johnny reb 49 | 8003
11 Aug 2022 #1
Digital currency is coming to Europe soon.
Australia's Central Bank is working to launch the system next year.
Their target is to launch the system globally.
Turkey is the next country to push for biometric payments.
Europe is now supplying biometric technology to a Web3 biometric card issued in Reltime.
Within a generation the zloty will become a thing of the past.
At first you will get a card, then your little chip inserted under your skin (for convenience of course) to buy and sell.
Of course your medical records, arrest records, all your financial records, (ie: all your privacy will be on it) and with a simple scan for everyone to see around the world.
Is Poland ready to have their privacy to be a thing of the past ?
The dumbed down generation thinks it is "cool" and. the "New Norm" and are all for it.
I'm sorry but I shudder at the New One World Order.
These Globalists want to have total CONTROL over the population of the World !
Australia's Central Bank is working to launch the system next year.
Their target is to launch the system globally.
Turkey is the next country to push for biometric payments.
Europe is now supplying biometric technology to a Web3 biometric card issued in Reltime.
Within a generation the zloty will become a thing of the past.
At first you will get a card, then your little chip inserted under your skin (for convenience of course) to buy and sell.
Of course your medical records, arrest records, all your financial records, (ie: all your privacy will be on it) and with a simple scan for everyone to see around the world.
Is Poland ready to have their privacy to be a thing of the past ?
The dumbed down generation thinks it is "cool" and. the "New Norm" and are all for it.
I'm sorry but I shudder at the New One World Order.
These Globalists want to have total CONTROL over the population of the World !