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Owning a house in true countryside of Poland - stories

Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
2 Sep 2022   #361
That`s American style, not Polish

Stop making up stuff. Smokehouses are not Amierican invetion.
OP pawian  225 | 27331
2 Sep 2022   #362
Smokehouses are not Amierican invetion.

?????????????? Where did I say Ams invented them????????
It seems you see things which don`t exist. hahahaha
Przelotnyptak1  - | 498
2 Sep 2022   #363
Where did I say Ams invented them?

Inventing is one thing, old stuff, thousands years old, but improving is an American specialty now; Paw, stay away from American "territory," and you will be OK::))
OP pawian  225 | 27331
2 Sep 2022   #364
Paw, stay away from American "territory,"

I can`t coz you never let me. Ha!
E.g: The way I do it. First, I built a proper ............................. hahaha

improving is an American specialty now;

Tell it to Cojest. :):):) He told you: Stop making up stuff. hahahaha
Przelotnyptak1  - | 498
3 Sep 2022   #365
Tell it to Cojest. :):):) He told you: Stop making up stuff. hahahaha

Paw, if I am not mistaken, Cojest used precisely the exact words when he was talking to you.HEEEEE
OP pawian  225 | 27331
3 Sep 2022   #366
Cojest used precisely the exact words when he was talking to you

Yes, exactly!! However, he did it by mistake coz you were the real addressee of his words. It was you who said:

The way I do it. First, I built a proper smokehouse with a smoking chamber fifteen ft. from the fire;

Then I mentioned American style and I meant what I read from you: That`s American style, not Polish. Polish style is sausage on a stick which you hold on your own and try not to drop it into the fire

So, when Cojest said sth about Am inventing, it was to you, not me, in fact, coz I had only commented on your own words. Simple. Ha!


OP pawian  225 | 27331
3 Sep 2022   #367
Riddle: how did I cook them??

It was about lemon oyster mushrooms
My fave style - frying - crispy crunchy stuff is the best. I had them for the last supper.

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Przelotnyptak1  - | 498
3 Sep 2022   #368
coz I had only commented on your own words. Simple. Ha!

Paw, you tripped over your shoelaces in the convoluted explanation, hoping to confuse me, the innocent bystander. But I know the truth,
Prices are high, supplies low, so you are jealous of the abundance I am blessed with. Not that I am not incapable of sympathy, I understand how painful it must be, burning shriveled hot dog, knowing I am delighting myself with a fantastic mysliwska.:::)))
OP pawian  225 | 27331
3 Sep 2022   #369
I am delighting myself with a fantastic mysliwska.:

Fantastic? No, you only think it is such but your sausage hasn`t even lied next to a true Polish sausage. After all, you aren`t Polish anymore so you don`t make truly Polish stuff. It is heavily influenced with Am culture. :):):):)

hasn`t even lied

oops, I was so thoughtless! hasn`t lain, of course.
Przelotnyptak1  - | 498
4 Sep 2022   #370
Polish anymore so you don't make truly Polish stuff

Paw Polish -American and proud. Probably more Polish than you, patriotically speaking. My place of residency is irrelevant, like yours (not Polish anymore),
Luckey, your judgment has no value in this matter. As for mysliwska I am not talking about grocery store sausage; I am talking about stuff I make, and don't forget

the importance venison plays. Even excellent Mysliwska in Polish delikatesy can't compare because it lacks venison.
OP pawian  225 | 27331
4 Sep 2022   #371
My place of residency is irrelevant, like yours

???? Nobody mentioned it before.

Probably more Polish than you,

Wrong! Nobody is more Polish than me! I left the US after 1.5 year to return to my beloved motherland which in Polish we call fatherland. Ha!

Even excellent Mysliwska in Polish delikatesy can't compare because it lacks venison.

