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How does Poland feel about Digital Currency and being Chipped

johnny reb  49 | 8003
11 Aug 2022   #1
Digital currency is coming to Europe soon.
Australia's Central Bank is working to launch the system next year.
Their target is to launch the system globally.
Turkey is the next country to push for biometric payments.
Europe is now supplying biometric technology to a Web3 biometric card issued in Reltime.
Within a generation the zloty will become a thing of the past.
At first you will get a card, then your little chip inserted under your skin (for convenience of course) to buy and sell.
Of course your medical records, arrest records, all your financial records, (ie: all your privacy will be on it) and with a simple scan for everyone to see around the world.

Is Poland ready to have their privacy to be a thing of the past ?
The dumbed down generation thinks it is "cool" and. the "New Norm" and are all for it.
I'm sorry but I shudder at the New One World Order.
These Globalists want to have total CONTROL over the population of the World !
pawian  226 | 27817
11 Aug 2022   #2
then your little chip inserted under your skin (for convenience

Excellent. Not only convenience but also good for culture. There will be more songs like:
Don't you know, little fool
You never can win
Use your mentality
Wake up to reality
But each time that I do just the thought of you
Makes me stop before I begin
'Cause I've got you under my skin

Is Poland ready to have their privacy to be a thing of the past ?

Chips under the skin are a song of the distant future.
Currently, millions of Poles are thinking how to heat their homes in winter time coz due to our rightard PiS government`s incompetence the prospects are bleak.

Tell me, are rightards so stupid and incompetent everywhere in the world or only in Poland???
PolAmKrakow  2 | 948
11 Aug 2022   #3
Clearly you do not know Poland. Everything is already available digitally with medical records, vaccinations, signatures etc. Been that way in Poland for years. Instant payments in bank transfers, no delays of 24 to 72 hours so banks can F with your money. No additional fee for it. No record storage fee's. No touch payments were in Europe for years before the US.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
11 Aug 2022   #4
Clearly you do not know Poland.

Clearly !
That is why I started this thread.
So you are saying that there is no need for the zloty in Poland anymore ?
Thank you for your input.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 948
11 Aug 2022   #5
You don't even understand digital currency. Poland will have a digital zloty. There is already an effective digital payment system, hardly anyone uses cash anymore. Oh, and if you want to talk bitcoin and things like this, then you probably would like to know that it was not the "woke" crowd that designed these items. Digital currency is designed to circumvent regulations and streamline payments, while allowing for quick conversions to local hard currency around the world. While the governments around the world would like to regulate it, they will never be able to fully regulate it because ways of transferring currency without third parties are being invented. Chips? Not a chance. Biometrics, yes. The US is already using it and I have not had to show my passport my last few trips, they just scan me. Who initiated those protocols? Trump.
Korvinus  3 | 633
11 Aug 2022   #6
hardly anyone uses cash anymore

Talk for yourself. I am not putting "elektrosmycz" on myself.
2022-2024 will be slow and maybe even give people hope when the elites stop the current experiment for a year.
This will all be done to gauge how effective everything was and to make revisions for 25.
2025 is where everything ends.
Digital currency,mandatory vax and each year a new "solution" until 2030.
2028 is the mass extermination of non compliant communities.
If you follow commie history timelines,it is always identical.
2030 is where you live in a pod and eat bugs.

There is no getting alive out of this if you don't want the mark. Just make peace and enjoy the little time you have left.
Kashub1410  6 | 580
11 Aug 2022   #7
Wearing chips under skin? What's next? Being tattooed with Numbers? They have No SHAME
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
11 Aug 2022   #8
Wearing chips under skin?

The mark of the Beast is coming and Satan's children are welcoming it.
That was the point of this thread.
I am glad a couple of you were wise enough to grasp it.

You don't even understand digital currency. Oh, and if you want to talk bitcoin

Yes I do and no I don't.
But if you do I am sure you won't get a warning for going Off-Topic. :-/

There is no getting alive out of this if you don't want the mark. Just make peace and enjoy the little time you have left.

Exactly as you can see the shameless here trying to promote Satan's lies.
Prophesy being fulfilled !
pawian  226 | 27817
11 Aug 2022   #9
there is no need for the zloty in Poland anymore

There will be always the need for zloty, whether regular or digital, until they introduce euro in Poland.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
11 Aug 2022   #10
there is no need for the zloty in Poland anymore

That was a question Slippery.
The whole quote was:

So you are saying that there is no need for the zloty in Poland anymore ?

Now let me try it on you.

There will be always the need for zloty, whether regular or digital in Poland.

Even if the Zloty is replaced with the Euro in Poland ? Hoot !
pawian  226 | 27817
11 Aug 2022   #11
That was a question Slippery.
The whole quote was:

But in your first post you offered us a very resolute statement : Within a generation the zloty will become a thing of the past. meaning it will be replaced by digital transactions.

Now let me try it on you.

No, yours is pure manipulation while mine was just a shortcut coz I quoted from a post of yours which was closer to my message box, instead of going up to the OP`s post.

So, using your first post, let me try again:

Within a generation the zloty will become a thing of the past.

