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New Polish generation prefers black culture?

17 May 2011   #31
so he is saying his wife is a hoe, he talks about killing, robbing, puts women down, etc, etc... but the president likes it... maybe it is for the sheer votes he will get from the people that vote that also listen to Ludacris... but this kind of music and thinking brings society down... to think Poland endorses this culture is shocking and deserves no applaud...

And Paktofonika raps about life being so short that everyone should enjoy each moment of it ("Ulotne chwile")
WWO raps that man can do everything with his life - ruin it or be succesful ("Mogę wszystko")
OSTR raps about loving Poland and being patriotic even though it's sometimes hard to live here ("Kochana Polsko")

or do they only appeal to low-class

What about jazz? It doesn't appeal to low-class. On the contrary, it appeals to high-class.

I am not white,

May I ask who you are then?
Midas  1 | 571
17 May 2011   #32
Hip Hop music is clearly what the thread is about and mentioning it doesn't dumb down the discussion.

It is not about "mentioning it". It is about taking the whole "black culture" and saying it equals just the worst aspects of some of the "hip hop culture".

As said, it is downright offensive.

Nobody summarizes "Italian culture" by saying - "Don Corleone", "Mafia", "Law of Omerta", bang-bang, You're dead. On the contrary, people talk about the Reneissance, Michelangelo and so forth.

I could check statistics on the internet regarding blacks/ afro-american...
they influence in the wrong way

Where? In Poland? Hardly.

And crime, in my humble opinion, has a lot more to do with poverty than it does with race.
OP cheesymac  4 | 60
17 May 2011   #33
This thread is getting silly....and then they talk about "uneducated"

I read a lot of Walter Dean Myers growing up, atleast 6-7 books... but I do not go out of my way learning about a culture bickering about the past, but more so what is the present... the number of great blacks is heavily out-numbered by bad... like any culture... but I said by bad... not nobodies...

What about jazz? It doesn't appeal to low-class. On the contrary, it appeals to high-class.

Jazz is no class.

May I ask who you are then?

I am Punjabi... Sikh... of the Jatt caste, not that it matters... the reason why I come to this subject is because I have seen both cultures in America, white and black... whilst black people's culture is a trap... I can see how it can be cool... but for the ones' partaking in this culture are nobodies on the general scale... due to drugs and other aspects holding them down... because instead of focusing on their futures they are focused on right now... apparently their current situation, on a general scale, is blamed on the white man, but I do not see how the white man put the drugs in their mouths or veins, etc... keep a keen eye that I am speaking generally... not about all. But back to the forum's question... I got my answer... from Des Essientes... although I find it astonishing how the mind works towards black people, like they are all in poverty and came from hard lives, while the rest of the world suffers greater... unless you add AIDS into the picture.
stinkybugger  - | 56
17 May 2011   #34
Cheesy have you ever experienced over parts of the world to open your mind and educate yourself?
OP cheesymac  4 | 60
17 May 2011   #35
Where? In Poland? Hardly.

And crime, in my humble opinion, has a lot more to do with poverty than it does with race.

You are right about Poland... but what about Western Europe... where blacks are there are drugs... and they are the dealers... everywhere... even outside the clubs in Prague...

Poverty, does have to do with crime... also not having a dad raising you and your mother being mad and a drug addict... with multiple kids receiving child support and/or welfare so she doesn't have to work...

Back to Poverty... why would a race so poor as the black race in America... apparently... where ever there are a bunch of them... create musics and ideals to keep them in this tormenting cycle? To indulge in it, even portray it by rmirroring it is absurd... considering you can not talk about the same crimes, etc... because they are not occurring... and that is not an excuse for them to do so... if they care for one another
stinkybugger  - | 56
17 May 2011   #36
Poverty, does have to do with crime... also not having a dad raising you and your mother being mad and a drug addict...

You are right being poor doesnt mean you have to be a criminal but saying that it is the route some people see as the only way out.

Not having a father can make a difference to a child as an adult regardless of ethnicity. The data is out there. But adding the mad drug addict part, is you being a fool again and going back to some generalisation again.

