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Owning a house in true countryside of Poland - stories

OP pawian  226 | 27817
15 Oct 2024   #631
So I added another cob

You can easily guess what happened to it. I am preparing a new one........

As for the designation of metal barrels, I am still waiting for replies.

There are none. Amasing!!!

here you are. Everybody can see for themselves so no need to explain. I have cleaned and been using 6 barrels so far. The bath tub is an earlier acquisition - I picked it from a street in the big city.

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OP pawian  226 | 27817
19 Oct 2024   #632
Skies in our area:

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  • b

  • c

  • d
Alien  26 | 6563
19 Oct 2024   #633

I don't see any UFOs.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
19 Oct 2024   #634
any UFOs.

How about here?:

  • a
Alien  26 | 6563
19 Oct 2024   #635

I said UFO, not Godzilla
Feniks  2 | 863
19 Oct 2024   #636
Looks like a dog to me...
OP pawian  226 | 27817
19 Oct 2024   #637

Amasing! i wondered what you would see in this cloud formation and imagined you say Godzilla. How do I know you so well????? You frighten me......

While i see a dog in this cloud.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
19 Oct 2024   #638
not Godzilla

Now it is Godzilla.... :):):)

  • a
OP pawian  226 | 27817
19 Oct 2024   #639
verybody can see for themselves so no need to explain.

It has just occured to me that I was too optimistic and you might not know the actual purpose of those metal barrels. What is it exactly???
Alien  26 | 6563
20 Oct 2024   #640
might not know the actual purpose of those metal barrels. What is it exactly???

Rainwater storage?
OP pawian  226 | 27817
20 Oct 2024   #641
Yes! How is it collected???
Alien  26 | 6563
20 Oct 2024   #642
! How is it collected

You put these barrels under the gutter.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
22 Oct 2024   #643
Yes. It took a few hours of intense rain to fill up 200 litres barrels to the brim. Amasing.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
6 Nov 2024   #644
You can easily guess what happened to it. I am preparing a new one..

I have provided the hamster with the tenth cob. I find it amasing the animal seems to pull them inside its burrow whole, instead of packing separate corn grains into its cheek pouches.
Guten Appetit, Mr/Mrs/Ms Hamster!
OP pawian  226 | 27817
19 Nov 2024   #645
I have provided the hamster with the tenth cob

Ooops, it seems I was cheated on by a much cleverer animal than a hamster, namely a rat. I installed a photo trap in the spot and discovered the place is infested with mice and one big rat. A cat also appeared but probably didn`t do well. Fekk!!!!
I worry about the hamster. Did it go to sleep or it perished after a few days without supplies???

PS. I put rat poison in the barn. This is fekking war and I have no mercy. I will go to Hell, I know.
Alien  26 | 6563
20 Nov 2024   #646
I put rat poison in the barn

You've brought out the big guns. I wonder how the rat will respond.
Feniks  2 | 863
20 Nov 2024   #647
I wonder how the rat will respond.

Rats are clever and might not take the bait. I had a problem with rats in the garden a while back. They had dug up around the manhole cover where the sewer is.
I put traps out but they ignored them completely. Six months later the bait is still untouched.

In the end someone come in to repair around the sewer and also take out the pond. Haven't seen any since but behind where I live is lots of undergrowth from being beside a railway line so rats and other wildlife are common. I've had badgers and foxes in the garden too.

This is fekking war and I have no mercy.

Remove all food if possible.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
20 Nov 2024   #648
how the rat will respond.

He already did with a few stupid comments. hahaha buhahaha

Remove all food if possible.

Good advice, as usual. Unfortunately, my compost heap behind the barn is sort of open.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
21 Nov 2024   #649
might not take the bait.

I changed my mind and removed the poison coz the country cat whom I saw in pics and videos on the camera trap might be accidentally harmed.
Now I took out the cage trap to catch the rat. Mice can go free.

The funniest thing is that I still don`t know what happened to the corn cob bait coz I had put it too close to the camera and the lens didn`t cover the view ..............

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OP pawian  226 | 27817
23 Nov 2024   #650
coz the country cat might be accidentally harmed.

I am not sure, I only guess so that a cat which devours a poison-terminated mouse might get poisoned in result.

Now I took out the cage trap to catch the rat.

No success after two days. Yet. I have been wondering all day what I would do to the rat whom I christened as Mil coz it reminds me of sb. Murdering it in cold or hot blood is out of question. I have several ideas, good and bad.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
23 Nov 2024   #651
Remove all food if possible.

At first, the compost heap came to my mind when I read your advice.
However, today I was raking walnut tree leaves around the house and suddenly realised rodents don`t need compost refuse cos they can easily feed on nuts which remain in inaccessible places like among bushes or behind the fence. Let me remind you all the house is surrounded by giant walnut trees.
When I sometimes walk along the garden, I can hear crackling noises under thuya trees - it is mice working hard on nuts.
Feniks  2 | 863
23 Nov 2024   #652
I only guess so that a cat which devours a poison-terminated mouse might get poisoned in result.

