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What is Poland's fastest growing ethnic group?

rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
14 Oct 2011   #31
They do not integrate, they have created alien hostile ghettos, they burn poppies on our memorial day,

In general, this is crap. Its just a handful of over publicised extremists giving normal people a bad name.
Teffle  22 | 1318
14 Oct 2011   #33
LOL - I can just see a documentary, people being interviewd, faces in darkness and voices obscured:

"Yeah well we do face a lot of discrimination. I'm thinking of emigrating to be honest. The states seems to be much more tolerant. There is too much discrimination here - people do not respect our lifestyle cultural choices."
hythorn  3 | 580
14 Oct 2011   #34
cut to obscured face of overweight male

'it all started when I tried the chicken mcnuggets. I was sick at first but for some reason I tried them again....
then there was no stopping me... kebabs,pizzas, pizzas with kebab meat on them... I did not realise what a grip it had on me...cough... belch...'
David_18  65 | 966
14 Oct 2011   #35
Ain't Poles the fastest growing ethnic group in Poland? Doh! ^^

On a serious note i would say Ukrainians since plenty of Ukies travels to Poland for work.
Chevy454  1 | 15
14 Oct 2011   #36
The ones your people napalmed could be excused for thinking otherwise.

Yeah I guess they could be but not many people trade alliances because of friendly fire. I mean would the Nordic volunteers have joined the Allies during WW2 if the Luftwaffe would have dropped some napes on them? As hythorn has stated blue on blue is a common occurrence in every war that has been fought.

Please except my apology my Polish patrons! In The Southern United States, it is custom to cut in to a conversation, if the knowledge given is beneficial to the receiver. My mission is not to troll on this board but to meet people and discuss Poland with them as an American. We Americans have always had a cousinly love for the people of Poland.

My purpose on this particular thread is to read and to discuss: What minorities am I expected to see visiting your country? Are there a large amount of Muslims and non-white people in Poland like as in Belgium? If so, are they under control, or are they rebellious? Am I going to have to punch a Nigerian in his face for trying to sell me Heroin and Cocaine is what I'm asking? When I come to The Land of the Pole I hope I see an ocean of blond hair and blue eyes.
hythorn  3 | 580
14 Oct 2011   #37
don't worry about the blue on blue thing, we are all friends again
no one got hurt... well that is not strictly true but all water under the bridge,
you can't make an omelette without accidentally shelling the people who are supposed to be on your side...

When I come to The Land of the Pole I hope I see an ocean of blond hair and blue eyes.

not really, eye colour and coiffure vary but you will see lots of Polish people in this great land of ours, that is for sure
isthatu2  4 | 2692
14 Oct 2011   #38
non-white people

are they under control, or are they rebellious?

In The Southern United States, it is custom hang non whites from the nearest tree or lamp post...............

When I come to The Land of the Pole I hope I see an ocean of blond hair and blue eyes.

No, in case the news is taking time to filter across the Atlantic; The Nazis lost.......

Fek, the banjo players are out in force today...............
Chevy454  1 | 15
14 Oct 2011   #39
Fek, the banjo players are out in force today...............

Why I do declare! I admire your knowledge of my peoples history!

Imagine yourself as a black person going back to the mother land Africa wouldn't you hope that the crackas haven't started taking over?

In the UK the Anglo-Saxon/Celtics are dwindling as is the Americans with White European ancestry, witch for us Americans is acceptable, because we are the nation of immigrants, we have a breeding population with every race on this earth living here, luckily we are starting to realize we have to be selective of what types of people we let in our country, and hopefully will be getting rid of a lot that do not belong here. Why am I wrong to say that I hope I see Polish people holding on to their DNA and staying what they are? If I wanted to see immigrants I'd go outside my house. When did it become OK to have black pride, gay pride, and every other kind of pride, but it is a shameful act to have white pride? Blond hair and blue eyes originates from Northern Europe why is it Nazi ideology to view that eye and hair color as the dominate types in the country? If I were an Adolf cheerleader I wouldn't be considering Poles white because you're Slavic. If you know anything about Hitler you'd know he didn't like the Slavs!
isthatu2  4 | 2692
15 Oct 2011   #40
In the UK the Anglo-Saxon/Celtics are dwindling

I hadnt noticed I was dwindling TBH :)

Blond hair and blue eyes originates from Northern Europe why is it Nazi ideology to view that eye and hair color as the dominate types in the country?

google Lebensborn or wiki.. wasnt calling *you* a Nazi, but the last bunch who went to Poland looking for Blonde haired Blue Eyed types were.....FYI, those are not Slavic traits, Poland is a Slavic nation.

