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What should parents and schools in Poland do to discipline flippant children?

johnny reb  49 | 8003
11 Jan 2015   #1
Do parents & public schools believe in corporal punishment in Poland.
What are the laws in Poland regarding spanking a child.
What would you do to discipline a child ?

Talking, explanations using examples, reasoning Right, that works well with a three year old.
The old reap what you sow works pretty good tooRight, that works well with a five year old
Abstinence of things which they will missPAleeeeeez
Maybe fear tactics without the physical punishmentEven a dog can figure that out after three times
The old fashion way worked (a good crack on the B-hind gets their attention), your way is obviously failing. Just look what it has created.

No no Billy, don't do that again or you won't get dessert. Right, that is a powerful incentive.
Kids that can't balance a checkbook or spell not to mention INSTANT gradification and that we are all winners. Pffffft
When they get out on their own they can't cope with reality or support themselves so they move back into daddy & mommy's basement.

And when mommy & daddy die or throw them out they have to go on welfare because they have been hani capped by stupidity.
It's when Liberals took God out of the schools is when this bullock all started. 'Spare the rod spoil the child.'
You know the definition of an atheist ? "Anyone that does not believe in Wroclaw Boy."
Wroclaw Boy
11 Jan 2015   #2
Funny but its always the old farts who were beaten as children who generally advocate smacking. The old "it never did me any harm" parrots out with delusional frequency.

I will never inflict physical punishment on my children as a form of discipline.

A$$hole parents create a$$hole children. Some people should require a license before being allowed to reproduce.

Right, that works well with a three year old.

You smack a three year old you sick fcuk!!

The old fashion way worked (a good crack on the B-hind gets their attention), your way is obviously failing. Just look what it has created.

I'm a parent johnny, i have some experience.
11 Jan 2015   #3
Any teacher that cannot hold the class without getting physical is simply wrong for the job and should be fired
A bit different with parents because you can be a parent without any knowledge about kids or human nature so they simply cannot find any other way.

It's illegal to hit a kid. I saw once teacher doing that and she was sacked so quicly.
With parents...noone puts parents to jail for smacking a kid on the bum but every year there is less tolerance for that.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
12 Jan 2015   #4
Shaman did this happen in Poland ?
I am trying to find out Polish views on discipline.

You smack a three year old you sick fcuk!!

Oh for crying out loud you dick head.
Another one of your DEDUCIBLE innuendo assumptions to defame.
Give it a break loser.
12 Jan 2015   #5
WB, if there is anyone on this site who needed more disipline as a child, its you.

With our son, he only takes notice if he genuinely belives hes hurt us or made us mad. Everything else is funny.
12 Jan 2015   #6
Yes, in Poland in the 90's. Kids hated her (for good reason) and one kid threw a piece of plant at her she turned around, asked the wrong kid to stand and smacked him. We never saw her again. In Poland now she would probably be fired disciplinary (going on record and without any extra money for goodbye) and I wouldn't be suprised if the parents sued her. But it was the 90 so she was probably asked to go away quietly and never come back.

If a teacher hit my kid and it wasn't self-defence I would put them through hell. That teacher was lucky because parents were patological and just didn't care.
tygrys  2 | 290
12 Jan 2015   #7
Hitting only makes children more agressive, resentful, hateful etc. Compare the people who were hit as children to those who never were, and you will see the difference in their education, manners and outlook on life.
pigsy  7 | 304
12 Jan 2015   #8
I agree with you,my kids never hit by both of us and never refused for anything if we could afford something only told whats ours is theres also now are well educated and well settled earing 6 figures in there 20s.All i asked was NO drugs,No Tatoos,No piercings,and no baggy pants which they followed to do and fit well in corporate america.

Some of my friends kids I see are problems and in heart I see its parents bringing up who mind there kids too much either too liberal or too strict.And yes private schools do make a difference then public schools which expose them to trash no matter what town you live in(im talking america) even if it is a good/rich town,parents still could be trash.

Also I feel bad about childless fathers* who cant have that experience:)
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
12 Jan 2015   #9
quote by the Reb:

Shaman did this happen in Poland ?
I am trying to find out Polish views on discipline

Good grief Shaman, your first post was one of the best posts that I have ever read on the Polish Forum
yet it got deleted for SOME ODD REASON.
Your second one got to stay. Hmmmm
Maybe because you agreed with me that a swat on the butt never hurt anyone. (Besides their feelings)
Your post balanced the opinions out FROM POLISH PEOPLE here.
Now the thread reads very bias in favor of no swats on the butt.
I wonder what the moderator who deleted your post views are on the subject ? Urg !
Everyone else I want to thank for your opinions.
I see that the laws are similiar to the ones in America.
DominicB  - | 2706
12 Jan 2015   #10
The thought police deleted this on the other thread, so I'll add it back here, where it belongs:

Things took a serious turn for the worse when they outlawed corporal punishment in school. Back in the day, kids behaved because they knew that if they didn't, they could expect a sound thrashing in the principal's office, and another one from Dad when they got home. Discipline was enforced so that proper education could proceed unhindered. There were, and still are, children who cannot learn how to behave without the use of physical discipline.

Nowadays, do-gooder "children's rights" organizations go ape$hit if a teacher even looks at a pupil the wrong way, and any physical contact is prosecuted as "assault".