We can all make generalisations.
OP cheesymac  4 | 60
17 May 2011   #37
Cheesy have you ever experienced over parts of the world to open your mind and educate yourself?

Yes, I have been to India 3 times... the poverty level over there and the conditions are enough to open anyone's eyes. The funny thing is America's poverty is a joke, with all the government aid that is supplied. No offense... I only speak about this because I see African's that weren't slaves like people from the Western Hemisphere act the same as the blacks from America, etc. These blacks from America were most likely influenced by the Latin communities there. Funny thing is... there is no excuse for the African's in Europe to sell drugs, etc... etc... always looking for a cop out... considering India must be biggest numbers and percentage of people living malnourished.. in poverty, etc etc... it truly has to do with the culture and wanting to be cool... pathetic... considering I am from America and understand American's reason... although there are no excuses.. they need to help one another and be brothers/ sisters, etc, etc... but honestly... not all act this way... majority do... because like wanting to be Spartan why would you want to be anything less... anything not as tough... but the difference is this is how they drive the media and portray themselves which messes up more lives then it helps... the funny thing is, yeah there are some that don't... yeah, of course it is stupid... but honestly... why do they do it? because if one person get's rich... affecting 20 million people... he will become rich... when these people indulge in these lyrics... who do they go asking for help? I am from America... so I know how all likes of people act... it affects a lot of people... I think the blacks in Europe are jokes IF they act in this manner... but honestly... black is black.. good or bad... I do not consider non-racists blacks or whites... I would go far enough to label a black a white... and a white a black... it is a way of thinking... and acting...
stinkybugger  - | 56
17 May 2011   #38
Yes, I have been to India 3 times

India too is a rich country the goverment just does not spend money on the poor.
Keeps the rich rich and the poor poor.
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522
17 May 2011   #39
I am Punjabi... Sikh... of the Jatt caste

Naamaste ... :) :D ...

I have a friend who matches the same description. Wonder what you name is :). You come from Poland?

Anyways, as I mentioned, it is not THE LIFESTYLE of new generation Poles, you have been misinformed, or someone misrepresented Poland to you.
OP cheesymac  4 | 60
17 May 2011   #40
Sasrikaal... lol... namaaste is Hindi
Yeah, I was definitely misinformed... it would be sad if you can see a countries culture only in the elders... considering the world is a mix of herbs and if all herbs taste the same and look different... what's the point of the dish?
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522
17 May 2011   #41
what's the point of the dish?

Poland has a rich culture.

Anyways, I thought you were Indian so I said Naamaste :) ... but I think I know that Sasrikaal is a form of "Hello" in your language too. Regional "Hello"? I know less, but I read some books and have some good Indian friends who now are very much Polish with families here. We studied in University together... it is a nice experience. Also, I have Kashmir, Bangladesh and Egyptian friends if we talk of East (although Egypt is rather South).

Again, back to the point. It is nice to have a little of many cultures, but the mainstream is Polish Culture in Poland. Although if you think of it, in a world increasingly turning into a global village, cultural barriers are fast becoming vague, and people are coming together through exchange of information and emotions. It is a nice thing, but the eventual Global Culture if there ever will be, must be something acceptable to all and not just a group of people.

In any condition, the so called "Thuggy, Gangsta etc" thing should probably not last. Instead, there are nice African values which can surely be discovered if it is studied deeply.
Des Essientes  7 | 1288
17 May 2011   #42
the Jatt caste

If the Jatts are indeed descended from the Massagetae, as some ethnologists believe, then you, Cheesymac, maybe distantly related to the beloved Polish literary character Pan Zagloba.
Havok  10 | 902
17 May 2011   #43
You know what? I posted something in another thread that appears to apply here as well, so let me quote myself, because I think the real problem lies in the Polish mentality and close minded aproach to a lot of concepts. There are many Polish people who are hopelessly stuck in this "down spiral" fall with no return, which is sad...

Here is why I think.

"I think it's the Polish mentality that hasn't changed much over two decades. It's the same, or in actuality it moved backwards, thanks to your church.

If you want to catch up with the rest of the world you need to start thinking independently and outside the box at the same time.

