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Fat People in Poland?

PolishNutjob  1 | 74
1 Mar 2010   #61
Please pass the Fritos

I must now exhibit one of the most shameful facets of the fat male’s personality. The male pig in America, his belly so bloated by beer and Big Macs, has completely lost sight of his own penis. Let me repeat this. The fat man in America is so overstuffed that his stomach extends well past the point at which his vision can observe his lower extremities over the horizon of his belly. The fat man is left with a veritable waistband eclipse of his own penis. He therefore has developed a severe sexual mental disorder in which he comes to view himself as a pregnant woman. Piotr Romanowski, who pioneered much of the early research into this disorder, has labeled the condition FART, or Fat Activated Remote Transsexualism. As such, the FART sufferer is preternaturally drawn to small boys, whom he identifies as the child he once was, and whom he fantasizes as carrying in his own bloated stomach/womb, soon to be reborn.

Left at this, FART would merely be a harmless eccentricity of the jolly fat man. Unfortunately, repeated encounters with slim, lithe boys triggers an infantile sexual state in the fat man – resulting in a partial regression to the oral state of development where the fatty is consumed with a monstrous, insatiable desire to engage in activity which is unmentionable in this august forum. Statistical corroboration of the FART phenomenon is provided by FBI data which reveals that the typical male serial offender is almost always fat. Convicted adult male offenders have an average height of 5’ 9” and an average weight of 295 lbs. Perverted blubber, ladies and gentlemen, perverted blubber.
wildrover  98 | 4430
1 Mar 2010   #62
Well i am glad i am not the only one who can see the many people realise that global warming is almost entirely due to fatty farts...?
Joker  2 | 2401
3 Mar 2010   #63
How come fat people always buy the smallest car they can possibly find and cram themselves into them?
urszula  1 | 253
3 Mar 2010   #64
Or how come fat people always buy the teeniest, tiniest chihuahua they can find?
Makes them feel smaller or in control over little things because they got no control over them big selves?
PolishNutjob  1 | 74
14 Mar 2010   #65 many people realise that global warming is almost entirely due to fatty farts...?

I do not have time to establish the links between the other environmental and moral disasters which have spread from blubberous America to the rest of the world. However, I will now reveal the promised silver lining in the battle against the dark cloud of blubber. We will look at one government program that has had dramatic results in reducing the incidence of blubber in American women.

I have the great privilege of releasing today, for the first time, results of a decades old program designed to lighten the American female pig.

In the early 1950s, CIA psychologists and psychiatrists developed the first ever auto-suggestive eating disorder: Anorexia Nervosa. By creating a false positive, that is, by manipulating the images of women produced by the mass media, the government has gradually begun to precondition females, from the earliest ages at which they can comprehend external cues, to embrace an emaciated, skeletal appearance as the ideal in female beauty. The results have been encouraging on two levels. First, obviously, as a general overall weight reducer. The Anorexia Nervosa program has effectively saturated 10% of the American female population, and recent surveys predict a continued steady growth rate throughout at least the next decade. The program’s goal of an overall saturation rate of 33% seems attainable. The second level of success has stemmed from an unpredicted outcome. For some still unknown reason, it has been discovered that 2-5% of the females participating in the Anorexia Nervosa program will die. This unexpected side effect is, of course, highly efficient in terms of weight reduction.
wildrover  98 | 4430
14 Mar 2010   #66
Fat people driving around in big 4 x 4 cars cause untold damage to the roads...make em walk and get some weight off....!

  • Russianroads24.jpg
mardybum  - | 1
26 Dec 2011   #67
Merged: Fat People in Poland?

I'm a student doing research on fat people and obesity in Poland, and I was wondering what Polish people's views are on fat people. Is it mostly positive or negative? Do you think there is an obesity epidemic in Poland?

I'm also conducting a survey if anyone is interested in taking it:
26 Dec 2011   #68
Do you think there is an obesity epidemic in Poland?


Is it mostly positive or negative?

However when I was a child it was negative. I considered them (I mean girls) to be rude, loud and bullying weaker children, all because I knew kids who behaved like that.
patrick  6 | 113
26 Dec 2011   #69
(we dont have horrid teeth either, this is just a myth!)

This is not meant to be nasty, but a large proportion of the Brits I have known after living in Europe for 12 years have pretty grungy teeth. Mostly it's the smokers I must admit.
JonnyM  11 | 2607
26 Dec 2011   #70
It depends on your concept of beauty - who would want to have teeth like Tom Cruise? In Europe, certainly in the UK and Poland fat isn't usually considered attractive either. Except by Chubby Chasers.
nunczka  8 | 457
26 Dec 2011   #71
Another good reason for obesity in America is the fact that both the husband and wife both work. At the end of the day no one feels like cooking so the eat out. Most of the food is fried with grease dripping all over the place.. They even follow this trend on weekends.

I am a staunch supporter of Americans.. But in this case they are a disgrace.
teflcat  5 | 1024
26 Dec 2011   #72
Do you think there is an obesity epidemic in Poland?