Wrong again! You can buy deer, wild boar, hare etc sausage in regular hypermarkets, no need to visit Deli shops. :):):)

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Przelotnyptak1  - | 498
5 Sep 2022   #372
Wrong! Nobody is more Polish than me! I left the US after 1.5 year t

After an embarrassing fiasco with your attractive boss, you lost your spunk and heavily relied on the service of your horse. Finally, in the moment of clarity and sober look on your callused hands, you were forced to return home to enjoy normal sex life with a real dziolcha. I would charitably accept you as a Pole (of the inferior rank, of course), but you must promise that you abounded prancing with a rainbow flag and renounce your alliance to Burundi and Rwanda.::::)))))

Wrong again! You can buy deer, wild boar, hare

Yeah, and many privileged are buying, but Paw, be honest, how many grams or dekagrams of said delicacy you personally consumed in the year 2022?
You see, I kip my fingers on the pulse of my fatherland through contact with my extended family, so I understand the suffering of my people.

Wrong again!

Oh yeah? Hyper prices prevent plebs from overrunning the hypermarkets:::)))
OP pawian  225 | 27331
10 Sep 2022   #373
A quote from the OP`s first post 3 years ago.

8/ This is a little secret, will elaborate in future.

We did it in her bedroom first.
Then, in my bedroom.
Next, in tents next to the house. A small one and a big one.
Later, in the car outside. In the morning.
After that, in the car but at night.
This year we did it on the grass under the grapevine construction. Amasing!

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OP pawian  225 | 27331
10 Sep 2022   #374
We did it

All past dids were multiple, of course, except this year`s which only happened twice.
OP pawian  225 | 27331
5 Feb 2023   #375
What is this thing from the field?

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Miloslaw  20 | 5113
5 Feb 2023   #376

Nice to see that you are going back to making sensible and interesting posts about Poland.
OP pawian  225 | 27331
5 Feb 2023   #377
I never cease to make sensible and interesting posts. You are just too biased to see it. Simple. Ha!
Miloslaw  20 | 5113
5 Feb 2023   #378
You are just too biased to see it

And you are too narrow.minded to see that I appreciate those type of posts.
OP pawian  225 | 27331
7 Feb 2023   #379
What is this thing from the field?

Here is another picture which shows the same stuff but from a different perspective

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7 Feb 2023   #380
OP pawian  225 | 27331
7 Feb 2023   #381
Yes, I knew I can always depend on you. :):):):) Excellent.

Chickory roots which I dug out from the field in winter time are put into soil in pots/buckets and stored in the cellar. After two weeks you can harvest excellent Belgian endive.

The first photo shows the timber wood burner used for heating. What does the other photo show?

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8 Feb 2023   #382
What does the other photo show?

Is it a wood pellet burner/stove?
OP pawian  225 | 27331
8 Feb 2023   #383
wood pellet

Yes!!! As usual, a perfect guess. :):):)

Another riddle. Shyt, I can`t resist. :):):)

What the matter???

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13 Feb 2023   #384
1) You've become an impromptu gravedigger?

2) You forgot where you planted your carrots?

3) You're trying to find your way out?

4) The spade is stuck in the frozen ground?

5) I'm running out of ideas so a clue would be helpful :)
OP pawian  225 | 27331
13 Feb 2023   #385
2) You forgot where you planted your carrots?

This one is the closest except I didn`t forget anything and they weren`t carrots. :):):)
15 Feb 2023   #386
You wanted to try and save whatever you'd planted from the snow and cold by digging it up?
Barney  19 | 1754
15 Feb 2023   #387
People used to store root veg particularly spuds in a clamp. Perhaps he was digging potatoes.
gumishu  15 | 6227
15 Feb 2023   #388
Perhaps he was digging potatoe

potatoes are not frost resistant so people don't leave them in the ground for the winter (at least here in Poland) - we leave some leek to overwinter in the garden as leek tends not to fare well in our cellar - the thing is leek is pretty conspicuous in the garden even with some snow
15 Feb 2023   #389
People used to store root veg particularly spuds in a clamp.

I had to google what a clamp is, never heard of it before! I was thinking of spuds or possibly turnips.

Home / Life / Owning a house in true countryside of Poland - stories
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