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Superstitions in Poland

Seanus  15 | 19666
24 Dec 2008   #31
There is one that I had reaffirmed here today. I still have a dycha (10PLN note) from 24/12/2007 in my wallet. I added another one yesterday (24/12/2008). Apparently, it brings you good luck.

Remember, don't spend that 10PLN in the event of an emergency, it is meant to be kept.
southern  73 | 7059
4 Apr 2009   #32
Yes,I remember one former polish gf,she told me for example ''if you pass this bridge,you will always be in love with me according to legend'',so damn I had to avoid certain bridges,streets and some other mysterious staff.

Too many superstitions in Poland and in Russia too.And people believe in them.
Polonius3  980 | 12275
5 Nov 2009   #33
Nov 5, 09, 16:14 - Thread attached on merging:
Polish superstitions

Some things like black cats crossing the road and Friday the 13th are universal superstitions. Are there any specifically Polish ones? Isn't the 'nie przez prĂ³g' thing, where you should never shake hands over a threshold, one of them. Another is when you have to return for something you have forgotten, and the superstitious sit down for just a second or two before leaving again.

And then there is not getting married in a month lacking the letter 'r' in Polish, so that eliminates January, February. May,and July. And on Wigilia if the first non-family member to cross the threshold is a female, that spells bad luck for the household.

Know of any others? Do you practice them or have observed them being cultivated?
wildrover  98 | 4430
5 Nov 2009   #34
I remember when i first came to Poland i once moved a female friends bag from a chair and put it on the ground...this resulted in gasps of horror from all the other women in the room....Of course i should have known that putting a bag on the floor allows all your money to run away...

Since then i have never ever seen a Polish women put a bag on the ground , so it must be a common superstition...
1 Mar 2012   #35
Merged: Superstition Ain't The Way...

So said Stevie Wonder. But what are some common Polish superstitions? My wife has this thing where she won't allow her purse to touch the ground, lest her "money runs away". And she won't kiss in a doorway. Oh, and if you leave the house, but run back in because you forgot something, you have to sit down for three seconds before departing again.She's otherwise a very rational person. Are these things she does normal? Are Poles generally a very superstitious people?
EM_Wave  9 | 310
1 Mar 2012   #36
Yes, I think so. Many of the Polish women I've banged have told me it is good luck to be with a foreign man.
1 Mar 2012   #37
I searched before I started this thread. Both "superstitions" and "superstitious". Huh.
26 Feb 2015   #38
During Christmas Poles, or people from Poland, they set out 12 dishes to bring good luck for the next 12 months.
jon357  72 | 23712
27 Feb 2015   #39
Some do some don't. The number of dishes varies and tends to be a family thing.
White Europe  - | 21
12 Sep 2015   #40
Oh, and if you leave the house, but run back in because you forgot something, you have to sit down for three seconds before departing again.

What is supposed to happen if you don't sit down?
14 Feb 2016   #41
This article is stupid, these are superstitions from around the world. Especially elephants with raised trunks (that's an Asian superstition) and traditions about a bride wearing something old, borrowed, blue and new (England, America, Australia, etc).
InPolska  9 | 1796
14 Feb 2016   #42
Absolutely, Kaczor! Almost all "superstititons" in Poland can be found almost everywhere in Europe. I have noticed that old sayings are usually the same everywhere (at least in Europe).
15 Dec 2017   #43
How could a simple question about superstitions end up bashing America? lol You need to stop worrying about the United States and enjoy life.

Since the United States has people from around the world we have all their superstitions too. That doesn't mean Poland, or the US, is somehow backward. Many of the superstitions mentioned I have heard from my Polish grandparents. No, I don't believe any of them.
pawian  226 | 27817
17 Mar 2020   #44
Some things like black cats crossing the road and Friday the 13th are universal superstitions.

I like it when a black cat crosses the street, I treat it as an omen of good fortune. It never failed me.

Are there any specifically Polish ones?

How about a cockade on your car as a lucky symbol? I saw it a few times, especially in the countryside. Even my colleague who comes from the countryside has one on her car.

