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Why do Polish people throw trash on the ground?

Strzelec35  19 | 830
23 Apr 2021   #1
They are like black people in this regard it seems:

Maybe they only do it in Poland hence no articles has been written about them on this subject yet?

This is another reason why I dont get why so many polish people dislike ukrainians like this spike guy on here or iron who are both polish expat immigrants in the uk. When your own countrymen throw trash on the ground like black people how can you like polish people not like other europeans or white races?
Novichok  4 | 8732
23 Apr 2021   #2
Why do Polish people throw trash on the ground?

To personalize their surroundings just as they personalize their Polish with kurwas and other methods. If you look at it as art, you will instantly feel better.
OP Strzelec35  19 | 830
23 Apr 2021   #3
So, it is like a dog peeing: to mark the territory?
Novichok  4 | 8732
23 Apr 2021   #4
Yes. If the owner joins his peeing dog, the area diameter is doubled.

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