I tried to search current benzine prices in Poland but to no avail,Have they also gone down almost 40% as in states?Last time i filled cpl months back was around 5.35 pln a litre.
Gas / Benzyna prices in Poland
No they haven't gone so much down because PLN went down to USD and because benzine in Poland has (much higher than in USA) fixed tax - independent from oil market prices.
e-petrol.pl/notowania/rynek-krajowy/ceny-stacje-paliw or nafta.wnp.pl/stacje_paliw/ceny_paliw_w_polsce/?region_woj=7
e-petrol.pl/notowania/rynek-krajowy/ceny-stacje-paliw or nafta.wnp.pl/stacje_paliw/ceny_paliw_w_polsce/?region_woj=7
I expect Obama must be something of a hero, then. No? Oh, right, only a Republican president would be able to claim credit for that. Petrol prices in Poland have trickled down.
johnny reb 49 | 8003
9 Dec 2014 #4
So misinformed as the Low Information Voters (Democrats) are such as your liberal self.
The banks are in control of the gas prices my friend, not any president.
The banks are in control of the gas prices my friend, not any president.
9 Dec 2014 #5
Have they also gone down almost 40% as in states?
No. As is shown by the three-month graph here: autocentrum.pl/paliwa/ceny-paliw
The banks are in control of the gas prices my friend, not any president.
So what? Since when did politicians only claim credit for things which they were in control of?
So misinformed as the Low Information Voters (Democrats) are such as your liberal self
People who are even vaguely 'informed' about Poland know that here there is no Democrat party, and thus Roger cannot vote Democrat.
As for the gas prices I also heard that US is playing games to hurt Putin & ISIL,on the other hand also is it true that OPEC countries are increasing production to hurt US taking out its own gas,as it costs then 80$ a barrel to cover costs and the current price is 63$ a barrel so the US is also loosing.I wonder what are the facts meanwhile the consumer is not enjoying much as the airline and other prices havent gone down at all.
johnny reb 49 | 8003
10 Dec 2014 #7
so the US is also loosing
OPEC is taking a much harder hit as the U.S. dollar is stronger than ever.
The U.S. is producing an all time high production of oil.
Soon OPEC will be a "has been" to America.
The airlines are recovering some of the losses that they incurred over the last few years.
Americans are paying around $2.65 per gallon for gas right now which is boosting the economy.
Can't wait to connect with the Keystone pipeline out of Canada which will make gas even cheaper.
It will be America's turn to sell fresh water to OPEC for a $100 a barrel. Hide and watch.
Strange to see the benzine price is still 4.55 in poland sux as it is where I have been paying 1.90$ a gallon frm 3.75 a gal,why is it not coming down in Poland as barrel has fallen to 48$ and OPEC just decided again not to cut production?
11 Jan 2015 #9
Anyone who cares about the cost would use LPG.
11 Jan 2015 #10
The banks are in control of the gas prices my friend, not any president.
Wrong !
The Saudi's control the prices.
Wroclaw Boy
11 Jan 2015 #11
The Saudi's control the prices.
They don't control anything, including their very own oil resources.
The Saudi's control the prices.
OPEC as a whole, though Saudi is the biggest player in OPEC. Part of the current overproduction is the Saudis wanting to weaken Iran and Iraq, both of whom are suffering since their national budgets (Iraq anyway) are calculated at $60 per barrel and we're now at $45.
Merged: The GREAT OIL crash
What are your views on oil collapse and whats petrol prices like in your area?
Do you think this will lead to a global market crash?
It is said the US markets are driven or backed by oil and the Saudi's are increasing production to stop US fraking companies but some say this is a result of the US sanctions on Russia.
What do you think?
What are your views on oil collapse and whats petrol prices like in your area?
Do you think this will lead to a global market crash?
It is said the US markets are driven or backed by oil and the Saudi's are increasing production to stop US fraking companies but some say this is a result of the US sanctions on Russia.
What do you think?
12 Jan 2015 #14
The Saudi moves are aimed at Russia and the terrorists . The tracking industry in the United States is doing well with natural gas production and will shut down oil wells as needed . The wells and refineries can sit for years and be restarted quickly in case demand increases . This kind of oil glut has happened before .