Polish people are prejudiced and frantically scared of new ideas, and also very reluctant to adopt them quickly enough in order to get ahead of the curve before others do.

The reason why is that most Polish people have a hard time distinguishing a good idea, that might work, from a bad one. Why? Because they have no clue and they're scared to try anything other than they already know, which is pretty much not a lot, and limited to what they read about and see on TV. This fearful "dark ages" mentality is infecting Polish politics, business mass media and everyone's day to day decision making and God forbid someone steps out of the line there...

Your freedom of thought is hindered by all kinds of stupid nationalistic movements, Government's red tape and the Polish church.

You do realize that being conservative preserves the status quo, right? and it's only a good to be that way when you're well ahead of the rest of the crowd, but see, Poland is definitely not so I'm not sure what to tell you really... I don't hate Poland, perhaps I just hate stupid backwards polish mentality."

Not all black people are criminals, but majority of Polish people are close minded
Antek_Stalich  5 | 997
17 May 2011   #44
Havok, stay in your beloved Texas and let us Poles in Poland live our way.
Midas  1 | 571
17 May 2011   #45
cheesymac - You are making so many generalizations ( some of them can be seen as racist ) it isn't even funny.

1) First of all, there is a lot of people, on this very forum, that have "seen both cultures", also in the States.

None of them came up with a third of derogatory remarks You did.

2) Drugs....

Taking drugs has nothing to do with black culture. If I show You a Sikh that sticking needles in his veins will that also be an influence of "black culture"?

3) Drug dealers come in all shapes, sizes and colors. Polish, Russian, African American, Sikh, Pakistani, Japanese, Chinese, Indian - You name it.

4) Prague doesn't lie in "Western Europe".

5) their current situation, on a general scale, is blamed on the white man, - and never has an Indian blamed "the white man" for his problems?

I've heard some downright nasty stuff about English people from Indians. So again - nothing to do with being black.

6) also not having a dad raising you and your mother being mad and a drug addict... with multiple kids receiving child support and/or welfare so she doesn't have to work... - and of course taking drugs, having multiple kids, living on welfare/child support - all these things are part of "black culture"?

Honestly, after reading Your 2 or 3 last posts I can't help but to come to a conclusion that You have a serious problem with people of African descent.
Havok  10 | 902
17 May 2011   #46
Havok, stay in your beloved Texas and let us Poles in Poland live our way.

Why did you learn English? Why bother, stick to Polish only.

You can block out the "noise" from outside a lot easer that way...See, you're contradicting your opinions with your actions. I take this as a sign that i made my point to you.
guesswho  4 | 1272
17 May 2011   #47
There are many Polish people who are hopelessly stuck in this "down spiral" fall with no return, which is sad...

well, I have to defend your countrymen Havok. Let Poles stay the way they are because if they won't, they'll have to experience what we're going through right now. Our culture goes down the drain, let's be honest about it. All we have left is Jerry Springer and hip hop and our media reigns this country and leads it slowly but surely to the point of no return. If we won't get "lucky" (since we can't depend on our hip hop generation to vote for the right candidate, luck is all we got), they'll vote for another clown or even much worse, they'll vote for the one we have right now
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
17 May 2011   #48
he number of great blacks is heavily out-numbered by bad... like any culture... but I said by bad... not nobodies...

ditto for Sikhs and whites or anybody really isn't it?
I was really not surprised to find out you are from India,,,your people hating Afro Caribbeans is a major source of racial friction and trouble in my city.

As for your comments about "mad drug addicted single mothers" the vast majority of single mothers of all colours are working hard to raise their kids as best they can.
OP cheesymac  4 | 60
17 May 2011   #49
2) Drugs....

Taking drugs has nothing to do with black culture. If I show You a Sikh that sticking needles in his veins will that also be an influence of "black culture"?

3) Drug dealers come in all shapes, sizes and colors. Polish, Russian, African American, Sikh, Pakistani, Japanese, Chinese, Indian - You name it.

4) Prague doesn't lie in "Western Europe".