No, whether regular or digital, it will remain zloty until they introduce euro in Poland.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
11 Aug 2022   #12
But in your first post you offered us a very resolute statement : Within a generation the zloty will become a thing of the past.

And you said it wouldn't even if it was replaced by the Euro.
Why are you changing your mind now ?

let me try again:

No, you have trashed my thread enough by Trolling it.
pawian  226 | 27817
11 Aug 2022   #13
Why are you changing your mind now ?


you have trashed my thread


And you said it wouldn't even if it was replaced by the Euro.

Stop lying. I didn`t say it. It seems you are getting a bit lost in those speculations about zloty. :):):)
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
11 Aug 2022   #14


You sound like a three year old, an Indian Chief or the Village Idiot, all three or are you just stuttering ?
Take your pick of any one of them.
The Polish Christians are obviously wise to what digital chipping is all about.
Since you are not one of them I can understand your confusion that Satan has created in your head.
pawian  226 | 27817
11 Aug 2022   #15
Christians ... that Satan

Come on. I could tell you to stop trashing your own thread but I won`t to avoid off topic remarks.

Back on topic:

How does Poland feel about Digital Currency and being Chipped

Digital currency is normal and a lot of people use it paying either with cards or phones.

Being chipped is out of question in near and distant future.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
11 Aug 2022   #16
Being chipped is out of question in near and distant future.

Atta Boy, that is what I was after.
Maybe ask your students about it and see what they think when school resumes.
Korvinus  3 | 633
12 Aug 2022   #17
Being chipped is out of question in near and distant future.

For as long as PiS remains in power, true.
Once PO somehow manages to win, though... it would mean the end of freedom. They will follow every Brussels' order.
jon357  72 | 23668
12 Aug 2022   #18
For as long as PiS remains in power,

Fortunately this is not likely to be for very long.


Don't have any policies about microchipping humans.
Korvinus  3 | 633
12 Aug 2022   #19
microchipping humans.

They wanted mandatory vaccinations. Both may be considered Mark of the Beast. Are you looking forward to a time when you either have to be microchipped, or go without (legal) access to any purchase/transactions?

First microchips in your hand to track your GPS perpetually.
Then biochips in your brain to track your thoughts.

All is as it was written.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
12 Aug 2022   #20
All is as it was written.

Very true as all of what joun calls "conspiracy" and we call "prophecy" is being fulfilled at God's speed.
jon357  72 | 23668
12 Aug 2022   #21
may be considered Mark of the Beast

By whom?

a time when you either have to be microchipped,

You're speculating about things that are pure imagination.

without (legal) access to any purchase/transactions?

If PiS could do that they would. Poland has long been a fiscal society (tax on gifts and gambling wins, obligatory kasy fiskalnej, restrictions on lending cash?????) and there is little actual financial privacy as it is

Poland has also embraced digital payments, usually via contactless, wholeheartedly. Much more than most countries. Not by any political party's policies but by consumer choice.
pawian  226 | 27817
12 Aug 2022   #22
Maybe ask your students about it

No need to wait so long. I already know their answers today.

For as long as PiS remains in power,

PiS is more likely to introduce chipping to control the society which is their rightard dream.

They wanted mandatory vaccinations

Don`t mix such different matters, it is infantile. Vaccinating isn`t chipping.
Korvinus  3 | 633
12 Aug 2022   #23
to control the society

Nope. Somehow, PiS have been against mandatory vaccinations.

Vaccinating isn`t chipping

Both mean treating human beings like a cattle. Next step of mandatory vaccinations is vaxx passport in the form of implanted chip, containing history of specimen's vaxxing.
jon357  72 | 23668
12 Aug 2022   #24
Next step of mandatory vaccinations is vaxx passport in the form of implanted chip,

What makes you say this?
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
12 Aug 2022   #25
By whom?

What makes you say this?

joun, you are trolling again.

Next step of mandatory vaccinations is vaxx passport in the form of implanted chip, containing history of specimen's vaxxing.

Yup as already explained in post #1 by the OP.
jon357  72 | 23668
12 Aug 2022   #26
This just looks like baseless paranoia.

Not one shred of evidence for any of it.

Weak and malicious nobodys trying to create a climate of fear and mistrust. Not much better than the output of r*SSian or Chinese troll farms or Yank 'alt-right' grifters.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
12 Aug 2022   #27
This just looks like baseless paranoia.

Only a Godless individual could make such an ignorant statement.
What you refer to as baseless has all been prophesized and most of those prophesies have come true as much as you insist on denying it.

Go promote your Godless indoctrination elsewhere.
jon357  72 | 23668
12 Aug 2022   #28
So baseless then, and posted by, as I said, the weak and malicious to spread unsure fear.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
12 Aug 2022   #29
So baseless then, and posted by, as I said,

Yes you keep repeating your baseless denial.
Are you trying to convince yourself of your weaknesses.
I would like to be a fly on the wall when they insert your chip. Hoot !
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
12 Aug 2022   #30
Nothing to see here hey joun.

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is promoting "Enhanced Border Security Agreements" by offering access to the department's vast biometric databanks to foreign states that agree to reciprocate, according to a July 22 Statewatch report.

Just baseless fear, unless you have a brain.

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