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Poor hygiene of people in public places in Poland

Sarah B
20 Oct 2015   #1
Hi! This is kind of an embarrassing question but I thought I would ask here.

I recently did Europe vacation, mostly to Germany and Italy but I spend a few days in Krakow and Wroclaw.
There were lots of old people on the buses and when they lifted up their arms there was a wave of BO that almost made me puke.

I asked a Polish friend and she said that during communist times people didn't have soap.
I was wondering, well, isn't communism gone? and when will Polish people adapt Western ideas of hygiene?

Okay thanks for the time.
20 Oct 2015   #2
There is a big 'go organic' trend in Poland and it applies to all spheres of life (not only food). People from the west will go back to the nature too sooner or later (for now they only focus on 'global warming' issue ;)
Wulkan  - | 3136
20 Oct 2015   #3
and when will Polish people adapt Western ideas of hygiene?

Would you like to back it up with some statistics that old people in Poland use soap less often than in Italy or it's just your wishful thinking?
OP Sarah B
20 Oct 2015   #4
Wait why would I wish it?
I almost felt like gagging.
If anything I wish it weren't so.
I'm just saying if Poland is part of the European Union now they should become more Western and try to use soap and deodorant more often, thats all I'm trying to say, okay?
Wulkan  - | 3136
20 Oct 2015   #5

Not really, you're just trying to make Poland look backwards in order to boost your own ego and feel superior Yes, you have insecurities and no class whatsoever. I've been living in England for 10 years and I've seen countless amount of dirty and smelly English people, when do you think England will start using Western ideas of hygiene?
OP Sarah B
20 Oct 2015   #6
Wait, why would I use Poland to feel better about myself?
Um, I'm American?
Are you a bit insecure I think?
Look I just wanted an answer about this and I don't think you are logical enough to give a good response.
That being said I've been to Great Britain, okay?
British people don't smell the way old Polish people do.

Look I'm not saying all Polish people smell bad, okay?
I'm just talking about the gross old guys.
The worst experience was when I had to go to church with my friend's mom and it was the worst smelling place ever, the old people all smelled of alchohol and BO and it was a super creepy experience for me.
Wulkan  - | 3136
20 Oct 2015   #7
Wait, why would I use Poland to feel better about myself?

Because if you went to African forum with question why African people smell you'd be called disgusting racist but because Polish people are white you feel secure with your racial slur, you just play it safe.

Are you a bit insecure I think?

I just told you it's the other way round.

Look I just wanted an answer about this and I don't think you are logical enough to give a good response.

Look there is no answer to the question that doesn't make sense, there are smelly people in every country even in your great America.

British people don't smell the way old Polish people do.

Have you been to Great Britain for 10 years like I have?
OP Sarah B
20 Oct 2015   #8
Well that shows you don't really know me.
I'm from the South and I would never go to Africa, my daddy would just about have a heart attack.
I couldn't imagine a bigger, smellier cesspool than Africa.
I just thought Poland was a bit smelly and superstitiuos is all.
I like something there, and my friend it from there and all, but the old people smell horrible and act even worse.
Wulkan  - | 3136
20 Oct 2015   #9
I'm from the South and I would never go to Africa

Wise decision.

but the old people smell horrible and act even worse.

I guess you just had unlucky day, that's it.
OP Sarah B
20 Oct 2015   #10
If it were a day and not every day in Poland I'd like it better.

Look, you need to reign in the old people in this country - they don't cover their mouths when they cough, they try to remove you from the seats on trams if they want your seat, they bump into people and are rude, they have a terrible sense of entitlement.

They really gross me out and its not just a day its all day every day.
Atch  22 | 4299
20 Oct 2015   #11
@Wulkan. Ah thinks we got us a big ole troll here boy! She may be from 'down South' but she sure ain't no lady. A real Southern lady would be too well brought up and have too much class to express herself in those terms. Such preposterous nonsense - there are whiffy people the world over and in fact plenty of jokes have been made about the fragrance of the elderly on British tv over the years. Plenty of the whiffy ones are young as well. Wonder if our great lady has ever taught in a boys's school. Well I have and when the old gonads drop, let me tell you the perfume from the armpits is almighty.