Today a Saudi oil minister stated that oil at $100 /bbl will never happen again ... did you hear that Czar Vladimir ??
Russia needs oil at $120/bbl to balance their budget !
Today a Saudi oil minister stated that oil at $100 /bbl will never happen again ... did you hear that Czar Vladimir ??
Russia needs oil at $120/bbl to balance their budget !
The Saudis are more concerned about Iran and Iraq. The price per barrel is expected to pick up this year from its current low, though we'll be waiting a few months.
johnny reb 49 | 8003
11 Aug 2023 #16
What are your views on oil collapse and whats petrol prices like in your area?
What are the gas/petro prices currently in Poland ?
It just went up to $4 a gallon here where I live.
When Trump was in office it was $1.85.
What are the gas/petro prices currently in Poland ?
6.46zl a litre for 95 and 6.88 for 98
Prices in the US are generally lower due to actually producing it. Traditionally prices are lower in Poland than the U.K. (far lower distribution and running costs) however today's price in the U.K. is actually lower than today's price in Poland.
There's some difference between regions and the Poland and U.K. prices are both for the region around their respective capitals.
PolAmKrakow 2 | 948
11 Aug 2023 #18
The difference is that Orlen is producing record profits on the backs of Poles when the gas could actually be sold for about 5 zl a liter and still be profitable.
The difference is that Orlen is producing record profits on the backs of Poles when the gas could actually be sold for about 5 zl a liter and still be profitable.
The difference is that Orlen is producing record profits on the backs of Poles
Hard to disagree with.
and still be profitable
No reason they should make a profit at all. It was better in public ownership when any surplus went to running schools, hospitals and the police/army. Or failing that, at least have it in the contract about how much they can make in profit or sell it for.
Petrol is sadly an essential and right now Orlen are indeed ripping the public off. They're not quite a monopoly however at least in the U.K. there are discounters, often belonging to supermarkets, where the prices are a bit lower.
today's price in the U.K. is actually lower than today's price in Poland.
That ripping of Polish drivers by PiS gov had been suspected for years but actually proven a few months ago .
Orlen is producing record profits on the backs of Poles
Exactly. PiS are looking for money everywhere to finance their benefits.
No reason they should make a profit at all
Silly Jon... How do you buy things like Polska Press without outrageous profits?
Polska Press
You don't.
Governments have a tendency to sell off the family silver.
E10 petrol at our petrol station €1,799 and Super €1,849.
the thing is we don't know what E10 and Super are - we are used to octane numbering here in Poland (for example 95 and 98 are 95 and 98 octane gasoline) -
the 98 octane gas costs less than 7 pln at most stations - and 95 is cheaper (the more octanes the better)
the 98 octane gas costs less than 7 pln at most stations - and 95 is cheaper (the more octanes the better)
Governments have a tendency to sell off the family silver.
in other words you don't know what you are talking about: Polska Presse was bought by Orlen like 2 years ago (not that it made a lot of sense from economic point of view)
also the PiS government is keen on buying back companies PO and company sold (bank Pekao, PKP Energetyka come to mind)
what E10 and Super are -
Super or E5 corresponds to Polish 95 gasoline, E10 is Super containing 10% biofuel. We also have a Super Plus that corresponds to the Polish 98. Your 95 should also have 5% biofuel like ours.
Your 95 should also have 5% biofuel like ours.
I read an article about it just now and it never said 'should have' there, just 'can have' and as far as I know production of fuel grade ethanol is more expensive than buying crude oil from overseas (at the moment)
PO and company sold (bank Pekao,
I have been waiting for the moment when you return to your usual lying after this break you have taken. PO didn`t sell PeKaO, the bank was sold in 1999 by the Solidarity gov.
production of fuel grade ethanol is more expensive than buying crude oil from overseas (at the moment)
It's not about what is more expensive to produce, it's about the fact that the Germans can produce ethanol themselves and they have to buy crude oil. I only fill up with E10 in Germany.