  • IMG_1133e1406634870.jpg
jon357  72 | 23712
18 Mar 2020   #45
I like it when a black cat crosses the street, I treat it as an omen of good fortune.

Me too. Normal in Northern England and Scotland. In Poland, however, I know people who really dislike this.
pawian  226 | 27817
18 Mar 2020   #46
That`s differences between continental and insular Europe. :)
17 Jan 2021   #47
I love Poland my mom lives there I have went there 50 times so far in my childhood :P
I have not met one superstitious person there!
pawian  226 | 27817
2 Apr 2021   #48
In Poland, however, I know people who really dislike this.

25 years ago, when I used to have a chaffeur to drive me to various workplaces out of town, he used to stop before that cat-crossing and let other cars pass us and take the omen on themselves. I am not inventing it now, it happened only once that I witnessed it but he said he always acted that way.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
11 Apr 2021   #49
I am not inventing it now,

So you admit that you 'invent' things that you post here which are not actually true.
One of the superstitions I remember was that my babcia told me was that you never to count the pierogi while they're still boiling.

All that did was make me sure to count them. lol

I used to have a chaffeur to drive me to various workplaces

No wonder you never learned how to ride a bicycle.
pawian  226 | 27817
11 Apr 2021   #50
So you admit that you 'invent' things that you post here which are not actually true.

Nope, I never invent things - everything I tell you about my experience is true and did take place in my life. But some of these things do sound incredible and you might suspect me of confabulating - ask Ironside about housewarming superstitions recently. So, when I said: I am not inventing it now, I only wanted to assure you that it was true.,

No wonder you never learned how to ride a bicycle.

What makes you think so??? :))
Miloslaw  22 | 5263
11 Apr 2021   #51
Nope, I never invent things

But you give all your posts a socialist slant......
pawian  226 | 27817
11 Apr 2021   #52
No, your perception is skewed, of course. Probably due to heavy drinking - you see things which don`t exist.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
11 Apr 2021   #53
Actually not as everyone here agrees with him so it's you that sees things that don't exist......excluding your dreams of course.
Now can we get back on topic please.
pawian  226 | 27817
11 Apr 2021   #54
Actually not as everyone here agrees with him

Actually, a few Pol Ams are not everybody here. You are even a minority. :):)

your dreams

No, it was you who dreamt - e.g., a few posts above.
Miloslaw  22 | 5263
11 Apr 2021   #55
Actually not as everyone here agrees with him

Actually, more agree with me than don't.
Please do not start with your America is great BS, because you and many other Yanks on here have already said how crap life in the US is right now

And we know it is the truth.....the American Dream was great, but that is all it is now, just a dream.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
11 Apr 2021   #56
You are even a minority

Yes you are and I am glad it finally came to light even though your light is on but there is nobody at home.
Did you know bananas are radioactive ?
pawian  226 | 27817
11 Apr 2021   #57
the American Dream was great,

Get back on topic, please. This thread is about Polish superstitions. You already have 4 off-topic warnings.

Did you know bananas are radioactive ?

No, it doesn`t belong to Polish superstitions, either.
Novichok  4 | 8803
11 Apr 2021   #58
Polish superstitions

Anybody who believes in superstitions is an idiot. The term "Polish superstitions" you just used implies that Poland is full of idiots. Was this your intent?

If not, you should apologize.
pawian  226 | 27817
11 Apr 2021   #59
you just used implies that Poland is full of idiots

No, it is an idiotic assumption that the term Polish superstitions implies that Poland bla bla. Where do you get this twisted logic from? Were you really a scientist and inventor? Even if you were, you are grossly demented now.,
pawian  226 | 27817
12 Apr 2021   #60
never post on PF on a Monday,

Really? I think you should get an appointment with an ophthalmologist soon coz you can`t see too well. I have just read a few posts by forum`s female members in other threads.

dreamers talking utter shiiiiiiiite,

Don`t mind those posters, they are bad people from US, try to hang around natives.

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