I wouldn't go that far, but a friend of mine is a family doctor/general practicioner and she describes the growing incidence of Type 2 diabetes in Poland as an epidemic. Her practice sees 25 new patients per month. Type 2 diabetes is normally associated with obese people over forty, but there are more and more younger people developing it. If I remember correctly, Morgan Spurlock (Supersize me) quoted an estimate of 25% of North Americans with this form of diabetes in the not-too-distant future. Scary stuff, and wholly preventable.

Poles are going the same way as Americans and Brits, I'm afraid. Too little time, too much temptation, too little will power.
JonnyM  11 | 2607
26 Dec 2011   #73
Another good reason for obesity in America is the fact that both the husband and wife both work. At the end of the day no one feels like cooking so the eat out. Most of the food is fried with grease dripping all over the place.

It's easy to do if you're tired after a long day - and then you get into the bad habit of liking greasy food.
teflcat  5 | 1024
26 Dec 2011   #74
and then you get into the bad habit of liking greasy food.

Starts at about three months of age in Poland.
strzyga  2 | 990
26 Dec 2011   #75
oh yes. mother's milk has quite high content of fat. is that what you had in mind?
26 Dec 2011   #76
Another good reason for obesity in America is the fact that both the husband and wife both work. At the end of the day no one feels like cooking so the eat out.

yes and no. there are other countries in the world where the husband and wife both work and they typically aren't fat asses like many americans. I think it's more common in the USA because of your overall lifestyle. Everyone in America drives. We have drive-through everything. If you live in a city, you can have nearly everything delivered to your house, including most of your meals. Life in general is simply more set up for convenience in the USA so people take advantage of it and are more sedentary. It's very easy to be fat and lazy in the USA.

With that said, it's also very easy to lead a healthy active lifestyle in the USA, it all comes down to choice. You can be a fat ass, you can be a fitness guru, it just depends on who you want to be.

Go to a major city in the USA and you will see a lot of fat asses, probably more than where you live in another country but at the same time, take a look around and see how many people go jogging or bicycling past you or see how many people are packed into the gyms everywhere....and you will probably see more of them than you will in your home country. In my experience, europeans as far as physical shape are more or less the same but in the USA, we have the avg. bodies but also many that are fat and many that look like they live in a gym.

I've been an avid runner for most of my life and one of the first things I noticed when I came to Poland was the utter lack of runners in the major cities. In Wroclaw I ran 5 times a week and sometimes for a month, 2 months, even 3 months I wouldn't pass by a single runner. You simply don't see people running in Poland like you do in the USA yet at the same time, you may see a lot more fat asses in the USA, especially down south.
PennBoy  76 | 2429
26 Dec 2011   #77
There are still more overweight Americans than Poles but the increase has been more rapid. According to "Metro" since 1970 the number of overweight kids increased 3 times in the US while in Poland ,young girls alone , 10 times!

Poles gain weight faster than Americans . As reported by " Metro" , the number of obese children in the United States has tripled , while on the Vistula themselves obese girls arrived about 10 times , measuring the period since 1970 . What is the Reason for such a stroke weight? Of course, diet .

Young people in Poland easily led into temptation , and their parents meet the wishes of love or the need for peace. Buy , so his small tormentors bars and crisps , provided that bite an apple , for adults , it seems that if the boy will eat some fruit a day is healthy and can afford pozwlić for sweets.

Meanwhile, experts warn - The diet of children is too much fat , sugar and calories hidden in sweet drinks and juices . To make matters worse , more and more of them are not practicing the WF- e - explains Professor . Miroslaw Jarosz , director of the Institute .

Western lifestyle perfectly continue to dominate the Polish transform habits, but it is not denied . Still we eat so that to eat , not to zaspokić hunger , at the gorge in what economic changes brought to the menu : fast food. To consume increasing amounts of unhealthy and fatty foods , not only did not give up eating chops every other day , it's still a dołożyliśy the kebab and burger.

Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
26 Dec 2011   #78
Hmm I wonder how they measure it... If purely by weight It is misleading as peoeple are becoming taller and generally larger... in Poland I can see it even on people just a decade younger...
nunczka  8 | 457
26 Dec 2011   #79
Very true Fuzzy. A lot of these gluttons couldn't even fit on a bicycle seat they would need a saddle. In America , one could look into a driveway and see as many as 5 automobiles.. Very few people walk anymore. We Americans are spoiled. Life has been easy here for many years.. Now that things are getting tough,people are doing without more and more.

We have a bad situation in this country. Most blue collar jobs are gone. Without a college education or working for the Government, things can be tough for a lot of people.. This is not the America that I grew up in. Many young people have moved back to live with their Parents
Wroclaw Boy
26 Dec 2011   #80
I've been an avid runner for most of my life and one of the first things I noticed when I came to Poland was the utter lack of runners in the major cities. In Wroclaw I ran 5 times a week and sometimes for a month, 2 months, even 3 months I wouldn't pass by a single runner. You simply don't see people running in Poland like you do in the USA yet at the same time, you may see a lot more fat asses in the USA, especially down south.

