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- Conservative Radio talk shows in Poland -

OP johnny reb  49 | 8005
6 Jan 2020   #31
In Poland I believe they called it Communism.
Correct me if I am wrong.
mafketis  38 | 11162
6 Jan 2020   #32
I was talking of Polish conservatives in Poland and the E.U.

Between Radio Maryja and state owned media conservative opinions are well covered. What issues aren't being addressed in those that conservatives are interested in?

Maybe more free markets but pro-free market people are more socially liberal in Poland....
cms neuf  1 | 1856
6 Jan 2020   #33
What Thought Police ? And if you flew over tomorrow with a bucket of cash to start a radio station how would they stop you ?

As I said there is no market for one. You conservatives are great believers that the market will fill vacuums so if there was a demand there would be one. As it is most normal people driving their cars or doing the housework prefer to listen to music, sport or their own podcasts, audiobooks etc rather than some moron complaining about transgender bathrooms.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
6 Jan 2020   #34
McCarthy era?

That poor sob didn't know how right he was.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8005
7 Jan 2020   #35
are more socially liberal in Poland....

Because they have never been introduced and educated to the radical opposition.
That's like someone who has only had vanilla ice cream fed to them all their life and suddenly discover chocolate ice cream.
WoW. I never knew I had a choice to choose from as it has always been chosen for me.

with a bucket of cash to start a radio station how would they stop you ?

My name is not George Soros and company.

As it is most normal people

As in most normal people....... "in your age group" would be more accurate.
I wonder how long the Rush Limbaugh show would be allowed to air in the E.U. ? lol
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
7 Jan 2020   #36
Because they have never been introduced and educated to the radical opposition.

Exactly. It's like asking a kid who was beaten daily what he thinks.
Lenka  5 | 3537
7 Jan 2020   #37
My name is not George Soros and company

And no equivalent of Soros on the conservative side seems to want to invest in that. So who, in your opinion, should create that radio?
OP johnny reb  49 | 8005
7 Jan 2020   #38
Good afternoon Sunshine.

seems to want to invest in that.

They don't want to go to 'police thought' jail for being Politically Incorrect.

So who, in your opinion,

Tommy Robinson comes to mind first and foremost.
How about you, who would you suggest ?
Lenka  5 | 3537
7 Jan 2020   #39
Tommy Robinson comes to mind first and foremost.

He was arrested for where he was shooting and not for what he said as far as I remember.

How about you, who would you suggest ?

Noone as I'm not in any way interested in such a radio. I'm just curious about this moaning when it seems noone wants to take up the pains involved in creating it.

Why not create fundation and look for dobation towards it?

And you seriously think someone would be arrested for investing in conservative radio? Hilarious.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8005
7 Jan 2020   #40
He was arrested for where he was shooting

Who did he shoot ?

I'm not in any way interested in such a radio.

Then why are you responding to my thread ?

Why not create fundation and look for dobation towards it?

Because I don't know what a 'fundation' or 'dobation' is.
Is that something in the Polish language or just typo's in your excitement to respond ?
Hilarious is right. lmao
Lenka  5 | 3537
7 Jan 2020   #41
Who did he shoot ?

Filming- better?

Yes I made typos due to writting quickly on the phone. I guess you don't have any real answers and that's why you have to pick on that instead of actually responding to the points I made

Funny thing is that this is the sort of thing you were supposedly fighting with 'Brit bullies' about. Seems you have nothing against it when it suits you.

And if you are so stupid you couldn't recognise the meaning- foundation and donations.
cms neuf  1 | 1856
7 Jan 2020   #42
Just silly conspiracy theories and as usual an obsession with Britain - I don't know if Tommy Robinson has ever set foot in Poland unless it was in his previous capacity as a coke head football hooligan.

There is no thought police here In Poland, Rush Limbaugh could broadcast here if he wanted (would be helpful if he spoke Polish)

As for normal people then I mean normal people of all generations - most radio stations here like Zet, ZP and RMF are mind numbing pop plus a bit of neutral news and lots of Lidl ads. So it is Lidl who fund that, not Soros.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8005
7 Jan 2020   #43
Filming- better?

Yes, now you are cooking with gas. (as she beams with a red face)
No matter what name I suggest you would find it unsuitable for you.
That's why I asked you who you suggest.

this is the sort of thing you were supposedly fighting with 'Brit bullies' about.

What, calling someone stupid while trying to save face ?
Firstly I would never call you stupid and secondly you are not a Brit. even though you could fall into the bully category.
(as J.R. smirks)

Rush Limbaugh could broadcast here if he wanted

I meant someone of his character as he is also an entertainer with humor mocking the Left with facts.
I just have never heard of any radio programs in the E.U. that promotes and educates the public about the positive of the Right and the Negative of the Left.
Miloslaw  20 | 5115
7 Jan 2020   #44
You have just shown your ignorance then.
There are plenty, you just haven' t looked hard enough and don't speak enough languages.....
Lenka  5 | 3537
7 Jan 2020   #45
No matter what name I suggest you would find it unsuitable for you.

