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The Polish Dream - move out from Poland as fast as possible

10 Jan 2014   #61
The feeling I get is tha most of those who left poland through all generations, are those who lacked local cronies to help them into decent jobs. For proffesional Poles to return gladdly! It would take a programe that would make recruitment to all available jobs fair and equal, to all races age sex orientation and above all Religion. As of today this is a dream way in space. Polish society is acting like any other group with the history of being rejected by its neighours. It is tribal,prejudicial, mistrustful, and xenophobic. The blame for it lies squarely with our geographic neighbours who over centuries abhored our freedoms , and thus rarely in history tried to coexist with Poland on genuinely friendly terms.
pierogi2000  4 | 226
10 Jan 2014   #62
There is a shortage of jobs. Why is there a shortage? Because during the War, the Nazis/Soviets came in and robbed and closed a good portion of the Polish industries. The rest were sold to Westerners after the war by greedy Poles. Poland doesn't produce anything anymore.

And the reason immigrants give their native country a bad name is because those that immigrant weren't the most educated etc. They go overseas because they have no other choice.
Zibi  - | 335
10 Jan 2014   #63
Poland doesn't produce anything anymore.

That's the stupidest thing I have heard recently.
jon357  72 | 23712
10 Jan 2014   #64
Poland doesn't produce anything anymore.

It's a net exporter.

But i don't suppose you'd know what Poland does or doesn't do.
11 Jan 2014   #65
indeed Poland doesnt only not produve anything but also doesnt get much of a revenue back from the big shots like tesco or carrefour and other big trademarks.

indeed one could say that Poland is treated as an African nation, Poland is being colonised by the West.
its good that Poles are finally waking up from the utopia of a pergectly good West, maybe someday ppl will understand that the best is at home... i sure hope so!

to pierogi2000 id beg to disagree, commies built a lot of factories and industry ... it is the fault of the post communist ub controlled clique that sold our heritige when they had a chance to do so.

its kind of funny how the Govt propaganda is moving back in time to Giereks times... Country of success .. second Ireland xd
milky  13 | 1656
11 Jan 2014   #66
it is the fault of the post communist ub controlled clique that sold our heritige when they had a chance to

yea, but who did they sell it to. Not simply the west but to the Chicago Boys.

Poland is being colonised by the West.

and so is Ireland Greece etc but we don't use such black a and white terms to label our oppressor. Putting a geographic name on the other is an old soviet trick. The fact is Poland's elite are in an alliance with the neo-liberal international agenda.(neo-feudalism)They are capitalist. The shock therapy in Poland was forced upon the people but it was done by Polish capitalism in alliance with the international casino capitalism. Blaming the imaginary west and the soviet past/ soviet Poles is being a xenophobic sociopaths.
Wroclaw Boy
11 Jan 2014   #67
its kind of funny how the Govt propaganda is moving back in time to Giereks times... Country of success .. second Ireland xd

That was ammusing, during boom times Poland was the 2nd Ireland (when Ireland was booming as well obviously) , as soon as Ireland got caught in billions of national debt that analogy was dropped like a lead balloon.

I never believed the link anyway, apart from the ridiculous property market associations and immigrant workers there wasn't much else similar.
pawian  226 | 27817
15 May 2021   #68
I think most who went abroad plan to return

They can plan anything but later life verifies those plans. Spike, our precious poster, has been planning it for years, yet he is still staying and settling in the UK.
16 May 2021   #69
Propably is he still not integrated ( in local community ) and will dream until his last day on the earth about return.
pawian  226 | 27817
16 May 2021   #70
Of course. A grown up person who becomes a first generation immigrant will never be fully integrated. This might happen to their kids.
mafketis  38 | 11288
16 May 2021   #71
This is the whole problem of multiculturalism... it prevents the first generation born in the new country from assimilating. Instead the parents pass on their culture shock trauma.... and create a self-replicating cycle of failure.

Immigration only works with assimilation as a goal (in the public sphere at least).
pawian  226 | 27817
16 May 2021   #72
Instead the parents pass on their culture shock trauma.

So, yes, we need to modify our views and assume that wide immigration is promoted only when it comes from culturally similar/close cultures. Then the shock is much smaller. I am ready to adopt this view if you do, too. :):)
mafketis  38 | 11288
16 May 2021   #73
wide immigration is promoted only when it comes from culturally similar/close cultures

Like the old saying democracy/multiculturalism/immigration pick any two.... cause all three cannot co-exist....

Home / Life / The Polish Dream - move out from Poland as fast as possible

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