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Live-in maids in Poland?

Intermarium  11 | 64
9 Jan 2019 #1
Is this unheard of in Poland?

Anyone have experience with live-in maids? Would be interested in knowing the costs.
10 Jan 2019 #2
In large cities like Warsaw, they are pretty common among rich families. I'd bet most of them are not Polish though (Ukrainian ladies may dominate due to their low cost and still good work skills).
Lyzko  42 | 9525
10 Jan 2019 #3
The joke here in the States is that the Poles are even too expensive for the Russians....who are out (and under-)bid by the Hindus for the same job(s)!

johnny reb  46 | 7426
13 Jul 2021 #4
Anyone have experience with live-in maids? Would be interested in knowing the costs.

Does anyone know the cost for a temporary live in Ukrainian maid for her services in Poland ?
A friend of mine wants to know. :-)
Strzelec35  19 | 835
13 Jul 2021 #5
So Hindus or Russians are cheaper?

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