By the way, the real troll giveaway in her post is the 'my daddy' reference. Some big old beardy bollocks as we'd say in Ireland doing his Scarlet O'Hara impression. I'm just waiting for Rhett Butler to step out of the shadows.
kaz200972  2 | 229
20 Oct 2015   #12
they try to remove you from the seats on trams if they want your seat, they bump into people and are rude, they have a terrible sense of entitlement.

If you had any manners, you would give up your seat for an elderly person automatically! Having done a life time's work and/or bringing up a family people deserve some preferential treatment.
OP Sarah B
20 Oct 2015   #13
I guess you all don't really care about the perception people have of you.

Like I said, its only the old people that are gross and nasty.

Poland won't ever become a tourist destination at this rate given the way word of mouth travels.
Wulkan  - | 3136
20 Oct 2015   #14
Poland won't ever become a tourist destination at this rate given the way word of mouth travels.

Haters gonna hate, why should we care about them?
OP Sarah B
20 Oct 2015   #15
If you are living in England shouldn't you adapt English ways and manners?
You are sounding an awful lot like the people you claim to despise - Africans and Muslims. There is nothing honorable about acting like a barbarian.

Thats why the English bear a grudge against your people.
johnny reb  49 | 7926
20 Oct 2015   #16
Sarah, you have the same accent as one of our Scottish members who posts on here.
He hasn't posted all day under his real nick which I find kind of a coincidence.
Has it ever crossed your mind that these people that you are so quick to judge are doing the best they can with what they have.

Without "daddy's" pocketbook you would most likely be right there rubbing elbows with them.
kaz200972  2 | 229
20 Oct 2015   #17
If you are living in England shouldn't you adapt English ways and manners?

I was under the impression that the post was about Poles in Poland; why should elderly Poles adapt to English ways?
If you read up about Poland you will find that state pensions aren't huge.
Deodorant is a luxury item for many pensioners but it doesn't mean that the people concerned don't shower daily!
When many of these people where younger, times were harder and money less, deodorant would be a luxury then, too.
Show some respect for your elders, they deserve it! Do you?
OP Sarah B
20 Oct 2015   #18
Deodorant is a luxury item for many pensioners.

Thats ALL I needed to know. Thank you!
You all need to stop acting so defensive, really.
What we could do is set up a Christian Charity to help get deodorant and soap to elderly Polish people.
Teach them how to use it and make sure they are getting it.
I would most definitely like to do something charitable for these people.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
20 Oct 2015   #19
Um, I'm American?

No, you aren't. Americans wouldn't make the kind of mistakes that you're making in English.

Not sure where you're from (the errors aren't characteristically Polish), but you're not a native speaker of English.

Not really, you're just trying to make Poland look backwards in order to boost your own ego and feel superior

Bloody hell. Wulkan and I agree on something. Troll is obvious troll and all that.

Johnny - get lost. I've been at work.
OP Sarah B
20 Oct 2015   #20
That's awfully silly, dear.
If I made a single grammatical error than by all means, point it out, darling.
The sad thing about our country is that we have plenty of native speakers perfectly incapable of stringing together a proper sentence.
Should you find me in that group of people than consider my offer.
Until then, I must consider that the Poles are indeed in need of Christian Charity from the West, but are held back by pride to move forward.

Americans gave charity to other European countries after the war, so Poland should be no different.

There is no shame in poverty, but neither is it something be covered up and pretend its not there, when its plain to for all to see.

We give charity to Africans, Asians and other Eastern Europeans such as Romanian street children, so why can't you just fess up and admit that your elderly are in a deplorable state and need assistance?

I came to Poland and saw a problem. I offered a remedy to this problem, but like so many cultures of poverty in this world you'd rather live in manure than have the world watch you work a shovel.
befranklin  1 | 41
20 Oct 2015   #21
Wait, why would I use Poland to feel better about myself?

I'm sorry to hear that, there are plenty of smelly Americans, maybe you just your nose so far up you American behind you really can't smell anyone else. I found the Polish people dress, act and smell much better than my fellow Americans. Obviously you are one of those privileged Americans who has never been on a public bus or train. You need to do some charity work so maybe you won't be so concerned how someone smells.
20 Oct 2015   #22
your elderly are in a deplorable state and need assistance?

Thanks, but no thanks. Your 'modern solution' to assist the elderly is to euthanize them; it's better to live in Poland till the old age and stink than to smell perfumes but be dead.
OP Sarah B
20 Oct 2015   #23
Euthanization does not occur where I'm from, thank you very much.
Have fun stinking. You stink stubbornness and unnecessary cruelty.
To think you would deny the use of soap to your own elderly reeks of backwardness and dishonor.

