johnny reb 49 | 8003
11 Jan 2015 #1
Do parents & public schools believe in corporal punishment in Poland.
What are the laws in Poland regarding spanking a child.
What would you do to discipline a child ?
Talking, explanations using examples, reasoning Right, that works well with a three year old.
The old reap what you sow works pretty good tooRight, that works well with a five year old
Abstinence of things which they will missPAleeeeeez
Maybe fear tactics without the physical punishmentEven a dog can figure that out after three times
The old fashion way worked (a good crack on the B-hind gets their attention), your way is obviously failing. Just look what it has created.
No no Billy, don't do that again or you won't get dessert. Right, that is a powerful incentive.
Kids that can't balance a checkbook or spell not to mention INSTANT gradification and that we are all winners. Pffffft
When they get out on their own they can't cope with reality or support themselves so they move back into daddy & mommy's basement.
And when mommy & daddy die or throw them out they have to go on welfare because they have been hani capped by stupidity.
It's when Liberals took God out of the schools is when this bullock all started. 'Spare the rod spoil the child.'
You know the definition of an atheist ? "Anyone that does not believe in Wroclaw Boy."
What are the laws in Poland regarding spanking a child.
What would you do to discipline a child ?
Talking, explanations using examples, reasoning Right, that works well with a three year old.
The old reap what you sow works pretty good tooRight, that works well with a five year old
Abstinence of things which they will missPAleeeeeez
Maybe fear tactics without the physical punishmentEven a dog can figure that out after three times
The old fashion way worked (a good crack on the B-hind gets their attention), your way is obviously failing. Just look what it has created.
No no Billy, don't do that again or you won't get dessert. Right, that is a powerful incentive.
Kids that can't balance a checkbook or spell not to mention INSTANT gradification and that we are all winners. Pffffft
When they get out on their own they can't cope with reality or support themselves so they move back into daddy & mommy's basement.
And when mommy & daddy die or throw them out they have to go on welfare because they have been hani capped by stupidity.
It's when Liberals took God out of the schools is when this bullock all started. 'Spare the rod spoil the child.'
You know the definition of an atheist ? "Anyone that does not believe in Wroclaw Boy."