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Owning a house in true countryside of Poland - stories

mafketis  38 | 10956
25 Aug 2022   #331
I see the gray ones all the time

Nasty rat-like buggers.... red squirrels are adorable and gray squirrels will destroy red squirrel populations....
jon357  72 | 23037
25 Aug 2022   #332
Nasty rat-like bugger

They're sweet too, however they do fight and kill the red ones.
OP pawian  219 | 24895
25 Aug 2022   #333
The concrete foundation which I removed from the lawn next to the house a few days ago now has been turned into the wall holding soil on the upper veg patch. Our farm is on a slope which unnerves me coz watering those patches is a nuisance as the water flows down freely. So I started making them flat even, like terrace fields in Asia, you know.

It is an experiment to see how it works. If it does, I have more such concrete blocks in the dump rubble heap nearby.

mafketis  38 | 10956
25 Aug 2022   #334
They're sweet too

University I went to in the states was full of them... nasty aggressive buggers that tried to steal your food if you tried to eat outside...
jon357  72 | 23037
25 Aug 2022   #335
Mine too in England, in the University's leafy bits.

I like it when they scurry along the clothes line in the garden upside down to steal food from birds' feeding boxes.

In Warsaw we only have red ones (though seriously a lot of them on the edge of Kampinoski Forest). The cat goes crazy with blood lust when he sees them.
OP pawian  219 | 24895
25 Aug 2022   #336
nasty aggressive buggers that tried to steal your food

In Poland bears are such. You were lucky, after all.
Kashub1410  6 | 580
25 Aug 2022   #337
I would look at them with a grin of: Ooo free meal! Come closer teddy teddy :)
OP pawian  219 | 24895
25 Aug 2022   #338
And then you look in disbelief at your arm, disattached from your body by an angry bear. hahahaha

Cooking in the countryside

  • Irish stew with boiled potatoes

  • Potato pancakes ala Hungarian

  • Tortillas

  • Potato pancakes again, with black pudding
Kashub1410  6 | 580
25 Aug 2022   #339
I have sold solar panels in Polish villages and made Barkings aggressive dogs hide in their small doghouses simply by looking at em mate. You see a bear, call me. I'm up for the challenge
OP pawian  219 | 24895
25 Aug 2022   #340
Barkings aggressive dogs hide in their small doghouses simply by looking at em mate

Have you ever worked as a vet or dog catcher?? Dogs perfectly smell and avoid people of these two professions.
Kashub1410  6 | 580
25 Aug 2022   #341
I assisted a vet in my youth for a week, also had dogs most of my life.
OP pawian  219 | 24895
25 Aug 2022   #342
I assisted a vet in my youth for a week

That was enough, you gained that awful vibe which dogs can sense till today.

Cooking cont:
Fried potatoes, fried egg, fried sausage and fresh green onion

Pawian`s veg soup - thick enough to make one course

Frankfurter sausages in puffy pastry, my kids` fave food

OP pawian  219 | 24895
26 Aug 2022   #344
They came out at last!!

And I have just eaten them all coz my wife and kids have a stomache bug.
Riddle: how did I cook them??
Przelotnyptak1  - | 383
28 Aug 2022   #345
I find so many of them on my property I had to dry the majority. My wife made amazing gravy with the generous addition of oyster mushrooms. My wife makes the world's best chicken w potrawce; adding dry mushrooms to the sauce made it absolutely terrific. Oyster mushrooms grow like crazy in the area where I dump the autumn's fallen leaves
OP pawian  219 | 24895
28 Aug 2022   #346
Oyster mushrooms grow like crazy in the area

Here they don`t that is why we need to plant them.

Żywot człowieka poczciwego - Life of a decent man - it is a long essay by the father of Polish literature - Mikołaj Rej from 16th century.
The work, belonging to the parenetic literature and describing the model image of human life, is a summary of Rej's oeuvre. The work is addressed to Poles, describes their national characteristics , calls for the cultivation of character virtues and the fulfillment of national obligations.

Our life in the countryside is the life of a decent man and his family.
Przelotnyptak1  - | 383
28 Aug 2022   #347
Funny that you focus so much on my climax instead of on mushrooms and cooking them. HA! hahahaha

First of all, you are the one who injected the climax into the post about mushrooms; my comment was just a curiosity, wondering what mushrooms got to do with climaxing.Shi*t, you climax too easily. Are you a premature ejaculator, by any chance? Forget it. I don't want to know::::))))
OP pawian  219 | 24895
28 Aug 2022   #348
I don't want to know::

Of course you do, you are visibly fascinated with the whole situation. hahahaha

Cool down looking at some country cooking:

Polish pork stew with rice. Can you see pieces of pepper on the plate edge?? The kids hates pepper.

Pork curry

Pawian`s dish of the day: okro, Chinese long beans and grilled chicken, mizeria salad and mixed salad

OP pawian  219 | 24895
28 Aug 2022   #349
country cooking:

No description necessary, you know what a horse looks like:

  • 62.jpg

  • 63.jpg
Przelotnyptak1  - | 383
29 Aug 2022   #350
Cooking in the countryside

Paw, most photographs you present are well done, appetizing, and pleasing to the eye, except post#339 Hungarian
potato pancakes. It does not take great imagination to conclude that it must have been that angry bear you mentioned. After feasting on a severed appendage,

he promptly defecated on the dinner plate while you were busy taking pictures of delicious meals. In the future, pay attention to an angry bear:::)))

The kids hates pepper.

Sadly I am not a kid anymore, and I love peppers. So anything spicey hits the spot-nothing extreme, Habanero my high limit, Jalapeno my favorite.

