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Why there is always around a horrible smell of sweat in Poland

asmaani  - | 28
14 Nov 2008   #153
funny thing I went to India spent some time there and I never met anybody stinking, regardless of the heat outside.
Ericlipis  4 | 26
16 Nov 2008   #154
lol before I had a car here in Poland my wife son and I took the buses and trams all the time! My son puked when 2 rif rafs got on the bus and smelled like something had died inside them! Get used to it because unfortunately there is a huge problem with alcoholism and non working people here who can not afford the proper place to stay. Hence it's why they don't shower.
southern  73 | 7059
16 Nov 2008   #155
Polish people smell wonderful.
Polonius3  980 | 12275
16 Nov 2008   #156
Wasn't it Queen Elizabeth I who said she took a bath once a month whether she neeed it or not?
osiol  55 | 3921
16 Nov 2008   #157
Suprise suprise! She wasn't Polish! So what's your point?
I think most people in Europe in those days had slightly dodgy personal hygiene.
22 Nov 2008   #158
I bathe about once a week (in summer, in winter it's not necessary to bathe so often) then apply litle bit of deo and don't smell at all. Deodorants these days can make wonders! (And yes, they are all the same regardless of which country they are made in since there is only about 1.5 corporation producing them). The only people that smell BO are manual workers who don't use deos at all. ;-)

But since we are talking about smells and hygiene: I have been to most of european countries and visited all the big cities in Europe west of Kiev. Never seen so much s**t on the streets as I see in London everyday: people just throw rubbish straight on the streets like it's still dark ages or something. Mice and rats are common everywhere, and coacroaches, even bedbugs and lice - things I did not know still existed in real life before I went to London (thought it was somethiing of the past like cholera).

Bless you, UK.
osiol  55 | 3921
22 Nov 2008   #159
thought it was somethiing of the past like cholera

Many would swear more strongly after such a rant. Cholera? K**** more like.

he only people that smell BO are manual workers who don't use deos at all

I do manual work. We manual workers all (for I am their spokesman) reckon that it's people in stuffy offices with no fresh air who smell bad.
22 Nov 2008   #160
When I said "cholera" I meant a disease not a swear word. As for office workers... No, they usually don't smell worse than manual ones... ;-)
osiol  55 | 3921
23 Nov 2008   #161
they usually don't smell worse than manual ones

Yes they do.
No they don't.
Yes they do.
No they don't.
Of course they flipping do! Stuck in an office, usually with recycled air, bad heating systyems, people wearing shirts with collars and ties - unnaturally uncomfortable attire. Maybe smelly manual labourers is a London thing. Out here in the country, everyone smells of freshly cut hay, honeysuckle and wood shavings.

There's no point arguing with a guest though.
Yes there is.
No there isn't.
Yes there is.
No there isn't.
Seanus  15 | 19666
23 Nov 2008   #162
I just paid you for an argument, Osioł ;) Nudge nudge wink wink

Sweat here? No different from back home. Some oldies stink to high heaven and the young ones are usually fresh.

Yes I did ;)
16 Oct 2009   #163
It's actually pretty funny... WHen I read this topic I thought about my sundaymornings on HALA :) Because I regognise the description of the smell so well from there...

When I wrote the whole note it turned out you've been there too ;)
Maybe smelly people gather there? :) !
Seanus  15 | 19666
16 Oct 2009   #164
This I don't get. I'm not saying that it doesn't exist and is noticeable on public transport but I have never encountered it.
13 Nov 2009   #165
Government health department should post the following information on bill-boards and tv commercials ....... wash your armpits and wear a clean shirt/blouse daily.
This will eradicate your problem.
And Seanus, get your nose cleared and stop wearing blinkers.
1jola  14 | 1875
18 Jun 2010   #166
I'm not joking, ask a Pole what a roach is called?
Magdalena  3 | 1827
18 Jun 2010   #167
Are you sure about that? Because I have never, ever seen a cocroach, or heard of anyone else seeing them. I don't think they exist at all in Europe.

Then if you ever come to London, I can show you things you've never seen before, and I ain't talkin' about historical monuments here ;-p

ask a Pole what a roach is called?

Seanus  15 | 19666
18 Jun 2010   #168
Karaluch, yeah. They are more common in Japan and they maintain very healthy and hygienic standards. Gokiburi in Japanese.
1jola  14 | 1875
18 Jun 2010   #169
Karaluch czy prusak?
POLENGGGs  2 | 150
18 Jun 2010   #170
i can't tell you how many times i heard that in Poland haha.

OMG , really. You know, in some WEstern countries this would be a blessing, since some of these countries experiance droughts and thus water shortages.

I think the worst smell in poland one can experience is from bad alcohol breath.....
as for the BO , there is space, and its not like we are London, living on top of each other.
Plus you might take into consideration, that still in a lot of old city houses there is no showers/baths installed, theres still outhouses in the backyard(these days more often found to be a toilet installed in the corridoor next 2 the stairs)
I hate Poland
1 Sep 2016   #171
It's because polish people stink as hell, they are dirty and don't take baths or showers. Polish shouldn't really have a country, Poland is an invention that only caused problems
Polonius3  980 | 12275
1 Sep 2016   #173
went to India

My cousin recently went to India on business the first time and was aghast at the filth. He lived in a palace of a hotel, but there was a garbage dump just outside his window. And he saw not only "sacred" cows but Indians defecating right in the streets. And that "Holy River" -- people "purifying" themselves by bathing in water polluted by cremated and partially cremated human remains!
Atch  22 | 4299
1 Sep 2016   #174
Indians defecating right in the streets.

A little girl whom I was teaching, who had only recently arrived in Ireland, proceeded to go to the toilet in the school yard, though in fairness she squatted over what we call a 'shore', the drain thing under the water pipe on the outside of the building. Obviously she was from a poor family who had been unaccustomed to indoor sanitary arrangements.

At the same time during the summer I saw an American tourist squat on the pavement outside Park Łazienkowski within not more than 20 metres of a public toilet facility and proceed to her business, with her rear end facing the traffic! Now I'm sure she wouldn't do that in New York or Washington. Why does she think it's ok in Poland? Unfortunately it was one of those occasions when there wasn't a policeman in sight.
Polonius3  980 | 12275
1 Sep 2016   #175
an American tourist

How do you know she was an American? Most Americans are exaggeratedly hygiene minded and require extreme privacy for bodily fucntions and changing.

rear end facing the traffic!

Maybe she didn't want anyone to recognise her (ha-ha!)
Atch  22 | 4299
1 Sep 2016   #176
Well she had that very special sartorial style favoured by American tourists! Also I heard her husband speaking to her, he was standing by waiting for her to finish......of course you're right, that doesn't mean she was American but it might be fairly assumed that she was. Anyway her American husband allowed her to commit this act so guilty as charged!
Polonius3  980 | 12275
1 Sep 2016   #177
guilty as charged

Maybe she had the runs and was not within easy reach of a loo. What else could the poor lady do but "feed the bushes"?
Atch  22 | 4299
1 Sep 2016   #178
within not more than 20 metres of a public toilet facility

As I said previously. I know you Americans don't understand the metric system but......... :D
Polonius3  980 | 12275
1 Sep 2016   #179
put them in off-topic

I beat my breast. Will do!

Stick to the topic, please
Joker  2 | 2401
28 Dec 2017   #180
When I passed the smell of sweat and not having a shower for ages, was horrible. O

We have the same problem with them when they first come to America.

Only if they would hand them a stick of deodorant and instructions on how to use it at the airport...... LoL

Ya, the stench from foreigners can be horrible!

After they assimilate into our society most of them learn some form of decent hygiene:)

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