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News on driving in Poland

rybnik  18 | 1444
10 Jan 2013   #31
Polish drivers are uniting to protest against new restrictions. . They vow to drive according to rules to make Rostowski go bankrupt.

That's so Polish!!
spiting him by depriving him of fines money!!! LOL
kondzior  11 | 1026
11 Jan 2013   #32
LOL, I am just tired of my GPS telling me "Photo-radar ahead; slow down to 80 km/h" every ten minutes. I am tired of accelerating and slowing down, again and again. It just makes me drive faster then usual, out of pure frustration.
OP pawian  224 | 27236
11 Jan 2013   #33
slow down to 80 km/h" every ten minutes.

In Poland? :):):)
kondzior  11 | 1026
11 Jan 2013   #34
Have you ever tried to drive from Bielsko-Biala to Katowice?
Before you pass Czechowice-Dziedzice, it is more like every 2 minutes.
OP pawian  224 | 27236
11 Jan 2013   #35
Once in my lifetime I drove through Czechowice.
But we drive to the seaside almost each year. Yes, GPS warns about radars but I like it as it introduces nice variety into a long and boring journey.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768
11 Jan 2013   #36
Its a shame the financial aspect is taking priority over the safety. In the UK speed cameras and mobile cameras are placed in the most profitable areas not the notoriously dangerous ones.

Odd how that happens, isn't it?
That is my one big "against" speed cameras and speeding tickets. The revenue becomes the ends and not the means and that is as serious a problem as speeding imo.
OP pawian  224 | 27236
13 Jan 2013   #37
LOL, I am just tired of my GPS telling me "Photo-radar ahead; slow down to 80 km/h" every ten minutes.

Come on, 10 minutes is still satisfactory result. When driving fast, you can cover quite an impressive distance within that time

I am tired of accelerating and slowing down, again and again. It just makes me drive faster then usual, out of pure frustration.

It was possible with the old syste, 300 masts equipped with 70 radars.
Now, with new masts and all working, it is going to cost you a lot.

Strange. I heard that the police and other road services in Britain are intent on helping citizens, not punishing and exorting at any cost.

Today`s news:

The Supreme Audit Office (Polish: Najwyższa Izba Kontroli, abbreviated NIK), the supreme audit institution is going to check if radars have been installed to improve safety or to secure good revenue for local councils. Especially, they are going to investigate the location of radars which haven`t decreased the number of accidents and casualties.

Hahaha!That's so Polish!!spiting him by depriving him of fines money!!! LOL

Still a better one:

An opposition MP suggests drivers should wear a mask showing a countenance of the minister responsible for new rules.

" He writes to you because damn it gets me . Why is this country so I do not respect ? (...) I was driving like every day to work the same way for years. At the counter I was about . 60 km - go into the corner and behind him - immediately sign a release to 40 km / h (there's never been a speed limit) and for him of course, speed camera . before my mask another car - braked sharply . obviously it was not cleared of snow ( servants were busy putting up speed cameras ) I ran into a skid ... I lost : efficient car , discount no-claims bonus and a remnant of respect to their own country " - it reads.

Back in Poland driving
rybnik  18 | 1444
16 Jan 2013   #38
Still a better one:
An opposition MP suggests drivers should wear a mask showing a countenance of the minister responsible for new rules.

I do love my people lol
16 Jan 2013   #39
This link may help a few on here
OP pawian  224 | 27236
17 Jan 2013   #40
This link may help

Another help:

Makes, colours and registration plates of undercover radar cars:

In case they remove it from their site:

WE574CW Ford Mondeo granatowy Delegatura Południowo-zachodnia, Wrocław
WE575CW Ford Mondeo granatowy Centrum Automatycznego Nadzoru nad Ruchem Drogowym, Warszawa
WE576CW Ford Mondeo czarny Delegatura Północna, Bydgoszcz
WE577CW Ford Mondeo srebrny Delegatura Wielkopolska, Poznań
WE578CW Ford Mondeo czarny Delegatura Śląska, Katowice
WE579CW Ford Mondeo czarny Delegatura Wschodnia, Lublin
WE580CW Ford Focus srebrny Delegatura Północno-zachodnia, Gorzów Wielkopolski
WE581CW Ford Focus granatowy Delegatura Wielkopolska, Poznań
WE582CW Ford Focus czarny Delegatura Północno-wschodnia, Białystok
WE583CW Ford Focus srebrny Delegatura Południowo-zachodnia, Wrocław
WE584CW Ford Focus srebrny Delegatura Północna, Bydgoszcz
WE585CW Ford Focus czarny Delegatura Śląska, Katowice
WE586CW Ford Focus granatowy Delegatura Wschodnia, Lublin
WE587CW Ford Focus srebrny Delegatura Centralna, £ódź
WE588CW Ford Focus czarny Delegatura Południowo-wschodnia, Rzeszów
WE589CW Ford Focus granatowy Delegatura Południowa, Kraków
WE590CW Ford Mondeo srebrny Delegatura Centralna, £ódź
WE591CW Ford Mondeo srebrny Delegatura Północno-zachodnia, Gorzów Wielkopolski
WE592CW Ford Mondeo czarny Delegatura Północno-wschodnia, Białystok
WE593CW Ford Mondeo srebrny Delegatura Południowa, Kraków
WE594CW Ford Mondeo czarny Delegatura Południowo-wschodnia, Rzeszów
WE595CW Ford Focus czarny Centrum Automatycznego Nadzoru nad Ruchem Drogowym, Warszawa
WE214EC Peugeot Partner żółty, oznakowany Delegatura Południowo-wschodnia, Rzeszów
WE215EC Peugeot Partner żółty, oznakowany Centrum Automatycznego Nadzoru nad Ruchem Drogowym, Warszawa
WE216EC Peugeot Partner żółty, oznakowany Delegatura Północna, Bydgoszcz

No wonder.,Speed-camera-plan-hits-government-popularity

The fall in the government's popularity in a new opinion poll is the result of the new plan to introduce more speed cameras on Poland's roads, says a ruling Civic Platform politician.

An opinion poll released on Thursday puts the main opposition party, Law and Justice (PiS), on 30 percent support, one percent more than the senior coalition partner, Civic Platform (PO).

"I think this poll is the result of all the noise about speed cameras and [the government's] national road safety program," vice-president of Civic Platform, Grzegorz Schetyna, told the Radio Zet station, Thursday morning.

A young woman who, being under influence of drugs, killed two boys on a pedestrian crossing was sentenced to 8 years and life ban on driving.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768
2 Jul 2013   #41
that's it?
Is that considered lenient?
OP pawian  224 | 27236
2 Jul 2013   #42
Parents of two boys don`t object though maximum penalty was 12 years.

Plus she has to pay 50.000 zlotys to each family.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768
2 Jul 2013   #43
I don't know the parents but having lost a child due to another person's negligence, I can say it is very very disorienting. As for the the what?

Okay so my wife told me last evening a young man, while driving drunk, hit a mother and her child with his vehicle, killing the mother. His sentence was 25 years.

I have not confirmed this as I trust my wife would not get the details of that wrong. If that is not true then my apologies.

If it is true then am I alone in noticing something very wrong when comparing the two sentences?
The maximum she could receive was 12 while the maximum he could receive was 25?

Anyway pawian, I was only offering you an explanation for why the parents didn't seek a longer sentence. I was only trying to say that based on experience, I can understand them.
OP pawian  224 | 27236
3 Jul 2013   #44
Probably your wife gave you wrong info. Or she missed some important details. You get 25 years for premeditated murder.

Yes, I understood you well and them too.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768
3 Jul 2013   #45
Probably your wife gave you wrong info. Or she missed some important details.

Oh man, nothing gets her more intolerable than when I ask her if she missed any details...nonetheless, is there a circumstance in which manslaughter could get someone 25 years? Does it depend on how effective one's lawyer is/isn't?
OP pawian  224 | 27236
3 Jul 2013   #46
is there a circumstance in which manslaughter could get someone 25 years? Does it depend on how effective one's lawyer is/isn't?

Causing an accident in which a fatality occurs can`t give you more than 8 years. If under an influence, it rises to 12 years.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768
3 Jul 2013   #47
Good to know and I plan on never utilizing that knowledge beyond the hypothetical.
So if he actually did receive a 25 year sentence, it then would have had to be ruled homicide of some degree, have I got that right?

