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Do you collect mushrooms in your country? Poles in Poland do.

pawian  226 | 27572
2 Feb 2023   #61
Poles pick mushrooms even in wintertime. We talked about in another thread.

Most popular species:

The grey ones: boczniak - oyster mushroom.
The yellow ones: płomienica zimowa - velvet shank
Dark crimson - uszak bzowy - jelly ear
Red and pink - czarka austriacka - scarlet elfcup

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Paulina  19 | 4505
2 Feb 2023   #62
I honestly didn't know that mushrooms can be picked in winter too (I hope my grandma doesn't know about this lol). You learn all your life :))

Have you tried those winter mushrooms? (from the ones mentioned in your post I've heard only of boczniak) They have cool names, btw :)
pawian  226 | 27572
2 Feb 2023   #63
Have you tried those winter mushrooms?

We have been eating oyster mushrooms since they appeared in shops for the first time about 20 years ago. But recently we have our own crops from the farm - the last harvest was 2 weeks ago.

They have cool names, btw :)

Yes, I love those names of various species in fungi, plants and animals world
Paulina  19 | 4505
2 Feb 2023   #64
Come to think of it, I might have eaten oyster mushrooms in some bigos without knowing about it :)

But recently we have our own crops from the farm - the last harvest was 2 weeks ago.

I think I remember seeing some photos of yours in one of the threads... But how do you grow wild mushrooms?
pawian  226 | 27572
2 Feb 2023   #65
I might have eaten oyster mushrooms in some bigos without knowing about it :)

You`d better be careful. One day you might eat Psilocibin fungi in your bigos and then you will become badly addicted to the dish. HA!

But how do you grow wild mushrooms?

On trunks. I have shown them in Countryside thread. Simple. :)
Miloslaw  20 | 5124
2 Feb 2023   #66
You`d better be careful. One day you might eat Psilocibin fungi

I have to agree, some of them do look a little bit like Oyster Mushrooms.
But Oyster Mushrooms are quite tasty.
I still prefer Prawdziwy grzyb.
pawian  226 | 27572
31 Aug 2023   #67
The latest acquisition to the collection list of Polish mushroom hunters is the American boletus Aureoboletus projectellus. Experts warn it is an invasive species. However, mushroom hunters don`t care and relish on it.

Thank you, America~!!! After providing us with NATO, Honourable Presidents Reagan and Biden, you also gave us a noble mushroom.

It has a beautiful name in Polish - złotoborowik wysmukły - Slender Golden Boletus

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Cargo pants  3 | 1425
9 Oct 2023   #68
Mushrooms are quite tasty.

Hey mooli slaw,I would like to send you these mushrooms,that grew in my backyard

  • I will ask your wife to feed them to you and I will pay for your funeral.See how generous of me:))
pawian  226 | 27572
1 Nov 2023   #69
Most Poles consider puffballs inedible mushrooms. But they make a big mistake coz puffballs when young are tasty and delicate.
Here are the ones which grow in our orchard.

As usual in my case, fried. With some leftovers of paella-like dish and mizeria salad.

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pawian  226 | 27572
12 Oct 2024   #70
Groups of Roma mushroom pickers from Romania often come to Polish forests in high season aka autumn to collect hundreds of kilograms of precious goods.

I wonder why. Romania is abundantly forested, more than Poland. Probably it is due to the forgiving legal status of mushroom picking in Poland - there are no limits whatsoever. You only mustn`t make noise or litter in the forest.

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Alien  25 | 6434
12 Oct 2024   #71
Groups of Roma mushroom pickers

They certainly collect hallucinogenic mushrooms from which the black-dressed gypsies prepare a decoction at midnight.
pawian  226 | 27572
12 Oct 2024   #72
the forgiving legal status of mushroom picking in Poland - there are no limits whatsoever.

While in Europe, mushrooms pickers have to stick to daily limits. If they don`t, they may pay thousands of euros fines.
Thank you, Goddess, for designating me to live in Poland.
On the other hand, why the fekk didn`t you send me to be born in Portugal, far from Russian barbarians????
pawian  226 | 27572
13 Oct 2024   #73
An informative article about Italian passion for collecting mushrooms. The author claims it is bigger than the Polish one. Amasing!,2b83378a

In Italy, some people even walk around with flashlights on their heads and collect in the dark!

The forests here are full of people, regardless of the day of the week. It's nice to see 60- or 80-year-olds racing through these hills better than I can. For them, it's a national sport after football and cycling, " he confesses.