Personally, I have nothing against black people... I have black friends myself since the age of 5...
if a Sikh put drugs in his veins... do you hear music about it? Possibly... drugs are a big problem in India... as well as the rest of the world... in Punjab, 90 percent of the youth take drugs... supposedly... but rappers condone and advertise it...

Drug dealers do come in all colors... I had a friend whose father got caught with 47 kilos on wire taps...he is currently spending time in prison... his son, my acquaintance/ friend (amandeep singh dhami) is on fbi's most wanted for murdering someone at a Sikh Temple...

but they owned a truck stop, DTP trucking... typically you do not see poor Punjabi's/ other races as drug dealers... unless they are major pushers... you definetly see this with blacks and latins... in America... u see it will likes... but predominately blacks and Latinos...

Prague isn't Western Europe... that is why I said Prague...
Again, I do not have problems with Blacks... I have friends currently that are black and would agree with my arguments and my points of view because they understand the epidemic that is upon there people and would they not be racist to blame anyone but themselves... maybe you are from the city... but there are large portions of American cities that are predominately black... infested with crack dealers, drugs, prostituting... welfare...etc, etc... because they do not like to work... or is it because they are not qualified for a job? the real reason is their culture washed their minds at a young age and by the time they got to being an adult they got stuck in there ways... if it wasn't a huge problem... I would not talk about it...

majority of black people in America, do not like white... they consider... Polish, Russian, Romanian's.. all white... if you check out videos on youtube... like the song nature of the threat by rass kass... you can see they call brown people half-breeds... which is utterly absurd... but understand these are radical points of views... but how did they get in their minds???? considering everywhere on longitudinal line where these blacks that are radicalized call people half-breeds are brown around the world.... insane...
17 May 2011   #50

I have no slightest idea what your comment has to do with the thread. Are you drunk? The guy is Penjabi American not Polish!

Not all black people are criminals, but majority of Polish people are close minded

wow, ale spuentowałeś...
Antek_Stalich  5 | 997
17 May 2011   #51
Why did you learn English? Why bother, stick to Polish only.

I've learnt English because it is the very language of my profession. Period.

Why did you learn Polish, in the first place?
Midas  1 | 571
17 May 2011   #52
I was really not surprised to find out you are from India,,,your people hating Afro Caribbeans is a major source of racial friction and trouble in my city.

For reasons I will not discuss here ( would be a major off-topic discussion ) I wasn't really surprised either.

had a friend whose father got caught with 47 kilos on wire taps...he is currently spending time in prison... his son, my acquaintance/ friend (amandeep singh dhami) is on fbi's most wanted for murdering someone at a Sikh Temple...

I see...

You being homies with major pushers and killers from FBI's most wanted = hell ok, nothing wrong with that, every hard working Indian's got the right to have friends, right?

Some African American halfwit from Oakland making a mix-tape about how he sold 20 dime bags of mary jane = black culture rearing its ugly head again.

Can we make some assumptions about "Sikh culture" now based on the fact that You're good buddies with a guy who not only sings/raps about shooting people but actually does it in real life?

but they owned a truck stop, DTP trucking...


Selling dope when one is dirt poor and African American = black culture

Shooting people just for shits and giggles when one is well off = not a part of culture?

I have black friends myself since the age of 5...

I have friends currently that are black

Great, have You shared some of Your theories with them? Especially the one about "black attitude" ( whatever that is ) or "black people bringing down societies"?

would agree with my arguments and my points of view because they understand the epidemic that is upon there people and would they not be racist to blame anyone but themselves..

Ok, so You say You have.

Honestly, I find it hard to believe that any decent African American would listen to Your ramblings for more than two minutes. Pointing out the problem is one thing, stereotyping and crude generalizations are another.

But, let's have a little experiment then. Next time You're back in Cali please visit Stanford University or UCLA, hit up the law school and present Your theories to the members of Black Law Students Association.

Here, I'll give You a link:

If You manage to tell them half the crap ( not changing the form or the wording of the sentences You used ) You just told Us without getting hit with a defamation/libel lawsuit shortly after I will personally apply a cheese grater to my balls as a way of saying "Sorry for being an idiot, boss."