Well I never, not in a million years, thought I would see such depravity as what I have seen now: you first deny the problem, then after grudgingly admitting the problem exists, you try to sweep it under the rug and have the audacity to speak of respect for the elderly.

If you people respected your elderly you would not allow them to wallow in filth and bodily secretions.
You would allow them the proper use of soap, water and underarm deodorant.
You would teach them not to cut in line; to cover their mouths when they cough, and other basic rudiments of civilization that others take for granted.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
20 Oct 2015   #24
Would you like to back it up with some statistics

Noses are not subjective. We can all smell. And an unreasonably high percentage of Poles do : If, as I understand the OP is from Italy, she should know, Italian men do too.

The women are (overweight) delightful.
OP Sarah B
20 Oct 2015   #25
I am most definitely NOT from Italy.

My ancestors were from Ireland and France.

Italians, I never was close enough to smell, but they do look and act strange to me. Kind of like our Mexicans over here?

My Polish friend said she finds the Italians attractive, which is not a sentiment in which I share any commonality, thank you very much.

That being said, we do have other things which binds us in our friendship.
kaz200972  2 | 229
21 Oct 2015   #26
If you people respected your elderly you would not allow them to wallow in filth and bodily secretions.

You need to get life, death and economics into perspective Sarah!!!!!
If you are short of money, necessities such as food, water and in some countries warmth, are far greater priorities!
If there is money left over, the niceties of life e.g deodorant can then be considered!!!
Respect for elders means not bugging them about things that they may not be able to change!!! Lack of deodorant does not equate to lack of cleanliness!

What we could do is set up a Christian Charity to help get deodorant and soap to elderly Polish people.
Teach them how to use it and make sure they are getting it.

Get real, there are people dying through lack of clean water in some parts of the world!
OP Sarah B
21 Oct 2015   #27
While I know this does not sound good and Christian of me, I think that there are too many people in Africa and maybe the herd needs to be thinned out a bit?

Whereas Europe has so many beautiful cities, I would rather hone by charity into uses that at least benefit me indirectly, so I would not have to smell the elderly in Eastern Europe upon my visitations.

That being said, most of the young Polish seemed fashionable and lively with both good looking men and women.
It was only the elderly that smelled and behaved in a rather foul manner.
I even went as far to to think something I am ashamed of now, but that it would be better when they are all gone, that older generation.
Atch  22 | 4299
21 Oct 2015   #28
If I made a single grammatical error than by all means, point it out

Okey doke, in the absence of Delph, I'm happy to volunteer for that task. Remember you asked for this:

I recently did Europe vacation,

We don't 'do vacation'.

I spend a few days in Krakow and Wroclaw

Present tense instead of past. Possible typo.

I just thought Poland was a bit smelly and superstitiuos is all.

Incorrect use of the word 'superstitious'. Also incorrect spelling but we'll let that go.

shouldn't you adapt English ways and manners?

We don't adapt manners. We adopt them.

we have plenty of native speakers perfectly incapable of stringing together a proper sentence.
Should you find me in that group of people than consider my offer.

Well as you've demonstrated, you are in that group of people. What is the offer exactly? I'm not clear on that.

By the way I very generously left out some of the common American usages which would be considered incorrect grammar such as 'acting defensive' instead of acting 'defensively'.
kaz200972  2 | 229
21 Oct 2015   #29
Euthanization does not occur where I'm from, thank you very much.

You may not have 'euthanasia' where you come from; but looking at your comments you seem to be a big fan of 'eugenics'.
Into Josef Mengele much?
johnny reb  49 | 7926
21 Oct 2015   #30
I couldn't imagine a bigger, smellier cesspool than Africa.

Oh I could, how about New Jersey, now that place really stinks.

Well that shows you don't really know me.

Sure we do Pigsy. That is why you are banned and have to use several guest nicks.
Snappy archer
Sarah B

If you people respected your elderly you would not allow them to wallow in filth and bodily secretions.

Elderly hell, how about when you fell in the crap bowl in the bar and wallowed in secretion ?
Whatever possessed you to come on here and post to belittle the elderly Polish people ?
There is nothing more precious then to see a little old poor Polish villager smiling for the camera knowing what a hard life they
have endured yet still are smiling.
You are beneath contempt.

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