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3 reasons why you hate Poland.

Seanus  15 | 19666
5 Sep 2011   #961
You may well have a point there, bullfrog. I didn't want to imply that it doesn't exist but it's definitely not prevalent or a cultural norm.
Rumfuddle  1 | 20
22 May 2012   #962
Well, here's my own tuppence worth - and, no, I haven't been able to read every single message on this thread, But I recently spent four days in Kraków, which was my first time in Poland. And I Loved it. No, it's not perfect or glossily wonderful, nowhere is; outside of storybooks and tourist brochures. It's real and human. I've been to many countries, everywhere you get the good, the bad and the indifferent.

But the observation I would like to make here is that people often move to other countries and when they experience something negative that could really happen anywhere, they simple blame the country and portray the problem as some sort of broad cultural characteristic. I lived in Spain for many years and noticed the exact same thing, particularly among English-speaking expats. Indeed some of the dislikes listed here are the *exact* same bitter little complaints you could frequently hear from foreign residents in Spain. When I returned home to Ireland some years ago it was a relief to be able to stop viewing the world through a prism of national stereotypes; so, when someone rips you off they're a con artist not necessarily a typical Irish person, when someone says something bigoted or racist, they're a racist and not a typical Irish person, when someone skips a queue or almost runs you over in their car, they're idiots .. not typical Irish people. When someone rants about Irish history in a crudely simplistic, rabble-rousing manner they're nationalist nutcases, and not representative of every single Irish person etc etc
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427
22 May 2012   #963
people bumping into me when walking on the street
no eye contact
poor listening skills;)
PlasticPole  7 | 2641
22 May 2012   #964
Yes, and people forget the worst people are often attracted to tourism. The con artists and assorted low lifes who want to make a fast buck with very little effort. Tourist see the worst the country has to offer this way and they assume the entire country is bad. They hate the bums and the guys trying to carry their suitcases around wanting money afterwards. That is often what tourists initially see of other countries, unfortunately.
milky  13 | 1656
22 May 2012   #965
they're nationalist nutcases, and not representative of every single Irish person etc etc

?? Ní thuigim

what are you on about?
The amount of people in Ireland who say this when they see something stupid..."that's a bit Irish isn't it?'
The amount of people in Ireland who have swallowed in complete, the revisionist version of Irish history. A very simplistic version of history written by the cowboys.
pawian6661  1 | 17
22 May 2012   #966
1.- Polacken
2.- The incompetent people and the bureaucracy
3.- Polish roads and drivers
Ironside  50 | 12969
22 May 2012   #967

whats polacken ?
As for the rest of your tirade - yawn !
Rumfuddle  1 | 20
22 May 2012   #968
Hi Milky,

Ní raibh mé ag iarraidh masla a thaibairt d'éine! They were just exaggerated examples to illustrate a point, the intention was humourous.

Regarding versions of Irish history: some of the die-hard revisionists are also 'nutcases', I know. I don't believe there is an either/or choice between nationalism or revisionism, however.
rybnik  18 | 1444
23 May 2012   #969
I hate that people can hate Poland
Foreigner4  12 | 1768
25 May 2012   #970
RIGHT SIDE OF THE PATH AND OR PAVEMENT- jesus bloody murphy! Why is it so hard for Poles over the age of 30 to figure that out?
f stop  24 | 2493
26 May 2012   #971
I don't hate Poland, but I can think of two reasons why it doesn't pull me as much as it should: Poles distrustful nature and those winters.
rybnik  18 | 1444
26 May 2012   #972
Poles distrustful nature and those winters.

I too hated those winter
strzyga  2 | 990
26 May 2012   #973
But then you appreciate sunshine and spring better.
4 eigner  2 | 816
26 May 2012   #974
3 reasons why you hate Poland.

Why would anyone hate Poland or any other country for that matter? One can hate Frank or Mary but to hate a country is dumb to say the least.
patrick  6 | 113
26 May 2012   #975
I find it the other way around-I like many Polish people, but the society does have some annoying aspects, but then again I feel the same about my own country when I am home so maybe I'm the one with the problem.
natasia  3 | 368
26 May 2012   #977
Poles distrustful nature

Now THAT is an interesting one. It has taken me a long time to realise that, in my trusting way, I was dealing with people who didn't trust. (Which means, of course, that if you're nice, they just think you must be after something - they can't believe that such innocent niceness actually exists in a person older than the age of 6 months ...). Really. It is saddening more than anything. Doesn't make me 'hate' anyone - far from it - but it is something that is a massive difference between say Poland and the UK, I think.
rybnik  18 | 1444
26 May 2012   #978
But then you appreciate sunshine and spring better

true but the wait for that sun seemed inordinately long. Back in the day, the sun went away in October late, peeking out once in a while, only to return in earnest, say around late April, early May.

