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Poczta Polska Is Killing ME! Transit time.

12 Jan 2010   #1
god how i hate PP. I have been having nothing but a nightmare with them when it comes to gettin my mail.

I've had too many pieces of mail returned to sender, just to have them call me and ask if i have moved, just because the postcarrier is too effin lazy to write an awiso for me to pick them up at the post office. :/

I have a business I am in the process of opening and the shop is not open to the public yet, and there isn't someone in the shop during business hours, so the mailman just knocked on the door and walked away without giving me an awiso. The mail was returned to sender. My Polish business partner & I interrogated him as to where our mail is, and he said "you dont get any". You can imagine how well that went over with me. We explained that there has been over 20 letters RTS, cuz he don't do an awiso. We now have him giving the mail to the shop next door.

After the "shop mail fiasco"- 1 firm sent mail to my home address as requested by me. This firm called me today saying that their mail for me was RTS. They informed me that there was info on the back of the letter stating that the mailman put an awiso in my mailbox Dec 21 then Dec 29, which I had NEVER seen!!

I will go to the local office and talk with the english speaking person there about this, not that it will do any good, but they know me well from previous awisos.

effing ridiculous!!
Cleo14  1 | 29
12 Jan 2010   #2
I will go to the local office and talk with the english speaking person there about this

ha ha ha, good luck finding one :@D. but seriously - I understand your frustration. Poczta Polska sucks. I hate going there and avoid that place as much as I can. What you can try and do - altough you shouldn't have to bacuse PP gets paid for their services - is to go to your post office once in a while and inquire if theres any undelievered mail for you. you don't need awizo to do so - just your ID for picking up certified mail.
jwojcie  2 | 762
12 Jan 2010   #3
I know it will not cheer you up, but PP monopoly will probably end in 2013... PP is one of the last dinosaurs of PRL standing. PP is postosaur, PKP is trainosaur, just don't want to die... We had also shipyardsaurs but they luckily became extinct. Hm... there are also minesaurs but they seems to evolving in some kind of crocodiles.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
12 Jan 2010   #4
god how i hate PP. I have been having nothing but a nightmare with them when it comes to gettin my mail.

I'm the exact opposite - never had a problem, even with deliveries that have the customs declaration clearly printed on it with the value/etc. They're not the quickest in the world, but that can be forgiven.

In fact, the only bad thing about them is the way they don't accept cards in the post office - but it's a small price to pay. Look at the integration between the post office and the delivery side of things - compared to the Royal Mail, it's an absolute dream.

Other people's mileage may vary - it's probably no surprise that the service in Poznan is efficient and....Germanic.
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427
12 Jan 2010   #5
effing ridiculous!!

get PO box- problem solved

unless you just want to complain
Ajb  6 | 231
12 Jan 2010   #6
I've had too many pieces of mail returned to sender

I also have the same problem... most things i am sent from the UK or PL gets lost!, i've had letters from the bank in PL lost and some stuff from the UK also lost!

I want to order some books but i am scared they will get lost!

Drives me nuts! but hey.. nothing i can do about it!
Englishpoznan  4 | 99
12 Jan 2010   #7
A few threads slagging of PP personally 453 packages sent in December just gone 453 arrived safely with no problems!
13 Jan 2010   #8
My business ships exclusively by PP, and I've had very few problems.

In the case of any problems with service, I've had good luck speaking with a supervisor at the post office (avoiding the mailman and the clerks at the window).

As I ship as a business, for the last year I've been assigned a "przedstawiciel handlowy" (basically a salesman) who I can also call about problems, and has been pretty good about sorting things. (I even got a nice PP calendar this year!)
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
13 Jan 2010   #9
A few threads slagging of PP personally 453 packages sent in December just gone 453 arrived safely with no problems!

Compare and contrast to DHL, who called me at 7am this morning about the delivery of a printer worth 1650zl, so a fairly hefty piece of equipment. Fine and well - but they want to either deliver at 10am or not at all today. It's absolutely useless for me - it means someone has to be here when both of us have business meetings today, so I've had to push back a meeting simply to sign for the parcel!
Wroclaw Boy
13 Jan 2010   #10
Fine and well - but they want to either deliver at 10am or not at all today

better than 7:00 am in my opinion, ive never heard of compaines that come back again.
24 Jan 2010   #11
They lose the mails quite often, and their offices are a nightmare - you wait in long queues, and the workers there never speak any english. Yes true nightmare
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
24 Jan 2010   #12
and their offices are a nightmare

They're a nightmare because of old people using them for a social life and allegro traders posting endless pieces. That's not Poczta Polska's fault.

and the workers there never speak any english. Yes true nightmare

How many USPS workers speak Polish?
convex  20 | 3928
24 Jan 2010   #13
They're a nightmare because of old people using them for a social life and allegro traders posting endless pieces. That's not Poczta Polska's fault.