Hell, maybe I'll just send them this link and we'll see what they have to say.

but there are large portions of American cities that are predominately black... infested with crack dealers, drugs, prostituting... welfare...etc, etc

Just as, You admitted Yourself, there are large portions of Indian cities that never had a black occupant that are also infested with dealers, drugs and prostitution ( don't know whether You have welfare in India ).

Again - poverty, not culture.

because they do not like to work... - libel.

if it wasn't a huge problem... I would not talk about it... - or perhaps You would because You simply don't like them and happen to be a racist?
sascha  1 | 824
17 May 2011   #53
New Polish generation prefers black culture?

What is such a big deal about that? Every youth has his "idols". There were the poppers, grufties, alternatives, metal-freaks etc.

Those trends come and go. I don't see anything bad in that. Btw, black culture(afro-american) not only what goes through the media/sport/music etc. has an established place like all other 'cultures'.
OP cheesymac  4 | 60
17 May 2011   #54
Again - poverty, not culture.

Alright, breh. You can assume that I can not defend myself to blacks at Stanford and UCLA.
The founding member of the black panthers with to UC Berkeley... him and another co-founder... he was later shot and killed over a drug deal gone bad in 1989. Example of a great mind, that found gaps in how much power you can resist the government got sentiment from his culture... yes, his culture... considering it is the predominant culture in this trade in America, not including Mexican's who love the gang life, not the drug life. Considering this is from a person who has a half-mexican cousin and was raised in one of those 'Comptons'... Richmond, California.

The dude that sold drugs, and son killed someone... I wasn't friends with him... I had a friend that was his friend.
I did not condone in his acts and behaviors to be honest. I strongly believe people with influence should use it in a positive light.

You speak about Blacks in Stanford and UCLA... it is easy to talk about something you are passionate about... that whatever you say can correlate to something... I can not get sued in America for speaking my mind... it is protected by the constitution.

If I were to explain myself... I would say...
Drugs... Drugs affect the user... the user gets the drugs from a dealer... the dealer gets a drug from an outside source... the outside source get's the money... the drug dealer sells the drugs for money... the user buy's the drugs... the dealer gets the money... the dealer buys more drugs... the user needs to find a way to buy the drugs... either steals, sells a little drugs to buy drugs, kills for drugs... the drugs are populating the free space of the neighborhood... the corner liquor stores are gang turfs... the gangs go to war over turf... for the money... the users don't care who the buy the drug from.. the dealers need to sell the drugs because it is their source of income and they will owe money for the drugs they carry... do you see it in black neighborhoods... where most children are fatherless due to unprotected sex... it happens in white neighborhoods, but their gangs are not going to war with one another... black people are subjugated to this lifestyle through the ideals of bling, through the ideals of money, through the ideals of getting woman, through the ideals of a quick-buck and not the long haul in getting money through getting an education... i understand that there are people that do get education... but even if you come from an uneducated neighborhood and you are educated with a good job... your kids will have to chose their path in life if you are not 100% strict on them which is hard in areas such as these... on top of this... the only things you look up to are found by your own culture because the white man abandoned you and the factories that your people use to work to in these cities were shut down... the white man left to more rural areas while you are here and all of a sudden drugs flood your cities.. and the crack cocaine... cheap method of coc'... you are left with rap music, basketball and football, drugs... money... considering these drug dealers... effect more of the population then would a factory that you wont open and produce for yourselves...

if you have ever read the book... freakonomics there is a heavy chapter of drug life in south side chicago... which will explain how it effects the community... if any of those students had something to say... i wouldn't hear because i know what i am saying is right... it is in books... it is clear through the usa... factories were shut down.. blacks were left without jobs... i do not know how they got to projects... must be the welfare and needing a place to stay... and jobs being outsourced to produce goods... like in china...

so two things... the blacks will either be racists towards the whites... or the blacks will take it upon themselves to do something... but the ones with the most authority for a long period of time are the drug dealers... even 'til this day in black communities it is the drug dealers... that will drive the communities children to follow suit... i do not think you are enlightened upon the subject as i... personally, i would be dumbfounded finding someone to talk about the black community with... without blaming the white man... considering whites do more meth then blacks... as well as whites being just as poor... they blame white... but if they won't... if they can articulate themselves without bringing up the old white notion... i would love to participate in the conversation... knowing that rap music and everything it promotes is a bible for some... will keep people down... i can not see how it can be condoned when you can do more positive things with your music... your 'abilities' if you would go so far to say so... do so

