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Owning a house in true countryside of Poland - stories

Miloslaw  21 | 4867
1 May 2024 #571
What is your IQ????

Higher than yours, I am a member of MENSA.

Look at the zoomed lizard.

Looks like Tusk to me..... a slippery lizard...... LOL!!!!
OP pawian  220 | 24927
1 May 2024 #572
member of MENSA.

Not yet. You will be in 200 years time on condition you keep in regular touch with me in the forum. hahahaha buhahaha

Looks like Tusk to me

You are obsessed. What had your wife said about it before she left?? :):):)


Exactly! hahahaha
OP pawian  220 | 24927
2 May 2024 #573
I thought all types of such lizards do that,

Hmm, if you mean that agile lizard species, that is probably true. There aren`t other lizards here so we can assume that all Polish lizards discard their tailes in danger.

that's why you don't catch them by the tail.

Yes, I was careful dealing with it single handedly with utmost delicacy as we can see in the photo.

Tusk to me..... a lizard

Yes, Mr Honourable Prime Holy Minister Donald Reverend Tusk can be compared to a lizard which feeds on worms and various irritating insects like mosquitoes. He did eat a few on 15 Oct last year when PIS was removed from power. hahahaha buhahahaha What a witz!!! hahahaha

Ironside  50 | 12456
2 May 2024 #574
There aren`t other lizards here

There is a Tusk kind and he lost his tail a long time ago, It Doesn't seem to grow back,
OP pawian  220 | 24927
2 May 2024 #575
It Doesn't seem to grow back,

Coz now he uses his brains. :):):)
mafketis  38 | 10843
2 May 2024 #576
Coz now

I had a response to your comment on Bank in the music thread but I'm boycotting that and your dm's are blocked, so....
Ironside  50 | 12456
2 May 2024 #577
he uses his brains

Indeed his lizard brains.
OP pawian  220 | 24927
2 May 2024 #578
his lizard

Stop obsessing about Mr Honourable Prime Holy Minister Donald Reverend Tusk. It is unhealthy. :):):)

Check these skies over my place.

OP pawian  220 | 24927
27 Jun 2024 #579
This year is a difficult one in the orchard, garden and field. Warm temps in March/April quickened the growth of vegetation so several stages have overlapped with each other - sowing, planting, weeding and harvesting. Do you remember how I complained I was too busy? Quite rightly coz I had to do so many things.
For example, right now gooseberry and sour cherry are waiting for picking but I don`t have time coz I need to unweed the potato, tomato, beetroot and other patches first.
OP pawian  220 | 24927
27 Jun 2024 #580
When I visited the Botanical Garden as a child, I loved the passages between plants and trees. They were like long and dark tunnels. I didn`t mean to create ones in our garden coz I was preoccupied with other ideas. However, today I can see that the passages are developing nicely. Amasing!

OP pawian  220 | 24927
5 Aug 2024 #581
The barn is too big to keep proper tindiness in it. Order prevails in some parts while the other are messy. Compare.

OP pawian  220 | 24927
7 Aug 2024 #582
Agrofabric is extensively used on our farm.

Photos show potato and strawberry patches covered with fabric this year. It brings amasing results. Next year I am going to use it on other veg like tomatoes or celery.

OP pawian  220 | 24927
7 Aug 2024 #583
I always get a heartache when I have to kill those little creatures which feed on our crops. Each season I terminate hundreds of thousands if we count in eggs, too. Poor bugs. But I have no choice - it is either them or my food.
Couples making love are not aware of the fate that awaits them.

OP pawian  220 | 24927
7 Aug 2024 #584
strawberry patches

This year strawberries grew abundantly, like all fruit. However, I wasn`t satisfied with the Honeydew variety coz it wasn`t sweet enough despite a lot of sunny weather and hot temps. Probably it is the problem of soil which doesn`t suit Honeydew. I am going to get rid of this variety and return to the overbearing one I grew a few years ago. It was always sweet.

OP pawian  220 | 24927
14 Aug 2024 #585
Amazing skies over us:

OP pawian  220 | 24927
15 Aug 2024 #586
Let me remind you there is still an unanswered riddle in 535.

Every year I promise myself I won`t be bothered with manual weeding and will use glifosat chemical next year. However, I still find time to weed large areas of veg beds. How long?

Check the photos - kohlrabi and onion patch - the dense greenery means unweeded area. And there are dozens of such patches to be controlled. It is madness. I got some disorder with the tendon of one of my right forearm muscles. I already had it last year and thought it was caused by my old lawn mower. But it wasn`t - I changed the mower and the problem reappeared this year.

I am afraid weed chemicals will be unavoidable in a few years` time.

OP pawian  220 | 24927
18 Aug 2024 #587
What is this installation for?

Feniks  1 | 485
19 Aug 2024 #588
Is this something to be planted? Installation is a strange word to use.
OP pawian  220 | 24927
19 Aug 2024 #589
Not planted. Not yet. I planted two cherry plum seedlings there next to the adult tree later on but first the agrofabric served another purpose. What exactly?

Installation sounds strange coz it reminds you of an artistic creation and this doesn`t look like one. But I assure you, it is artistic. Baboon`s artism it is. hahahaha
Feniks  1 | 485
21 Aug 2024 #590
What exactly?

Prevent weed growth in the area you wanted to plant the seedlings in?
OP pawian  220 | 24927
21 Aug 2024 #591
Sorry, not exactly. This purpose is valid now while I spread that fabric for another reason at first.
See a closer view:

Alien  22 | 5478
21 Aug 2024 #592
See a closer view:

You are picking fruit, unfortunately I don't know what kind.
OP pawian  220 | 24927
21 Aug 2024 #593
More exactly, picking up from the agrofabric. And it is cherry plum. But it doesn`t count as a guess coz it was too easy with that second pic. :):):)
OP pawian  220 | 24927
21 Aug 2024 #594
Urban kids love working in the garden. While I work as a guardian.

OP pawian  220 | 24927
22 Aug 2024 #595
And their parents love shooting the gun

OP pawian  220 | 24927
10 Sep 2024 #596
What use am I going to put those metal containers to??? I got them for free my a family member who runs a small food processing company.

OP pawian  220 | 24927
1 day ago #597
But still seeing them at a close distance is an interesting experience.

Today, when I went out to the garden, I had a strange encounter with two birds - a pidgeon first and later a blackbird. They were staying on the ground and didn`t fly away when I approached, like 1 metre away. The pidgeon was sitting on the gate leading to the orchard while the blackbird was under a raspberry bush when I was picking fruit. They were totally fearless.
I was in deep shock.
Were they the souls of the previous owners of the farm for whom I regularly say prayers, even today, and they wanted to show me I do the right thing for them?

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