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What are the best cars to buy in Poland?

16 Apr 2020 #31

Question about buying old cars in Poland

Can one find well-kept old cars in Poland like Citroen XM, Opel Omega A, Audi 100/A6 (C4), Citroen C5 1st gen, etc? I'd like something quirky or a sleeper and large. Are imports from abroad like Italy available/good quality?
jon357 73 | 22653
16 Apr 2020 #32
Can one find well-kept old cars in Poland

Not really; the second-hand market isn't great.

Are imports from abroad like Italy available

People sometimes import from various places; Belgium is quite popular for that.
Roibeard79 3 | 39
22 Oct 2020 #33
Anyone have any issues with Mitsubishi cars , as in if parts are needed. Looking to buy a car and found one I like but was told maybe issues with parts if ever needed. I can't see that been an issue though?
dolnoslask 5 | 2808
22 Oct 2020 #34
Looking to buy a car

Don't buy in Poland , import one from Germany.
Roibeard79 3 | 39
22 Oct 2020 #35
Thanks, but don't think i could be bothered with the hassle of that
jon357 73 | 22653
22 Oct 2020 #36
was told maybe issues with parts if ever needed.

They're easy enough to come by if you order the parts online.
dolnoslask 5 | 2808
23 Oct 2020 #38
don't think i could be bothered with the hassle of that

Ok good luck let us know how you got on.
Roibeard79 3 | 39
23 Oct 2020 #39
Thanks , think i am going to buy it, it's a Mitsubushi Outlander . Done some more research online and parts don't appear to be an issue. Think it's an old thinking for cars outside of EU that is hard to get parts.
Alien 22 | 5225
21 Apr 2024 #40
Mitsubushi Outlander

One of the 'indestructible' cars, they drive forever.

Home / Life / What are the best cars to buy in Poland?
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