland being wrong

Wulkan  - | 3136
29 Oct 2015   #31
@pioter11 you should be absolutely fine, my friend jon357 who posted before has been living in Poland with his partner for long years now without any problems. Bear in mind that Warsaw is a big city so people tend to be more sophisticated and tolerant.
jon357  72 | 23361
29 Oct 2015   #32
Pretty well true. People in Poland tend to be decent and don't get worked up about their neighbours etc. In villages that can be different as it can anywhere and about anything that makes you stand out.

I honestly haven't noticed much difference in that respect between Poland and the U.K.
G (undercover)
29 Oct 2015   #33
Aren't you afraid they might push you off the roof one day as islamization is progressing ?
Wulkan  - | 3136
29 Oct 2015   #34
I think he will be dead by the time it gets to that point, especially in Poland this process is much slower.
29 Oct 2015   #35
There are lots of openly gay Poles in Germany and the UK.

Most of them are bottoms while the non-poles are the tops.
jon357  72 | 23361
29 Oct 2015   #36
Aren't you afraid they might push you off the roof one day as islamization is progressing ?

In a word no. Plenty of it in the Arab world and people being thrown from the roof only in war zones where life is very very cheap anyway, and where trolls like yourself are far far more likely to meet their maker at the hands of religious conservatives.

In Poland there really isn't an issue.

Like anywhere else, you choose your friends carefully.
Levi  11 | 433
29 Oct 2015   #37
One time i was kissing my girlfriend in the street and someone called our attention.

So then i realized: It is not wrong to be gay in Poland. It is wrong to be pervert.

Poland is a decent country with decent people. Don't display your sexuality in public and everything will be ok.
jon357  72 | 23361
29 Oct 2015   #38
How would you define "displaying your sexuality in public"? Does it mean a woman can't walk down the street in dungarees and with a crew cut?

And if someone "called your attention" whatever that means when you were kissing someone in the street, that suggests you were either in the middle of a Good Friday procession or really giving it some since people kiss all the time. Perhaps they were disturbed about a Polish woman and a person from a third world country. There are bigots everywhere.

Anyone upset with kissing should get a life. stay on topic please.
29 Oct 2015   #39
Perhaps they were disturbed about a Polish woman and a person from a third world country.

Interesting point. I find that in Warsaw at least far more people accept homosexual couples than accept mixed race couples where the woman is Polish and the man is non-white (for some reason the vast majority of people have always been fine about Polish men having non-white partners). I'm wondering how the 'immigrant crisis' and the lurch to the right will affect tolerance of both types of couples; while we can sadly expect an increase in intolerance for mixed race couples as a result of anti-immigrant feeling, I can't work out how homosexual couples will be affected. It could be that they will benefit from the attention of bigots being focused on mixed race couples, but it could also be that they suffer as a result of a general increase in bigotry and an atmosphere in which bigotry is tolerated to the point of being encouraged. What do you reckon?
jon357  72 | 23361
29 Oct 2015   #40
stay on topic please.

In what way is this not on topic? The thread is about attitudes to sexuality in a society that the OP perceives as conservative. My point is that it isn't actually that conservative, especially in cities and that bigotry is generalised. The problems that 'Levi' faced may have nothing to do with sexuality at all.

I don't see anything in that post which is in any way off-topic.
29 Oct 2015   #41
My point is that it isn't actually that conservative, especially in cities and that bigotry is generalised. The problems that 'Levi' faced may have nothing to do with sexuality at all.

Exactly. It is very likely that anybody who thinks there being something 'wrong' with seeing a man kissing another man is very very likely to think there being something 'wrong' with seeing a non-white man kissing a white woman; most probably fewer Poles will react negatively to the former than to the latter.
jon357  72 | 23361
29 Oct 2015   #42
I'd add that Poland has experienced a lot of changes over the past few decades and as a result of political instability some extreme voices have appeared in the national political dialogue as well as outspoken religious figures having political influence deriving from the Church's role during communism.