The richness of Italian forests never ceases to surprise Adam. In Lombardy you can pick mushrooms that are very rare or protected in Poland . I myself picked the dark brown boletus, the imperial fly agaric or the royal boletus.

pawian  226 | 27572
20 Oct 2024   #74
Amasing news about fly amanita mushroom known in Poland as red fly killer.
Every Pole and Poless know this species from kindergarten times coz kids always draw it in pics depicting autumn or a trip to the forest coz it looks so attractive.
Many people believe it is deadly poisonous but it isn`t true - it is mostly a psychodelic mushroom, in fact.
That is why the Polish authorities are planning to ban its sale on the net soon. That is why I said: amasing coz I had no idea such sale was going on.

A season`s decoration with red fly killers in a Polish preschool:

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Ironside  50 | 12959
20 Oct 2024   #75

Pawian I have some mushrooms for you, given me an address to send it to, and don't forget to eat them all.
pawian  226 | 27572
20 Oct 2024   #76
I have some mushrooms for you

Yes, I know, the deadliest of all.
That is why I will never cease addressing you as a murderous nationalist. You reveal your killer instincts in every tenth post. :):):)
That is why I reject Polish nationalism and its supporters - they are murderers in heart and mind.
Miloslaw  20 | 5124
20 Oct 2024   #77
An informative article about Italian passion for collecting mushrooms. The author claims it is bigger than the Polish one

All I can add is that when I was young and a large family group went mushroom picking, the only other people we ever came across were Italians and a few French.
Brits didn't pick mushrooms back then but a few of them do now.
pawian  226 | 27572
31 Oct 2024   #78
Mushroom hunting can end with disastrous effects. Everybody must watch out when in the forest!!!

Here is tragic news about certain guy who paid a high price for his carelessness.

The incident occurred on Friday morning in the town of Rudno in the Lublin province. A 49-year-old resident of the Milanów commune went for a bike ride to a nearby forest to pick mushrooms. His ride quickly raised the suspicions of an approaching police patrol. The officers decided to conduct a routine check, during which they checked the 49-year-old's sobriety.

A breathalyzer test showed that the man was under the influence of alcohol . In connection with the applicable regulations, he was fined PLN 2,500. The cyclist was also banned from continuing the ride and agreed to return home on foot.

Less than an hour after the first stop, the police noticed that the man was riding a bike again. Another check showed an even higher level of alcohol in his blood - the 49-year-old had over a per mille in his blood. The police issued two more tickets. One for riding under the influence of alcohol in the amount of PLN 2.5 thousand and the second - PLN 500 for failing to comply with the orders of the services.
Total: PLN 5,500.

Miloslaw  20 | 5124
31 Oct 2024   #79
A breathalyzer test showed that the man was under the influence of alcohol

Not uncommon in Poland!
pawian  226 | 27572
27 Dec 2024   #80
Pickled mushrooms are very popular in Poland. Each shop has them in the offer.

Here, noble boletus, the most expensive of all.

Still a decade ago I made them myself but now don`t have time.

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Alien  25 | 6434
27 Dec 2024   #81
Pickled mushrooms are very popular in Poland

Dried mushrooms are even more popular.
pawian  226 | 27572
27 Dec 2024   #82
And the fresh ones are the most popular of all.
Alien  25 | 6434
27 Dec 2024   #83
fresh ones

But you have to collect them yourself or buy them from a woman on the road. In addition, there may be "szatany" there, which are similar to boletus.
cms neuf  2 | 1878
27 Dec 2024   #84
This was a great year - I went maybe 6 times and each visit a full basket. I found an excellent spot for boletus and maslaki. Used the last of them in Christmas bigos this week - nowadays I don't have the energy for pickling
pawian  226 | 27572
27 Dec 2024   #85
But you have to collect them yourself or buy them from a woman on the road

Not really. You can buy them in shops too.
Or, at a market.

nowadays I don't have the energy for pickling

Another option is drying. Driers are cheap gadgets.
cms neuf  2 | 1878
27 Dec 2024   #86
Yeah I'm drying a lot, but last few years I just started to pick a sustainable amount - enough for breakfast and a few more for freezing and drying and I don't bother anymore with lesser species like opieki or sowa
pawian  226 | 27572
27 Dec 2024   #87
I just started to pick a sustainable amount

You are the first person who mentions it about mushrooms. Good.
But younger generations aren`t into hunting mushrooms like we were decades ago. So, the healthy balance is still retained.
Ironside  50 | 12959
28 Dec 2024   #88

your post suggests you eat the wrong kind of mushrooms, not sure if is it legal in Poland or not.
Lyzko  44 | 9720
28 Dec 2024   #89
A friend of mine from Swabia in Southwestern Germany used to tell me about
"Pilzsuchfahrten" or "mushroom hunts" when he was a boy growing up around the
Schwaebische Alb.
pawian  226 | 27572
28 Dec 2024   #90
not sure

You aren`t sure coz you ........
Never mind. :):):) Enjoy your Saturday. :):):)

Home / Life / Do you collect mushrooms in your country? Poles in Poland do.

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