I think it is stupid for black people to act black... or baggy pants... etc...
it's absurd to a white man do it... considering the above
a popular question as a child is: are you a blood or a crip?
the gay community is on the rise because of questions that you do not want to answer... your psychology will lead to feminism..
if the majority thinks answering is masculine...
am i bashing gay's? no.
some people like arguing and jumping to conclusions period. I deny the right the act accept racism... I battle racism by exploiting racist ideals.
Blacks making all black movies... all black music videos... if they really cared... like martin luther king jr... they would make a movie with a black director/ producer with an asian, indian, middle eastern, black, white and a person from Antarctica and maybe santa... more so then appealing to themselves... because if you are equal now... and you are working in reverse in a diverse society... what made it wrong for people to do it before you, if you are not setting the right example now? personally, i ask myself these questions... so i do not favor an obama or a mccain... i think they are both wrong... and he is wrong for saying he is black... he should say the obvious that he is half white half black... because it is prevalent... maybe i am asking too much... but i technically am not asking for anything at all.
Midas  1 | 571
18 May 2011   #55
You can assume that I can not defend myself to blacks at Stanford and UCLA.

I fail to see a throng of black Stanford law school students ( or other postgrads ) being physically or even verbally aggressive towards You.

I can not get sued in America for speaking my mind... it is protected by the constitution.

For a supposedly educated fellow You do make a lot of odd assumptions.

Please get acquainted with the terms "libel" and "defamation". If through "speaking Your mind" You cross their boundaries - You're in for a lawsuit and quite frankly You're worse off dealing with such a lawsuit in the States than You are in Poland ( huge difference in monetary damages awarded ).

Drugs, drugs, drugs

Since we already established that drugs and drug trafficking flourish in areas where no people of African descent are present I fail to see the need to discuss drug related issues while we are talking about "black culture". We all know drugs are bad, no need to go over it for the umpteenth time.

Unless You want to go back to the idea that drugs, trafficking them and so forth are a part of "black culture"...

black people are subjugated to this lifestyle through the ideals of bling, through the ideals of money, through the ideals of getting woman, through the ideals of a quick-buck and not the long haul in getting money through getting an education...

As are British chavs ( usually white ).

And the "dresy" in Poland ( have yet to see a black one ).

And the boys pretending to be Mafia shown in the movie Gomorrah ( all Italians from Naples ).

Again - nothing to do with race, all to do with poverty.

but the ones with the most authority for a long period of time are the drug dealers... even 'til this day in black communities it is the drug dealers... that will drive the communities children to follow suit...

Again a broad generalization and an unfounded one at that. Drug dealers aren't running all African American neighbourhoods, there are other authority figures than drug dealers for the children to look up to there, what You are saying is highly racist. And You probably missed the last U.S. Presidential elections.

i do not think you are enlightened upon the subject as i..

As I said, Your kind of enlightenment would equal at least a few thousand dollars in damages in most courts of law. You're simply a racist.

the blacks will either be racists towards the whites

Some will, others won't.

I deny the right the act accept racism... I battle racism by exploiting racist ideals.

Here's a few of Your quotes from this topic:

"why can not black people bring a taste into a country without bringing it down, or do they only appeal to low-class, better yet, uneducated people"

"they bring society down and do not change for the better"

"selling drugs, pimping, dumbing-down society as whole for themselves... funny thing is this is the majority of blacks, so it is there culture... the minority of blacks do not act in this manner

that is the whole truth, nothing but the truth, so help you God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1"

"the number of great blacks is heavily out-numbered by bad..."

"whilst black people's culture is a trap..."

The list could be longer, but there's no point.

You are a racist and You can deny all You want, it doesn't change a thing.