Paw, you display an impressive variety of vegetables, especially for a small farm, more like a big garden.
How big is your charming farm? I avoid experimentation and plant mostly traditional vegetables-this year's truly impressive crop of tomatoes.
Cucumbers are plentiful, nice, and straight without bitter taste. But, a disaster of plenty, I have no idea what to do with yellow summer squash, frijoles galore.

Onions, garlic. Chives, leek beetroot, and all kinds of melon.
OP pawian  219 | 24895
29 Aug 2022   #351
it must have been that angry bear you mentioned.

hahahaha funny.

The quality of the photos is lowered to pass the forum size limits. If not for that, you would see amazingly delicious mushroom sauce with large chunks of tender pork in it. Ha! You saw what you wanted to see coz your mind works in that peculiar way - it is your problem. Ha!.

See a few more:

Mizeria salad: cucumber, garlic, dill, thick yoghurt

Aragula, baby corn, tomatoes

Pawian`s breakfast

Przelotnyptak1  - | 383
29 Aug 2022   #352
The quality of the photos is lowered to pass the forum size limits.

Paw, you don't recognize the compliment when you see it, and for the quality of your photos, one word to describe it is terrific.

What kind of camera are you using? Don't tell me it is your phone camera.
Once, I tried to make my good friend Johnny jealous by showing Michigan's record book, deer rack. Every time I attempted to post the picture.

I was told the picture was too big. I minimized it several times; the final acceptable size was a joke. Post stamp size without details, Johnny would laugh at the magnificent specimen. So I quit and never tried to post again. I am impressed with the clarity and details of your pictures.
OP pawian  219 | 24895
29 Aug 2022   #353
What kind of camera are you using?

I always use pocket cameras of different producers, recently Nikkon. They need to be small enough to fit in my pocket.

Don't tell me it is your phone camera.

Of course not. Phone cameras don`t put date stamps on photos. Besides, I can easily hide my camera in my hand and still take photos undetected, which would be impossible with a smartphone.

If you want to resize photos with minimal quality loss, you need to use a special programme. I recommend using Light Image Resizer whose older versions are for free and still good for our needs. Quick and easy to use.

Paw, you don't recognize the compliment when you see it

Of course I did recognise it. Didn`t I say it was funny??? I laughed heartily at that joke. :):):):)

Here you are: Decent man`s life in the countryside:

I took photos in the evening of what I had done earlier, mostof it with my kids:

I planted 20 seedlings of juniper family - using that black cover foil etc

We harvested a few buckets of potatoes - it means I dug them up and kids collected them

We sealed and painted the concrete hatch of the septic tank and on the next day covered it with a metal net for vine vegetation.

We planted more logs and inculated them with oyster mushroom mycellium.

  • 22.jpg

  • 52.jpg

  • 12.jpg

  • 32.jpg
OP pawian  219 | 24895
29 Aug 2022   #354
Two more works:

We derusted and painted my winter tyre rims

We chopped some wood for our campfire.

We are certainly busy during vacation. :):):)

Przelotnyptak1  - | 383
29 Aug 2022   #355
We chopped some wood for our campfire.

Small campfire for sure. Your woodpile would be enough for fifteen minutes of fun in my fire ring at about 8 ft diameter.
Hundreds of pine trees are on the property, and many are dying. Some Chinese bug is stopping the sap flow, which is the same as restricting the blood flow in humans.

Back to the point, middle pinewood is enough for 3-4 hours of burning
Old Indian explains the difference between the Indian and Paleface campfire. He says: we Indians build a small campfire and stay close to it to stay warm

you people make a huge campfire and stay away from it. Paw, I conclude there is much Indian blood flowing in your veins.
Well-behaving kids, helping you with the chores, and staying busy for sure.
OP pawian  219 | 24895
29 Aug 2022   #356
roast some sausages and bread

  • 23.jpg

  • 33.jpg

  • 14.jpg
Przelotnyptak1  - | 383
31 Aug 2022   #357
We chopped some wood for our campfire.

Paw, the fire in post #357 has been burning for days already, kielbasa and chleb burned to a crisp, not fit for consumption; time to extinguish the inferno and post something new.
OP pawian  219 | 24895
31 Aug 2022   #358
Your woodpile would be enough for fifteen minutes of fun in my fire ring at about 8 ft diameter.

Yes, but such a big one is only good for dancing around your native Indian dances. Nobody will be able to roast sausage over it due to temperature unless you have roasting sticks which are at least 10 feet long. Do you have such?? Is it a winged hussar spear???? hahahaha

post something new.

Sth new?

Ok, here`s this year`s campfire. Check the time stamp in this and previous photos. What does it mean???

Przelotnyptak1  - | 383
31 Aug 2022   #359
Very impressive that you got inferno going for two years, and your sausage is still not done::::))))

The way I do it. First, I built a proper smokehouse with a smoking chamber fifteen ft. from the fire; after a few hours, the sausage was done perfectly.

No need for winged hussar spears, just excellent hunters' sausage. I have some left from last season's deer hunt. Mniam , mniam 50x50 mixture of deer

and pork, plus spices. Are you jealous yet?
OP pawian  219 | 24895
1 Sep 2022   #360
I built a proper smokehouse with a smoking chamber fifteen ft. from the fire

That`s American style, not Polish. Polish style is sausage on a stick which you hold on your own and try not to drop it into the fire. Had you ever done it while still in Poland as a small boy???

You are not Polish anymore, Mr Gringo. :):):)

Are you jealous yet?

No, killing such amazing animals as deer for food is barbarism to me. The Polish name of the species is Deer Noble. People who do it are wrong in the attic. :):):)

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