As to this distrustful nature of Poles, I must admit my seven years living amongst them failed to parse that out. Maybe during PRL-times they were more trusting?
4 eigner  2 | 816
26 May 2012   #979
I find it the other way around-I like many Polish people

as you say, you like many Polish people, not all of them and this is exactly what I said earlier, one can't like or hate everyone and so one can't hate any country. If you say, you hate Poland (any country), you're basically saying you hate everything about it, including its entire population.
26 May 2012   #980
But then you appreciate sunshine and spring better.

haha, that response always cracks me up.
strzyga  2 | 990
26 May 2012   #981
why? I've lived in a place where there was sun and heat every day of the year.
After a while, it becomes tiresome and boring. And you start dreaming of rain or snow.
Personal preferences. Not everybody is an all-year-round-sun lover.
milky  13 | 1656
26 May 2012   #982
Not everybody is an all-year-round-sun lover.

As an Irish person I haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate rain all the time.
NorthMancPolak  4 | 642
7 Jul 2012   #983
- too little tolerance for people who are even a bit different (piercing, wierd clothing, strange haircut etc.)

Indeed. Poland needs more Goth and metal types. And proper ravers. Too many clones with shaved heads and identikit sportswear.

- music culture - too little stations playing metal/rock/alternative music. Pop/techno/electro/disco music everywhere !

Techno's not exactly mainstream. You should go to a proper rave instead of listening to Radio ZET.

- people who think it makes them cool to play some crap techno loud in trams and buses.

True, but at least Paweł and Kasia won't "cap" you or "stab you up" for telling them to turn it down - unlike all the LaTeeshas and Du'Waynes on UK buses lol. The worst thing on Polish buses and trams is the smell of alcohol and incontinence, ugh.
Sky Night  - | 3
8 Jul 2012   #984
Well, I could start with the main three things why I could be hating Poland.

I really hate the Intolerance and Racism in this country. Why is it when they know you are not Polish they look at you at a lower angle. I find this that the Polish "nation" being "better then others" to become a bit Fascist. I mean, I wish if they were at least good at something, not economically, or educationally, or even culturally. I am not saying it is bad, it's just not as economic as Germany or educational as England or cultural as Spain (Just as an example). I always get swear words (ku**a) from people at night just because I am from another country. Heck, I even get the "Go Home" slogan of these hooligans. I am not even dark skinned, not at all.

Why is it that when Polish people know that you are rich, they envy you so much that they start to lean into hatred? I mean, right, I know I get a lot of money from my country to support me in my studies. I get my tuition payed, plus a monthly allowance of 1800 Euros. And it might not look fair, but I don't think we expect communism in Poland anymore, I was smart enough to gain a scholarship from MY OWN COUNTRY to study medicine in Poland (I didn't even pick the country or the university).

The Polish Language is only spoken by Polish people, which is roughly 32 Mil people, yet so little people know English, what is worse is that I was told to learn Polish if I was to study here, even tho I study in English and only for 7 years, what on earth would Polish language help me in for anything or in anyway? It's not like Chinese or Spanish where they are popular languages. However, I know enough Polish to get me around the city for my daily routine, I think that is more then enough. But mainly, I dislike the lack of English language among many people, specially in important jobs like in government officials, taxi drivers, shop assistants... etc.

That is three stuff now, I guess...

However, I could award few things to Poland.

There are many nice looking buildings here, they are amazing, and very pretty, I always look stunned at them.
Girls here are as beautiful as it's lovely cities, they are breath catching, really kind and friendly, I fall in love every single day.

I love the weather as well, very cold in winter and not so hot in summer, I enjoy every season that passes during a year in Poland. Seriously.
NorthMancPolak  4 | 642
8 Jul 2012   #985
The Polish Language is only spoken by Polish people


which is roughly 32 Mil people

Wrong again. Not even close.

But mainly, I dislike the lack of English language among many people, specially in important jobs like in government officials, taxi drivers, shop assistants... etc.

English isn't an official language in Poland, believe it or not.
4 eigner  2 | 816
8 Jul 2012   #986
I hate that people can hate Poland

or any country at all. One can hate Frank or Mary but the entire country?
8 Jul 2012   #987

Not by much.

English isn't an official language in Poland, believe it or not.

Regardless, it's the international language, and for any foreigner visiting Poland, not being able to use English is a downer.
4 eigner  2 | 816
8 Jul 2012   #988
My point in not naming my country, nationality or race is not to be fascist, or as a Pole would call it, being "Patriotic" about the colors of a flag or a race or the name of a country.

but why make a secret out of it? Something tells me, you're not very proud of where you're from (no big deal though).
Sky Night  - | 3
8 Jul 2012   #989
Yes, and what I can't stand is when some Poles think that they are perfect, in everyday, living in their own worlds, and everyone else is not.
8 Jul 2012   #990
Lemme address the OP's subject, first. 1. The traffic in Wrocław and other metro areas. 2. The unavailability of free public toilets. 3. The lack of variety in restaurants.

That being said, I could name tenfold more things I hate about my own city, here in America. Sky, I have a feeling the ill will you've garnered has been a product of your own attitude and personality. My name is Jason, I come from a rural state in the U.S., I am Jewish and I look like it. My spoken Polish is poor, and my clothing tastes are decidedly Western. And yet, my time and socializing in Poland could not have been more open and enjoyable. The women were approachable, the men taught me pub chants, and everyone was kind and courteous beyond my wildest expectations. Your assessment of these fine, welcoming people couldn't be further from reality. Work on yourself, before you blame others for their maltreatment.

P.S. Hipis, you are quickly becoming one of the more succinctly readable posters or PF. Keep up the good work.

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