I don't mean a single name, more like ideas. Obviously conservative philanthropists don't stand in cue to do it, businessmen don't see profit potential and simple supporters of the case like you seem not to have what it takes to organize and create one.

So what do you expect- is Soros supposed to give founds out of pity that noone else seems to want to?

most radio stations here like Zet, ZP and RMF are mind numbing pop plus a bit of neutral news and lots of Lidl ads

Radio in Poland is mostly office silence killer and nothing more. There are few exceptions but usually it will be an old show with time checked quality
OP johnny reb  49 | 8005
7 Jan 2020   #46
There are plenty,

Name three so I can google them.

is Soros supposed to give founds out of pity

Correct me if I am wrong, did you mean 'funds' ?
Lenka  5 | 3537
7 Jan 2020   #47
Yes. That's what I meant. So?
mafketis  38 | 11162
7 Jan 2020   #48

His religion thinks women should always be deferential to men, you're not deferential enough so he feels the need to big up his authority around you so that you'll be a properly submissive girl.
Lenka  5 | 3537
7 Jan 2020   #49
I hoped he will give me an answer after we cleared that , obviously very confusing, mistake. That is what I meant with that 'So?'
The radio won't create itself- ideas are needed. But it seems all they can do is moan and blame the Bogeyman.

That submissive part may be hard- it goes against my very nature :)
mafketis  38 | 11162
7 Jan 2020   #50
Like about 104% of Polish women.... this is a purely American (evangelical) hangup.... gross beyond belief.
Miloslaw  20 | 5115
7 Jan 2020   #51
Name three so I can google them.

Don't be so lazy.... do your own work and learn some other languages....
I will give you one.
LBC Radio in London have presenters from across the political spectrum, very fair and balanced.
Listen to Nick Ferrari.......he will make you smile.... :-)
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
7 Jan 2020   #52
LBC Radio in London have presenters from across the political spectrum,

Does that "spectrum" include "I am against immigration and especially by Muslims". Has any radio host ever said that and kept his job?
OP johnny reb  49 | 8005
8 Jan 2020   #53
His religion thinks

You have to stoop so low as to attack my religion by pretending you know what it "thinks" ?
How about you two just stay on topic, stop your attacks and keep your dim Podunk remarks to yourself.

do your own work

I am not the one that made the claim that there are plenty of conservative talk shows in the E.U., you are.
So far you have provided ONE in the U.K. and none in Poland.

Has any radio host ever said that and kept his job?

You can bet your sweet bippy not in the E.U. which is my point here.
Miloslaw  20 | 5115
8 Jan 2020   #54
So far you have provided ONE in the U.K. and none in Poland.

As far as I know there aren't any in Poland and as has been said Polish radio is pretty bland.
The nearest thing they get to it is Radio Maryja which is a Catholic radio station aimed mainly at the older generation,which is very conservative,but not the sort of thing you meant,and then there is the Polish TV stations TVP1 and 2 which have been taken over by PIS people, but that is more like biased news or even propaganda.

If you have an internet radio then Radio Poland provides interesting programmes which are mainly in English but this is not political at all.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
8 Jan 2020   #55
Polish radio is pretty bland.

...which is surprising to me, if not shocking, as I remember the days when we would talk nothing but politics na Polibudzie - out in the open, loud, and without fear of UB.

The subjects may have changed, but the Polish DNA has not. Somehow, "Polish" and "bland" just don't go together in one sentence very well for me.
Miloslaw  20 | 5115
8 Jan 2020   #56
Me neither, but you can hear most of the big ones over the internet and your heart will sink..............
OP johnny reb  49 | 8005
8 Jan 2020   #57
If you have an internet radio then Radio Poland provides interesting programmes

I wasn't referring to internet radio for the uniformed voteing Millennials.
I was referring to an audience of the informed voters who wanted to stay educated with the facts that discredit the Lefts propaganda.
A program they could call into live on the air to ask questions and blow off some steam.
Miloslaw  20 | 5115
8 Jan 2020   #58
I wasn't referring to internet radio

The stations I mentioned that are available on the internet are also on the radio.

A program they could call into live on the air to ask questions and blow off some steam.

As far as I know they don't have that in Poland, but if anyone knows otherwise please post the name of the station so that we can give it a listen.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
8 Jan 2020   #59
A program they could call into live on the air to ask questions and blow off some steam.

Too risky. Somebody might say that he doesn't approve of the Muslim immigration and a SWAT team with tanks may show up where he lives.
cms neuf  1 | 1856
8 Jan 2020   #60
And how long would a radio station last in Moscow if it started telling the truth about the billions that Putin steals from his own hard working citizens ?

Take your Muslim nonsense somewhere else where people care about it.

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