And I myself don't want to make any broad generalizations, but I've encountered Indian/Pakistani racists in the past and the "I'm not a racist but <insert litany of curses, generalizations and downright offensive things about a given other race>" is so common with them it is not even funny. But even after spewing out racial hate for 15 minutes they still in their own minds consider themselves the most open minded people in the world. Dumbfounding.

and he is wrong for saying he is black... he should say the obvious that he is half white half black...

He (and any other biracial person or a person of mixed descent ) has the right to identify themselves with any or all of their respective cultures. It is their choice and their right and simply not Your cup of coffee.
A J  4 | 1075
18 May 2011   #56
knowing that rap music and everything it promotes is a bible for some... will keep people down...

How does this keep people down?

i can not see how it can be condoned when you can do more positive things with your music... your 'abilities' if you would go so far to say so... do so

I'm pretty positive I already showed you a couple of artists who were/are doing just that, and I know one of the Moderators removed all those posts because I'm obviously not allowed to argue a different side of the story, but the truth is that I could show you a million more rap artists who are doing or did exactly the same.


It seems you mistake gang culture and crime for Hip-Hop, and I'm even going as far as to say that you keep mistaking Hip-Hop for black culture. Please, try the Nubians if you want to get yourself acquainted with black culture?

Hip-Hop is nothing more than music which sometimes has political content, so what? It's good for young people to question their establishment and leaders at all times, because it keeps at least some people in check. It's actually good for older people to do the same. (Always!) What? Would you prefer a totally complacent and apathic subculture for young people, and only allow them to sing about roses, moonlight and how wonderful the USA - or any other country - is?

Oh, and Gangsta Rap really has nothing to do with Hip-Hop. Period. All I'm trying to make clear to you is that you should get your story straight before you place the blame, because you're blaming the wrong people. Period.

Havok  10 | 902
18 May 2011   #57
well, I have to defend your countrymen Havok.

guesswho please stop pretending, they're your countryman too.


I have no slightest idea what your comment has to do with the thread. Are you drunk? The guy is Penjabi American not Polish!

Marysiu i don't have a f***ing idea what are you're talking about either. who the hell is Penjabi?

wow, ale spuentowałeś...

bo lubie koksów? Yes, I'm Polish and I have a lot of black friends and i like them. If you have a problem with that take it up with Radio Maria.
guesswho  4 | 1272
18 May 2011   #58
guesswho please stop pretending, they're your countryman too.

not at all, sorry. Why would I lie about it? Is there anything wrong with being Polish?
OP cheesymac  4 | 60
18 May 2011   #59
Please get acquainted with the terms "libel" and "defamation". If through "speaking Your mind" You cross their boundaries - You're in for a lawsuit and quite frankly You're worse off dealing with such a lawsuit in the States than You are in Poland ( huge difference in monetary damages awarded ).

I am stating an opinion... these opinions are found throughout lyrics of rap albums by black artists...
you are right it is due to poverty... personally my mother works for the Department of Corrections... so I know it doesn't matter about race... but no other race glorifies it as such except black culture in the United States... and people around the world take these ideals... might use it positively or negatively... most case are negative concerning, trying to get a job, education, positive influence towards the young... if you have a problem with what I think then you seriously are in the business of arguing... I do not think they would attack me either... the students... considering you make them out to be so pro-black in any fashion that whatever I say will hold no substance...

apparently there is a black president... half black... we will see what he does and which groups of people he favors when he has a chance... if elected a second term to do something with his socialist ideas...

Blacks comprise only 12 percent of the nation, but, according to the above figures, they comprise 37 percent of the welfare rolls. This should not be surprising; in 1994, blacks had a poverty rate of 33 percent. We should not, of course, think it unusual to find poor people on welfare. Consequently, discussions of race and welfare must turn on different issues.

The most prevalent question is why there are so many blacks in poverty. Liberals argue that it is the result of continuing racism and discrimination, especially at hiring time. Conservatives have argued a variety of other causes: moral shortcomings, poor work ethic, even intellectual inferiority. Another important question is whether welfare causes poverty.