Poles do like to argue, and some of the arguments are loud, hence rhetoric involving homophobia being well publicised. The reality is that people just live their lives. In cities at least, do not feel much need to conceal their sexuality or live in a way that the most conservative in society would want them to and Poles on the whole, despite political, rhetoric are very good about making their own minds up about people's character.
InPolska  9 | 1796
29 Oct 2015   #43
I have met another openly gay guy in Warsaw today and I'm sure we"ll become good friends :). However, it's "ok" in educated and open minded circles but gays and lesbians still cannot hold hands and kiss in public in Poland, even in Warsaw. Well, it's not that great even in Warsaw; I personally know some gays who regularly get insulted and even beaten up just because they are homosexuals... Polish society still has a long way to go. Last year, in GW, there was a long report re homosexuals living in Polska B and needless to say, it is rather hard for them as they usually have to hide their homosexuality. Someone told me last week that prior to 1989, homosexuals had it easier in Poland. I don't know but if true, was it because Church less powerful?
Levi  11 | 433
29 Oct 2015   #44
Perhaps they were disturbed about a Polish woman and a person from a third world country. There are bigots everywhere.

I Cannot blame them, since Europe is being invaded right now.

While not all people from 3rd world countries are muslims, it is not easy to a Slav to differentiate a Normal Catholic Latin with Italian Heritage

from an Illegal Muslim.


I can't work out how homosexual couples will be affected

That is a good question.

While Homossexuality can be a way to fight against Islam as much as Bacon and Vodka, on the other side the Leftwing use the Homossexuals to their own evil purposes (and usually after size power, this same Left Wing execute those homossexuals that supported them, like Fidel Castro and Robert Mugabe done).

That is why Pim Fortuyn, famous dutch writer, philosopher and politician (and also gay) once said:

"There is nothing more stupid and incoherent than a Left-Wing homossexual"
jon357  72 | 23361
29 Oct 2015   #45
Fidel Castro and lowlifes like Fortuyn and Mugabwe have no connection with life in Warsaw or societal attitudes in Poland

Interesting though that studies show that all homophobes experience same sex attraction. When people hate some thing or obsess about it, the reason generally lies within themselves. Fortunately, most people are not consumed with hatred or obsessed with other people's sexuality, fringe politics, Muslims, immigration etc. and most people take loud mouthed bigots with a pinch of salt.

In urban Poland, life is fine for people regardless of sexuality. In the countryside and small towns, there is an exodus of people anyway.

The OP should not worry if he or she is coming to Warsaw.

By and large, most people don't feel the need to mention other people's lives unless there are unresolved issues in their own. And Poles, the better educated ones anyway, are very used to making their own minds up about things.
InPolska  9 | 1796
29 Oct 2015   #46
@Jon: for sure, Poles who accept homosexuals are those among the educated, well off and travelled populations. I have heard from homosexuals that I do trust (....) terrible stories, including about parents paying doctors to administrate "electro therapy" treatment to their homo kids.... In bigotted Polska B, it's really something. Same goes for unwed mothers.... Well, it was like this in Western Europe in the 1950's....
30 Oct 2015   #47
People in Poland are tolerant but it has it limits. You cross the line when act obscene wearing strings, pink shirts with holes for nipples, lick each other faces off and flaunt your genitals in public. Poles don't care about unimportant things like this because homosexual people are meaningless and useless for society anyway. (ie they can't rise new generations of patriotic citizens)

As a side note. Using the term "Poland B" shows how much of hypocrites some of you are talking about tolerance.
jon357  72 | 23361
30 Oct 2015   #48
You cross the line when act obscene wearing strings, pink shirts with holes for nipples, lick each other faces off

You can see that and much more on Polsat every night.

Flaunting their genitals in public

You'd need to go to the beach for that. Or maybe watch Polish MTV

Essentially,mvery few people in cities, whatever their sexuality, live their lives according to the wishes of the most conservative in society - essentially people who are offended or pretend to be offended by anything that upsets their prejudices. And really nobody cares about upsetting people like NocyMrok - most LGBT people are very used to dealing with screwed up individuals who project their own insecurities about their sexuality on to others.
nothanks  - | 626
30 Oct 2015   #49
Have not seen this posted on here before. Social Experiment - Two Men Pretend to be Gay in Moscow. The general reaction might surprise you.
dany_moussalli  13 | 259
30 Oct 2015   #50
Using the term "Poland B" shows how much of hypocrites some of you are talking about tolerance.

It's just a socioeconomic division..
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
30 Oct 2015   #51
Not surprised after watching Reggie Yates "extreme Russia"
johnny reb  49 | 7974
30 Oct 2015   #52
It's not about being wrong, it's about flaunting and shoving it down people's throats that believe it is disgusting perversion.
People think it's wrong to fly a Natzi flag in Poland too.
People have every right to call something what it is in society.
30 Oct 2015   #53
While not all people from 3rd world countries are muslims, it is not easy to a Slav to differentiate a Normal Catholic Latin with Italian Heritage from an Illegal Muslim.