Very likely. Modern rat poisons are anti-coagulants and as such the rats will bleed to death. It is a slow death too. The poison can stay in the body for months and will get higher up the food chain as rat predators such as foxes and birds etc will get secondary poisoning from ingestion.

I didn't want to use poison but the final straw was finding one in the kitchen. Came back from serving dinner and it was there looking at me before it bolted and ran.

No success after two days. Yet.

Mine has been months now. To start with rats are neophobic. They don't like new things and your cage trap is the equivalent of a big red flag for the rat. Secondly, they are very good at detecting human scent. You should have used gloves when setting the cage up, preferably rubbed in soil too.

suddenly realised rodents don`t need compost refuse cos they can easily feed on nuts

They might just prefer your compost. There is no food whatsoever in my garden but I still had a problem. I learned years ago that I couldn't have bird feeders and now the pond has gone so they don't have a water supply. It got so bad at one point that what I thought were frolicking squirrels in my flower beds turned out to be rats :(

Had to remove all plant pots as they were using them to hide behind in their exploration of the garden. Now my garden just looks dead but the sewer repairs and pond removal seems to have done the trick.

Best of luck!
OP pawian  226 | 27817
23 Nov 2024   #653
detecting human scent. You should have used gloves

Yes, I knew about it but was too lazy to put them on. :):):)

They might just prefer your compost.

Exactly. Camera trap picture No 3 shows a piece of refuse brought by the rat to the barn backdoor.

Well, actually, it isn`t such a nuisance to my farming as moles. I jokingly said it was a war on the rat but to be honest, I don`t consider them such a threat. The only problem is they compete with hamsters, which are seriously endangered, for food and habitat.

Best of luck!

How is it that I read your whole long post with pleasure while I am not able to do it with other posters` lengthy production/output and tell them to provide a summary???????
OP pawian  226 | 27817
23 Nov 2024   #654
will get secondary poisoning from ingestion.

I suspected it but wasn`t sure. Thanks, now I am going to give it up.
Still, those country cats which visit us are based in nearby farmhouses coz a cat isn`t able t survive on its own in such an area, opposite to the city. I suppose they regularly get their food from the owners and they only hunt for fun, without eating their prey.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
23 Nov 2024   #655
they only hunt for fun, without eating their prey.

Hmmm, I can`t be so sure coz today I saw feathers scattered all over the ground in the tortoise enclosure and the carcass was missing. Not even the head or legs which are inedible. It might have been a cat. Or another predator.
Feniks  2 | 863
24 Nov 2024   #656
they only hunt for fun, without eating their prey.

I've not known cats to eat their prey but I know they will definitely kill it if they can. My last cat was such a good hunter I had to put a collar on her with lots of bells attached. She kept bringing birds that she'd killed into the house. She also decimated the slow worm population in my garden :(

How is it that I read your whole long post with pleasure while I am not able to do it with other posters` lengthy production/output

You can do it with others too but I notice that you will ask the posters you have fallen out with to summarise their posts.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
24 Nov 2024   #657
to summarise their posts.

Yes, because I refuse to waste time on their useless doodle. ):):) Never mind, let`s talk about sth much more pleasant here.... ):):)

A water pipe burst in one of the toilets. I borrowed equipment from a friend of mine who explained everything to me and I did it myself. A piece of cake.

It meant cutting of the broken piece and replacing it with a new one using a special heater for plastic materials. Heated pipe endings are joined with a wider linking piece after you melt the plastic. It takes a minute.

Amasing technology! I still remember how plumbers struggled with fixing those metal pipes in the past and how long they spent on screwing all pieces together and insulating all the connections.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
27 Nov 2024   #658
The funniest thing is that I still don`t know what happened to the corn cob bait coz I had put it too close to the camera and the lens didn`t cover the view ..............

The mystery is still unsolved coz the last days have been bringing fog and moisture covered the lens which made photos too obscure to detect what abducted the cob. E.g, this morning, it happened between 5.19 am and 5.49 am. I can only distinguish the dim shape of the cob and in the next photo it disappears.
But!!!! The rat has disappeared from the photos, either!!! Previously, it had played its main role before the camera every 30 minutes. Now, completely gone, ( except those morning fog hours).
Did Mil meet Ginger and they had a serious talk about the matters of life and death???
Ironside  51 | 13114
27 Nov 2024   #659
The mystery

of your missing brian is unsolved too, but maybe you are closer to the answer than you think, maybe it was that rat that ate your brain or maybe that rat is a manifestation of a deeper issue..
jon357  72 | 23680
29 Nov 2024   #660
missing brian

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