The four best teachers in human history are Pain, Shame, Fear and Guilt. Unfortunately, they have been banned from our schools, which is why we are losing our place in the sun to the Chinese, where teachers can punish unruly children properly.

Knowledge enters a kids brain through various channels. For some kids, it's the eyes. For others, the ears. But there will always be a good percentage of children for whom it is the bottom. Let teachers use all the tools at their disposal, so Western civilization can regain its greatness.
12 Jan 2015   #11
All my posts are here. And to be clear- I think hitting kids is wrong- how would you like it if your boss was able to hit you every time he thinks you did something wrong? Or your kids when they think you did the wrong thing? Cool right?

If physical punishment is not ok to be performed on an adult why it should be ok to do it to a defenseless child? Just because we can? Just because he won't fight back?

I only said that parents, that usually have no pedagogic knowledge, often operate on hunches and are not metchodical can get frustrated, feel lost and helpless and hit a child because that's the only option they see. I still don't think it's ok,I just understand how it happens. But never ever would I say that it's the right way to go.

I hit a kid once when I was almost a kid myself and I will never ever do it again. I realised then by expression on her face (it didn't hurt her, it was reproach not a way to hurt the kid) that I hurt her dignity.

Poland would trash the memory of one of the gratest pedagogist- Korczak if it allowed physical punishment on kids.
Wroclaw Boy
12 Jan 2015   #12
Maybe because you agreed with me that a swat on the butt never hurt anyone. (Besides their feelings)

What have you done to your children johnny? How did you punish them exactly and what was it for? Are they now smacking their own children as a result of what you did? Have you ever been so angry that you actually caused physical pain to the people you love the most, to the ones who are supposed to trust you 100%? Did you ever use the belt by any chance......??

If i saw fear in my childs eyes as a direct result of what i was going to do / or did it would haunt me for the rest of my life. and I'm sure it would leave emotional scars on them too. Parents who use physical punishment as a form of discipline ought to be smacked themselves. I'll gladly do it.

how would you like it if your boss was able to hit you every time he thinks you did something wrong? Or your kids when they think you did the wrong thing? Cool right?

BOOM there you go.

We teach our children through all walks of life, to show them the way, i really can't think of anything worse than beating a life lesson, Violence teaches violence and i guarantee that those who advocate smacking were themselves smacked as children....every single time.

my little girl was told last week at school that she couldn't go to the toilet and that she shouldn't be a baby, she has a bladder infection and came home with wet knickers, would it be OK to smack a child for asking to use the toilet repeatedly? If a teacher lays a fcuking hand on my little girl they'll feel my hand.

Smacking advocates are from the stone ages.

How do people here feel about their children coming home from school and saying that they were smacked in front of the entire class? Who says the teachers were right, who arbiters that, its the teachers right....So its OK with you johnny and Dominic to let a stranger hit your child? To publicly humiliate them?
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
12 Jan 2015   #13
If a teacher lays a fcuking hand on my little girl they'll feel my hand.

Isn't that an oxymoron ? LOL

Smacking advocates are from the stone ages. old knuckle dragger you.

First thank you DominicB as I got you mixed up with Shaman.
Thank you for reposting it.
And thank you Shaman for your explaination.
Now let's quit sensationalizing with the word smack with the word spank.
I don't mean smack in the face, I mean a spank on the butt to get a kids attention.
I firmly believe after five or six years old it's to late to spank a kid on the butt.
If they haven't been taught by then it's to late.
And when doing so you only use the palm of your hand, not a stick, not a belt, not a paddle.
Does that help clarify my meaning of spanking a child ?
Even with the dangerously uninformed liberals ruining our schools most of my family and friends
still spank at home.
Wroclaw Boy
12 Jan 2015   #14
Now let's quit sensationalizing with the word smack with the word spank.

Im English you're an American they mean the same things on our respective diversities of the English language.

And when doing so you only use the palm of your hand, not a stick, not a belt, not a paddle.
Does that help clarify my meaning of spanking a child ?

No it does not, so if its a spank with the palm of your hand thats not going to hurt at all, so whats the point? If you ain't bringing the pain it'd be a big joke right, may as well just give them a pat on the back. Come on johnny you gotta give them a right good whack to get the message home......right? No pain no message.

I firmly believe after five or six years old it's to late to spank a kid on the butt.

and thats when the belt comes out.........or worse..
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
12 Jan 2015   #15
It's it me or does this guy just want to argue to go off thread ?
He follows me around this Forum like a lost puppy.

and thats when the belt comes out.........or worse..

Then you should be arrested Boy.

my little girl was told last week at school that she couldn't go to the toilet and that she shouldn't be a baby, she has a bladder infection and came home with wet knickers,

What an incompetent parent not letting the teacher know this in advance.
Why would a parent shame his child that way in front of her whole class.
You may as well have spanked her instead of the life long shame that you caused her.
You are the one that should be punished with a good boot in the butt.
Now for the love of the Polish Forum can we get back on thread and STAY on thread.
Case in point:
How many times do you have to be told this ?
See how the lack of a good crack on the b-hind when you were about two years old
might have helped developed your listening skills to have some manners and respect.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
28 Dec 2021   #16
Why is it that the older generations advocate giving an unrulily child a crack on the butt that turned out a generation of accountable people with manners and respect for others.

This technique is now against the law and just look at the dysfunctional mess we have in society now.
The proof is in the pudding that the old way worked, and the new way has been a complete failure.

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