Consider the numbers are according to percentages of welfare recipients of a total... consider that white population is 5 x greater then blacks in USA

You are a troll... in Afghanistan there is al queda and the taliban... it represents a population of the people... not all... it's just the same as black people in the USA... in predominately black neighborhoods, they have their own populations of people... apparently alot on welfare

Oh, and Gangsta Rap really has nothing to do with Hip-Hop. Period. All I'm trying to make clear to you is that you should get your story straight before you place the blame, because you're blaming the wrong people. Period.

Only rich people can make choices of what music to listen to... I do not think you understand poverty... considering the coolest thing out there is to be tough... that comes from rap in these neighborhoods... where are you from... and what ethnicity are you...

in northern california alone... there is a gang of 40,000 nortenos... mexican gang.
There were at least 30,000 gangs and 800,000 gang members active across the USA in 2007,[7][8] up from 731,500 in 2002 and 750,000 in 2004.[9] By 1999, Hispanics accounted for 47% of all gang members, Blacks 34%, Whites 13%, and Asians 6%.

Hispanics promote it through music... not mainstream though
Blacks promote it through music ---> mainstream....
people get killed and drug infested... you are spitting on their graves by telling me they do not promote rap... it is not apart of their culture... considering they have 2pacs, nwa's, biggies, 50 cents, in every neighborhood trying to make money underground... neighborhoods love listening to their own 'music'... let alone on a mainstream level they rap about the same stuff... if you do not think this is the prevalent part of the youth of this culture in poor areas... usually black neighborhoods for them... you are mistaken... they should have better music if they want to help themselves... the gov't doesn't need to step in...

roughly 15 percent roughly blacks in USA... roughly 40 percent of all the welfare recipients...
get outta here... i might have said hip-hop... rap... whatever... the thread says what it says... it affects all likes of people... it isn't positive back home... i can't see how it would be here
A J  4 | 1075
18 May 2011   #60
Only rich people can make choices of what music to listen to...

You can listen to music for free on YouTube. You can copy music very easily from other people in your neighbourhood or the people from your school, since a lot of people download or convert music to mp3's these days. I know that's illegal, but I can think of worse crimes than ripping music, and people who can't afford to buy music won't buy it anyway, so there!

I do not think you understand poverty

I've spent my whole life working for minimum wage or less than minimum wage, and I've been homeless a few days as well, so I think I know poverty better than you do.

where are you from... and what ethnicity are you...

I'm from Holland, and I'm an original cheese as we say here.


Hispanics promote it through music... not mainstream though
Blacks promote it through music ---> mainstream....

Yeah, while Hip-Hoppers are trying to fight this mentality, but they don't seem to recieve much understanding or support from people like yourself.

people get killed and drug infested...

Do you think it was any different in the late sixties and the early seventies? (It was probably worse back then!)

you are spitting on their graves by telling me they do not promote rap...

I'm not denying that as I've already mentioned Gangsta Rap, but Hip-Hop doesn't have anything to with Gangsta Rap or gang culture. Just like Punk isn't Heavy Metal, and Rock isn't Country! (What's so hard to understand about that?)

if you do not think this is the prevalent part of the youth of this culture in poor areas... usually black neighborhoods for them... you are mistaken...

I'm not denying that, and I'm not mistaken. You are mistaken when you compare Gangsta Rap and American gang culture to Europe's Hip-Hop subculture, because over here Hip-Hop is Hip-Hop, and over here we don't talk about all that good stuff you're referring too, and the ones who do, get ridiculed for being what we call a plastic thug or studio gangster.

they should have better music if they want to help themselves... the gov't doesn't need to step in...

I agree! I also know how Hip-Hop started and what it used to be like in the USA, so please, don't blame the wrong people for liking a style of music which has nothing to do with crime and gang culture. We can't help it that gangmembers think it's ''Hip-Hop'' to deal drugs and murder each other, and as far as I'm aware there have been *loads* of Hip-Hop artists who've been trying to spread a positive message against gang-related issues.

I agree people should take Gangsta Rap out of the air and ban it from television, but guess what? The predominantly white businessmen who are occupying all those jobs in the media circus like to promote and sell all that sex and violence to the masses because it's marketable, so maybe it's not *all* black culture that's the problem here? I hope you understand where I'm coming from.


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