That is front and center PPs fault. Have you seen anything implemented in the last 5 years to increase efficiency? I've got three of those little package slips on my desk right now, why aren't the packages delivered to me?
Trevek  25 | 1699
24 Jan 2010   #14
you wait in long queues,

and every few minutes someone walks to the front to 'ask a question' and gets erved before everyone else.
pip  10 | 1658
9 Jul 2011   #15
Poczta Polska in Poland

good grief, does anybody else hate the Polish post office more than I do?

I am not talking about my mail man- he is great.

I mean the old hags that work behind the counter that hate their jobs and hate everybody that comes in the post office.

I have had 5 small parcels stolen and one time this old hag behind the counter mis charged me for a parcel. I paid too little, her fault, but she came to my house and told me I needed to pay more- and of course she made me feel like crap because she had to walk to my house.

I would love to see Poland over haul this system.
jon357  72 | 23665
17 Nov 2012   #16
I just got an important letter. 22 days from London to Warsaw! You could walk with the letter and deliver it by hand faster than that.

Poczta Polska aren't fit to be involved in deliveries within the EU unless they're administered by another countries postal service!
TommyG  1 | 359
17 Nov 2012   #17
Wow! That's bad! I think it took 6 days for my original birth certificate to be sent over.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
17 Nov 2012   #18

There is some issue going on with Poczta Polska and Warsaw - I have no issue at all with UK-Poznan mail and even Poland-USA mail, but anything going to/from Warsaw seems to just get stuck somewhere.
Homogenik  2 | 11
17 Nov 2012   #19
When I was in Warsaw in august, I sent postcards to Canada on two different days. Two cards sent the same day arrived a week later or so. And the other two, months later! I couldn't believe it!
Cardno85  31 | 971
16 Nov 2014   #20
old people using them for a social life

Oh tell me about it, I was off work on day and thought to myself "great, I will go and pick up my parcel while everyone else is at work" and off I wandered to the Post Office at 11am. God what a mistake that was, the whole place was full of old people in a queue/mob that had no order. Also people were spending aaages at the counter having non-post related conversations and then, when it finally came down to paying for something, of course it was all paid in Groszy.

I waited for about 25 minutes and, after so much chaos and queue jumping I gave up and went for a pint.
Crow  155 | 9721
16 Nov 2014   #21
Poczta Polska Is Killing ME!

oh, don`t say that Pane. Its not ok to publicly spit on that institution. Decent people rule there. For us Serbs Polish Post Service is beacon of light because resisted to partition of Serbia and see Kosovo as part of Serbia
28 Feb 2015   #22
Merged: Poczta Polska transit time


My friend has send a letter last week with Poczta Polska from Gdynia to Krakow as 'List polecony ekonomiczny' and the status of the letter is still: Nadanie przesyłki 2015-02-24 16:54

How long it usually take for domestic letters? I think it shouldn't take longer then 3 business days...
Looker  - | 1129
28 Feb 2015   #23
The status may not be updated yet or there's really some delay there. And this is the 'economiczny' letter so it can take longer than the 3 business days to reach a recipient.
Hi Im Angry
30 Jun 2020   #24
Outside of Poland, authorizing an agent on my behalf:
1. Government document application, sent for the first time.
2. No notice was given, e-tracking shows collectable at post office for the past 3 weeks, returned to sender. (1 month duration)
3. Re-send, no notice was given even though e-tracking said otherwise, failed sending again, returned to sender.(1 month duration)
4. Re-send, no notice was given, agent went to post office with her ID and authorizing paper with my signature, being refused by PP officer, returned to sender.(1 month duration)

5. Asked government unit to change the recipient name and address to my agent's, resend, e-tracking said item delivered, agent said she got nothing. 4 F-ing months of waiting for nothing.

F my life.
pawian  226 | 27817
30 Jun 2020   #25
F my life.

You can thank PiS party for that. They control Polish Post like all other institutions,. Recently, the Post was engaged in elections which didn`t take place in May as planned. They don`t have time to deal with such silliness as standard postal services.
fantomekallio  - | 1
27 Nov 2020   #26

Poczta Polska - what is going on?

Two weeks ago I was sent a parcel from Poland. I'm eagerly waiting for its arrival, but nothing seems to be happening. The parcel was sent as a priority parcel, and therefore should have arrived in four working days. However, it spent those four days traveling across Poland. The last tracking log is "sent from Poland" from WER Warszawa, and that was one week ago.

I asked the sender to call the enquiry phone (which I cannot do, since I don't speak Polish) and he told me, that the parcel is actually still in Poland, for whatever reason.

Now I'm just wondering:

- what's going on
- is this common
- will I ever get the parcel, and if, when
- how is this possible in a civilized country
JacekthePole  1 | 51
30 Nov 2020   #27
If Poczta Polska was a person, that person would be serving 10 whole life jail sentences.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
30 Nov 2020   #28
Everything related to shipping is ****** up worldwide now. I wait 4 months for printing equipment coming from Poland when it use to take 2-3, checks in the mail can take 2 weeks, even ordering a stupid cell phone off ebay from NYC to Chicago took over a week with 1st class delivery.

Maybe try DHL or Fedex for packages and smaller shipments??

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