If you know anything about Hitler

Erm, read a bit, come back,then start with the politics :)
There is far more to Poland than Politics and a five year spot in the mid 20th century :)
Teffle  22 | 1318
15 Oct 2011   #41
I hadnt noticed I was dwindling TBH :)

You're grand, there is still a quarter Pictish left untouched to develop/fester away to its hearts content... ; )
isthatu2  4 | 2692
15 Oct 2011   #42
Its them bloody normans i blame for everything. Yesterday was a Black day in the history of these isles, October the 14th 1066 the Anglo dannish army of Harold Godwinson fought a day long battle on,erm, battle hill.....erm, against the mercenary forces of Duke Wiliam the bastard who under a Papal banner invaded these islands and then,ironicaly for some one under Romes protection,went on to spawn generations of invaders of Ireland......

(yes, that could have gone in the other thread, but Im sort of stream of conciousness tonight ;) )
Like Britain Poland can pretend to its hearts content that its native ethnic mix is some simple to define affair,with one main big one and one or two nice native minorities..........utter tosh, if Poland was the Devils playground with armies criss crossing it through out history britain was the bit at the end of the world every bugger ended up in at some point or another and plenty of "mingling" with the natives went on whether welcome or not ;)
OP District12a  2 | 12
1 Nov 2011   #43
Merged: Whats the Foreign born population of Warsaw?

also, is the Vietnamese community growing?
whats the most racially/ethnic diverse neighbourhood/district in warsaw?
pawian  225 | 27344
1 Nov 2011   #44
whats the most racially/ethnic diverse neighbourhood/district in warsaw?

Do you expect sort of Chinatown/Soho, Little Italy and Harlem in Warsaw?

Forget it.
Alien  25 | 6369
5 Feb 2024   #45
What is Poland's fastest growing ethnic group?

Ironside  50 | 12969
5 Feb 2024   #46
Soon to be overtaken by African illegal migrants sent by the EU and Tusk the traitor.
Miloslaw  20 | 5115
5 Feb 2024   #47
Never a truer word spoken.
Do not trust The EU.
And Tusk is a Polish traitor.
Poloniusz  5 | 970
5 Feb 2024   #48
Harlem in Warsaw? Forget it.

Novichok  4 | 8842
6 Feb 2024   #49
Kneegrows in Poland? This is so fvcking depressing...Plan B out the window...
6 Feb 2024   #50
Plan B out the window

Plan B is so hungry for customers now that they'd even let Jailhouse Jimmy in there if they knew what he's been charged with (let alone the civil suits waiting for him and his enablers in Poland).

Interestingly, the fifth biggest minority in Poland now (after Kaszubians, Silesians, Ukrainians and Belarusians) are the English.
Alien  25 | 6369
6 Feb 2024   #51
Harlem in Warsaw

Seven black men in front of Żabka are not Harlem yet.
Novichok  4 | 8842
6 Feb 2024   #52
The first seven black slaves landing in America was not a problem, either.
johnny reb  49 | 8005
6 Feb 2024   #53
I read that 97% of the people in Poland identify as being Polish.
Alien  25 | 6369
6 Feb 2024   #54
97% of the people in Poland identify as being Polish.

I think it's currently around 90%
Novichok  4 | 8842
6 Feb 2024   #55
...and dropping fast...
MrComric  4 | 26
10 Feb 2024   #56
Suprised nobody said this yet: in absolute numbers, I guess it are Poles.
Novichok  4 | 8842
10 Feb 2024   #57
The fastest growing ethnic group are Western white racists and xenophobes. I wonder why...Just as Cali scum runs to Texas after fvcking up their own state.

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