The kind of people who think that there is something 'wrong' with seeing a man kissing another man is very unlikely care whether the non-white man they see kissing a white woman is Latin American or Muslim; they just see a non-white man kissing a white woman and react in the same way that you do when you see a man kissing another man. I'm just wondering how much bigotry you'll need to be in the receiving end of before you realise that the bigotry you display towards homosexuals and Muslims is as every bit as wrong as the bigotry you'll experience due to being with a white woman.
Ktos  15 | 432
30 Oct 2015   #54
To all those jumping on Poland again: Poland is no different if not better when it comes to tolerance of different sexual orientations, and that is despite any religious affiliations. Unlike close minded people in many other countries Polish can think for themselves and yet maintain religious ties, something that people in other countries are unable to do, examples include Islamic states and Israel as well as many western countries, for them it is either religion or tolerance, then can not marry the the two the way we in Poland can. Also, in western countries homosexuals are not tolerated, only openly their sexuality is not discussed in negative fashion but behind closed doors the hatred of average westerner towards gay person is greater than any of that in Poland, fake western facade, that is all it is, not tolerance.
30 Oct 2015   #55
Essentially,mvery few people

Few? Rainbow case and gay marches show that many more protest.

in cities,

Wich cities? Warszawa and? I'm from a city and i know no one that would be happy to see a gay parade or gays acting like there was one.

Like i wrote before. Keep your sexuality in your bedroom like the great majority of heterosexuals do and nobody will care. And one more thing. Stay away from adopting children. You'll have a nice and peaceful life then.
Roger5  1 | 1432
30 Oct 2015   #56
It is not wrong to be gay in Poland. It is wrong to be pervert.

The bigots who objected to you kissing a white woman (if that's what it was all about) probably consider miscegeny to be a perversion. I'm glad you experienced it, but not surprised you didn't learn anything from it.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
30 Oct 2015   #57
Using the term "Poland B" shows how much of hypocrites some of you are talking about tolerance.

This is indeed a term denoting the economic conditions of the eastern parts of Poland. It was conceived between 1918 and 1939 and was widely used then. It had nothing to do with tolerance, was emotionally neutral and reflected the wish to bring the B to the level of the A. The border between Polska A and Polska B was thought to be the Vistula river. There was even Polska C, but this is too off-topic to this thread.

homosexual people are meaningless and useless for society anyway. (ie they can't rise new generations of patriotic citizens)

And how many heterosexual couples can raise new generations of patriotic citizens versus those raising new generations of un-patriotic citizens?
Ktos  15 | 432
30 Oct 2015   #58
"my brother is gay but in Scotland very open about sexuality but my friend who is Pole has cousin who is gay and lives happy over here because it was not accepted in Poland i presume x" - You presume? So this homosexual man ran away from Poland, changed countries, just because (as you fancily presume) he would not be accepted in Poland as gay???? Everyone in Poland reading it, welcome to the IQ level of the westerner who views Poland as the dark age hole, yet another academic genius of the West, that is how they view us hahahah. In your beloved Scotland people laugh and make malicious remarks about gay people all the time, giving them hard time but in an open field most Scottish behave as if everything was normal, that is their false tolerance.
jon357  72 | 23361
30 Oct 2015   #59
Keep your sexuality in your bedroom like the great majority of het

None of your business. If someone holding hands or kissing upsets you because of gender, just stay in a darkened room and the world won't upset you as much.

I think there are very few people, whatever their sexuality, who live their lives according to the wishes of the most conservative in society.

Poland is no exception to that and you may be interested to know that LGBTI people are, in the main, far more thick-skinned about the idiotic prejudices of the insecure.

And how many heterosexual couples can raise new generations of patriotic citizens versus those raising new generations of un-patriotic citizens?

This, Ziemowit, is a very good point. Patriotism is not predicated by ones sexuality or that of ones forebears.
30 Oct 2015   #60
Rainbow case and gay marches show that many more protest.

If you went on any of the pride parades, you'd see that there are only a tiny number of people protesting about it (and most of them are living proof of the genetic dangers of siblings breeding).

Keep your sexuality in your bedroom like the great majority of heterosexuals do and nobody will care.

Almost all of the LGBT people I know would very happily keep their sexuality in the bedroom if they were not discriminated against on the basis of their sexuality.

And one more thing. Stay away from adopting children. You'll have a nice and peaceful life then.

I do love the way you tell people to keep their sexuality private and then advocate discriminating against people based on their sexuality.

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