However I am curious about the logic used when a woman kills 2 children and doesn't even receive the maximum for killing 1 person...I should really know more about the law here.
OP pawian  224 | 27236
3 Jul 2013   #48
So if he actually did receive a 25 year sentence, it then would have had to be ruled homicide of some degree, have I got that right?

Yes, like he had planned the cold blood murder before and used his car as a tool.

In Polish law it doesn`t matter if you kill 1 or two - the sentence is like for 1. When there are more victims, you are accused of transport catastrophe which may result in max 12 years.

The woman got 8 because she was young, without previous criminal record.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768
4 Jul 2013   #49
So would him having multiple offenses have garnered him a 25 yr sentence?
OP pawian  224 | 27236
4 Jul 2013   #50
No, if that wasn`t premeditated murder.

When driving to the seaside, I saw one speed control road police patrol through 700 km. Coming back, two patrols.

Speed control cameras are much more frequent, though.

Earlier, driving from the mountains, we had been caught speeding 65 in 50 speed limit urban zone. I had got two points and had had to pay 50 zlotys fine.

On 18-05-2015 a new law has come into force. It states that if you are exceeding speed by over 50km/h in a built-up area, in addition to a ticket, your license is suspended for 3 months. Cammer has been caught doing 107km/h in a 50km/h city zone. His license has been taken by the policeman. Driver punished by this gets a 24-hour cerrtificate which he can use to travel to home.

Dialogue from 1:04: - pull your hand brake, turn the engine off. Hello, this is traffic department. Documents, ID, driving license please. (...) - Do you see this? - Yes - Then you will not see this again for 3 months. Your measured speed is 107km/h, 50km/h is allowed here. Today your license is retained.


Dougpol1  29 | 2497
28 Sep 2015   #51
Old news, but excellent news all the same Pawian.

Of course, rick kids driving through Gdynia in their sports cars/on works motorbikes are clearly exempt :(
Polsyr  6 | 758
28 Sep 2015   #52
Ford Mondeo

Since that post (Jan 2013), a sizeable fleet of Opel Insignias has been added. All the ones that I have spotted have been black hatchbacks, mostly with Mokotów plates, but I have seen some with Śródmieście, Katowice and Olsztyn plates too.
OP pawian  224 | 27236
28 Sep 2015   #53
Since that post (Jan 2013), a sizeable fleet of Opel Insignias has been added.

Yes, Insignias.

I saw one in Krakow a few times too. Often enough to take a pic:

  • moon1.JPG
Alien  25 | 6353
1 Mar 2024   #54
Yes, Insignias

It doesn't look like an Opel Insignia to me, but a Vectra
OP pawian  224 | 27236
16 Aug 2024   #55
Luxury Aston Martin crashed into a tractor which was turning left:

"The police determined that the agricultural tractor, which was turning left by a 74-year-old from Nakło Śląskie, was hit by an Aston Martin driven by a 37-year-old from Piekary Śląskie," the police reported.

The officers analyzed the course of the incident, using recordings from nearby surveillance cameras as a support. Ultimately, they determined that both drivers were at fault. "While maneuvering the agricultural tractor, the man did not exercise due caution, and the driver of the passenger car overtook other vehicles, ultimately hitting the turning Ursus," the police reported.

  • LANDSCAPE_840.jfif
jon357  72 | 23361
20 Oct 2024   #56
Crikey. I can think of one undertaker's that's going to go bust. Or change its name. Mind you, it probably should anyway.

Polish media reported that a man was driving down a street on Friday in Stalowa Wola, a city in south-eastern Poland, when he saw a sheet on his car window. When the sheet slid down, he saw a body lying on the road. For a moment the driver feared that he had hit the person.

Local media published an image of the body lying on a white-striped pedestrian crossing, where it had tumbled out of the hearse.
OP pawian  224 | 27236
20 Oct 2024   #57
driver feared that he had hit

That was extremely dangerous. He could have died!
Of a heart attack.

They do it much better in Ireland. They drop coffins with bodies inside from helicopters onto fields in the countryside. A lot safer.

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