Which kind of begs the question: is it the food?

It's very easy to be fat and lazy in the USA.

Its the food, it has to be the food, sure you can argue it this way or that but the evidence points back to the food every time.

Genetically modified crap, we have it here in the UK i can buy strawberries anytime of the year, i can buy any veg anytime of the year in fact. Theres a guy about 80 years old that runs a stand at a car boot sale near me, he sold me some carrotts and cabbage a week ago and they were fantastic, this guy grew them himself in his own garden. They were covered in dirt and full of insect holes but man were they nice, really nice.

Carrots from Asda (UK Walmart), Tesco, Sainsburys what ever last about three fcuking weeks, its all genetically modified crap. Poland is getting this now.
Wedle  15 | 490
26 Dec 2011   #81
Which kind of begs the question: is it the food?

It is quite bizarre, Poland has some of the best natural and organic products at a snip of other European countries, yet they the youth still want to chow out on super sized american junk food. In Warsaw it is cool to be slim, they go off to the gym most days, then you can see them come out and go for a Mc attack. It beggars belief...
Wroclaw Boy
26 Dec 2011   #82
yet they the youth still want to chow out on super sized american junk food.

Yeah because they just dont know yet, they dont know - what we know. In Poland its totally cool to eat McDonalds and KFC. From my experience McDonalds tasted better in Poland because every time you ordered a 1/4 with cheese they always made it fresh as all the Poles were going for the two for one cheeseburger deals.

But Mc D's and KFC are not the issue in Poland, the issue is the genetically modified food, thats where the fat people get fat IMO.
26 Dec 2011   #83
Junk food is simply tasty, not in fashion.

I ran 5 times a week and sometimes for a month, 2 months, even 3 months I wouldn't pass by a single runner.

Runners are to find in parks not in the street to inhale fumes. But I agree that there is very little runners in Poland.
scottie1113  6 | 896
26 Dec 2011   #84
But Mc D's and KFC are not the issue in Poland, the issue is the genetically modified food, thats where the fat people get fat IMO.

People gain weight for only one reason. They take in more calories than their bodies can burn. It's simple. It's not about what you eat, although that does play a part in the process. If you eat too much, you'll gain weight. If you eat way too much, you'll get fat.
Wroclaw Boy
26 Dec 2011   #85
Thats what you were taught yes, i was taught that too.

You dont think genetically modified food has any thing to do with it? You dont think its a little suspect that US citizens all of a sudden became massive and the English are becoming massive too?
strzyga  2 | 990
26 Dec 2011   #86
It's not about what you eat

It's about this too. What you eat, when you eat, how often you eat - it all matters. Of course the quantity matters too, but you may get completely different effects with the same total intake of calories, depending on the other factors. 2 and 2 doesn't always give 4, it might be 3 or 5.

You dont think genetically modified food has any thing to do with it?

Maybe it changes the metabolism in some way, I don't know. But we don't have too much of it here in Poland and still the process of gaining weight on the national scale is well on its way. My suspects are all the additives which come with processed foods, plus the obvious ones - fast foods and sweet drinks. It's funny when people treat butter as evil incarnate but think nothing of corn starch syrup, aspartam, or other stuff added to most of the things they buy as healthy and dietetic.
scottie1113  6 | 896
27 Dec 2011   #87
how often you eat

Not really. It's how much you eat no matter when you eat it.

when you eat,

Nope. It's not when. It's how much.

You dont think its a little suspect that US citizens all of a sudden became massive and the English are becoming massive too?

No, I don't. People in the US didn't suddenly become massive. They were like that when I was a kid a very very long time ago. I won't speak to the English because I have no experience with them.

For what it's worth, Australia passed the US last year in the percentage of overweight people per capita. Overweight means a few pounds, stones or kilos, however you choose to measure. Obese is way beyond that, and no matter which country you're talking about you'll find fat and obese people. Guess why.
27 Dec 2011   #88
Its the food, it has to be the food, sure you can argue it this way or that but the evidence points back to the food every time.

again, can't agree.

I've had this argument on here 50 times, but if you exchange Burger King and KFC for kielbasa and pierogi, schabowy, bigos with bread and butter, potatoes with butter/sour cream.....they'll get fat on it just the same. It comes down to caloric intake and fat people don't know when to stop. They also are too lazy to exercise. This is not rocket science.
scottie1113  6 | 896
27 Dec 2011   #89
It comes down to caloric intake and fat people don't know when to stop. They also are too lazy to exercise. This is not rocket science.

Amen, brother. You've hit the nail on the head.
Wroclaw Boy
27 Dec 2011   #90
Burger King and KFC for kielbasa and pierogi, schabowy, bigos with bread and butter, potatoes with butter/sour cream.

What Burger King and KFC for kielbasa, pierogi, schabowy, bigos etc. Dude straight after KFC i never heard of Kielbasa take away, is that a new one? Never heard of pierogi or bigos either. Hows the double cheeseburgers at Kielbasa, any good?

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