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Best over the counter flu medicine in Poland?

17 Feb 2011   #1
Hi guys, I have the flu...I've had it for 3 days and haven't slept for the past 2 nights.....

Symptoms: cold chest...sweating...shivering...deep coughing...vomiting...weakness...tiredness...

My question is what is the best medicine available over the counter here in Poland


Ill Brit
Magdalena  3 | 1827
17 Feb 2011   #2
Gripex works well, but bear in mind it only alleviates the symptoms, but doesn't get to the root of the problem, and from your description I gather you should really, really see a doctor to rule out anything serious (esp. the vomiting and chesty cough look rather nasty).
Polonius3  980 | 12275
17 Feb 2011   #3
17 Feb 2011   #4
It's the 3-day flu. Many got it now... including my roomate ;/
Stu  12 | 515
17 Feb 2011   #5
Check your temp. If you have high fever, do go and see a doctor. Pneumonia is lurking around the corner and you can't get rid of that with Gripex or other stuff you can get over the counter ... in that case you need antibiotics. Swine flu is still around ... keep that in mind. In the Netherlands, of all the flu cases, 60% have swine flu, the rest has "normal" flu.

Two of my friends had swine flu and they were very sick because of it.

So ... check your temperature ... above 103 or 104 F (39.5, 40C)? Go see a doctor.

Otherwise ... get yourself some paracetamol (if your liver is functioning okay) or aspirine or ibuprofen (if you don't have stomach problems) to get your temp down. All this of course only if your are not allergic to any of the ingredients.
Magdalena  3 | 1827
17 Feb 2011   #6
Pneumonia is lurking around the corner and you can't get rid of that with Gripex or other stuff


All in all, seeing a doctor is the most important thing to do now. High fever is not really a factor here, I have known people who were really sick and had a normal temperature.
isthatu2  4 | 2692
17 Feb 2011   #7
Yep,get checked out,dont tough it out, I did just after christmas,ended up semi consious for 3 days and was later told by a medic friend Id had all the simptoms of swine flu,should have been hospitalised ,I was lucky but it realy knocked 7 shades out of me,Im only just getting back to fitness.....:(
jonni  16 | 2475
17 Feb 2011   #8
It's the 3-day flu. Many got it now... including my roomate ;/

Remember that isn't flu. Just some bug. Not nice, but not serious. Gripex etc is OK for that.

Yep,get checked out,dont tough it out, I did just after christmas,ended up semi consious for 3 days and was later told by a medic friend Id had all the simptoms of swine flu,should have been hospitalised ,I was lucky but it realy knocked 7 shades out of me,Im only just getting back to fitness.....:(

Same here. I got Swine Flu just after new year, and on my back for a fortnight plus a week or so of post-viral symptoms. There's an epidemic where I am now (aren't we only a few miles apart right now? I'm staying with family in Wakey) A very nasty illness to get. Over the counter stuff like Gripex or home remedies don't even touch it.

The moral of the story is to get vaccinated. Boots do it cheaply.
Olaf  6 | 955
17 Feb 2011   #9
Gripex works well, but bear in mind it only alleviates the symptoms, but doesn't get to the root of the problem,

Paracetamol in Gripex does work on the roots of the problems actually.

you should really, really see a doctor

- yes, immediately!

This may sound silly but try also honey (not in hot tea as temp. over 40C deg. "kills" it) and onions & garlic. You will smell nice but feel better soon!:)
Havok  10 | 902
17 Feb 2011   #10
Hi guys, I have the flu...

have you thought about going to a doctor and ask?
PennBoy  76 | 2429
17 Feb 2011   #11
Gripex works well, but bear in mind it only alleviates the symptoms, but doesn't get to the root of the problem

None of them over the counter medicines work you need antibiotics.
gumishu  15 | 6228
17 Feb 2011   #12
antibiotics can't fight flu - anitbiotics are only necessary if you develop some bacterial infection (like throat inflamatory or pneumonia) in the aftermath of a flu

what I would recommend is buying lime blossom or raspberry leaf herbal tea - they both lower fever (I think lime blossom herbal tea is more effective) - they should be available in you drug store - if not there are special dedicated stores which sell herbal products

lime blossom tea is also said to help one to get to sleep

also home-made raspberry juice and jam work to counter fever (and also contain some vitamine C)
SzwedwPolsce  11 | 1589
17 Feb 2011   #13
None of them over the counter medicines work you need antibiotics.

Antibitoics don't have any effect on the flu, because it's a virus.

However, if you have a secondary bacterial complication, such as pneumonia, you should use antibiotics. But it's not so common, if you aren't a child, chronically ill or old.

The best way to decrease fever and other symptoms of flu are:

(If you don't have liver problem or gastric ulcer.)

1000 mg paracetamol 4 times daily
400 mg ibuprofen 3 times daily

Take them "at different times" for better effect.

This is perfectly safe, but don't drink any alcohol.

It has been scientifically proved that alcohol impairs the immune system. Even if ýou feel less of your symptoms, it will take longer time to fight the infection. It's also a myth that alcohol can kill viruses in your throat. It can not, because the viruses are inside your cells.

/Medical Student in Poland
BBman  - | 343
19 Feb 2011   #14

Is this the same as acetaminophen?
20 Feb 2011   #16
Medical Student in Poland

While they are not, unfortunately, available over the counter, I'm a big supporter of the stance that the best things in Warsaw to get one over flu is a Norwegian medical student.

If she's brought drugs & booze with her, so much the better.
jonni  16 | 2475
20 Feb 2011   #17
drugs & booze

There's someting in that. I had Swine Flu last month, and a bit of Biały Amerykański really did the trick.
20 Feb 2011   #18
That's the problem with flu: nose blocked up, makes dosing accurately a bit difficult.

Now that I think about it, the young lovely who showed me how well south American marching powder can be put in a gel cap and used as a suppository wasn't actually Norwegian. Swedish-Ukrainian if I remember rightly....
24 Feb 2018   #19

Oxytrol (or other over-the-counter medicine for overactive bladder?)

Hi all,

I was just wondering if anybody has had any experience locating medication for overactive bladder (such as Oxytrol) in Poland?

Fan of Poland
15 Jan 2020   #20
How can I order Gripex and Octedin online?
cms neuf  2 | 1958
15 Jan 2020   #21
Gripex isn't available online at Rossmann so there there's probably some legal or regulatory reason for that - you could try a few other websites.

So you probably will need to go to a physical shop, at least the weather isn't so bad at the moment.

I never heard of the other thing yes
johnny reb  49 | 8003
15 Jan 2020   #22

Theraflu packets to make tea are the best I've ever tried.
They make both day and night time.
Then pound down the Gatorade to stay hydrated.
Hot showers and rest.
Mon Bahadur Thap
29 Mar 2022   #23
Hi I have got cold and fever since last two days before which tablet is available in Apteka
Alien  26 | 6550
29 Mar 2022   #24
Covid test.

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