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What to do if the neighbors is too loud?

7 Apr 2023   #1
It seems that the neighbors down have a argue it is a couple and it is a lot of notice. What actions should be taken in such cases?
jon357  72 | 23426
7 Apr 2023   #2

If its an apartment building and loud music after 10pm, just call the Straż Miejska.

If it's just them shouting, and you susoect there's alcohol involved, also call them.
Miloslaw  20 | 5115
7 Apr 2023   #3
If its an apartment building

That is one of the major problems in Poland.
Most people live in flats instead of houses.
This needs to change.
I don't know how, but living in flats is just not normal.
johnny reb  49 | 8005
8 Apr 2023   #4
living in flats is just not normal.

Compared to what ?
Alien  25 | 6369
8 Apr 2023   #5
living in flats is just not normal.

In Poland and Germany it is normal.
Bobko  27 | 2161
8 Apr 2023   #6

I suggest you drill a small diameter hole down to their apartment. Through this hole, feed a small camera. Next time when you hear an argument starting, you can monitor if there is any risk of a physical confrontation. In this way you save the police valuable time that could be wasted investigating a routine couple's fight.

If you actually see things getting out of hand, on your security monitor, you could of course call the police. However, I suggest a different approach. Tear gas. When the fight gets started, remove the camera, and begin pumping tear gas through the hole you drilled earlier. Tear gas may be difficult to procure in your jurisdiction, in this case I would try to produce a home brew (use your imagination and your pantry). Once you hear coughing, reinsert camera and evaluate the situation.

If tear gas proves insufficient at defusing the domestic conflict, proceed to plan B - flooding. Turn on all faucets and block all sinks; flush several rags down the toilet; drain radiators.

A combination of tear gas and flooding will almost certainly refocus the couple's attention on your person. At this point, it is safe to call the police.
jon357  72 | 23426
8 Apr 2023   #7
I had neighbour in Warsaw with a very active sex life.

The solution was to blow up a brown paper bag and burst it against the wall just as they were about to finish.

She soon learnt to be quiet.
Alien  25 | 6369
8 Apr 2023   #8
who listens to his neighbors having sex

It's sometimes inevitable.

She soon learnt to be quiet

Had she been pretending before?
jon357  72 | 23426
8 Apr 2023   #9
Had she been pretending before

Hard to say however you couldn't not hear it and they certainly had a very full marital life.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
8 Apr 2023   #10
blow up a brown paper bag and burst it against the wall just as they were about to finish

If I had a neighbor like you I would put on a repetitve CD player for hrs and make a fool like you busy bursting brown bags for hrs lol
johnny reb  49 | 8005
8 Apr 2023   #11
they certainly had a very full marital life.

Are you implying that you and your husband don't make loud shrieking noises when you do it ?
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
8 Apr 2023   #12
You mean that Ukrainian(as Paulina mentioned here) illegal husband in Poland as Gay marriage is not legal in Poland.
Kashub1410  6 | 580
9 Apr 2023   #13
@Cargo pants
Illegal as in not being recognised, they would be most likely treated as two strangers performing perverted acts, who can in blink of a notice send the other to the courts on accusations of rape.

They just don't have any legal protection, I haven't heard of any policy or law regarding punishment for two men thinking they are married. Just as there are no laws for people who claim to be dolphins
Lenka  5 | 3537
9 Apr 2023   #14
who can in blink of a notice send the other to the courts on accusations of rape

As in any marriage
Kashub1410  6 | 580
9 Apr 2023   #15
As far as I know, both sexes have a right to each other. So technically speaking rape cannot happen between them since they consented formally to a sexual relationship. Legally speaking

That the wife sometimes has her way with her husband when he is too tired or when the husband has his way with his wife when she is not in the mood is pretty much bound to happen, and they should make arrangements as to make it fine somehow (code word, specific items being specific places etc)
Lenka  5 | 3537
9 Apr 2023   #16
So technically speaking rape cannot happen between them since they consented formally to a sexual relationship. Legally speaking

Not true. Marital rape is still rape. Just harder to prove.
In France a rapist can even get a highest sentence if he's in relationship with the victim.

Back to the topic everyone, please
Novichok  4 | 8846
10 Apr 2023   #17
If the neighbors are too loud record it and play it back as loud as the city allows.
constancek  - | 2
10 Apr 2023   #18
Maybe you could ask them to turn it down?
Miloslaw  20 | 5115
10 Apr 2023   #19
iving in flats is just not normal.

Compared to what ?

Compared to living in houses like most normal people do!
Jeesh!You really are hard work.

In Poland and Germany it is normal

I know, and that is not normal nor good.
The Commies liked the idea, but people prefer to live in houses.
johnny reb  49 | 8005
11 Apr 2023   #20
Compared to living in houses like most normal people do!

Prove me wrong but I thought that most normal people in Poland do not live in houses as you claim.
About half live in houses and the other half live in live in multi-family blocks of flats.
But since you don't live in Poland nor have you been to Poland in the last 40 years or more, it is understandable why you would 'assume' most normal people live in detached houses.

Living in multiple family flats one must understand that you have to show respect for your neighbor's space.

people prefer to live in houses.

People prefer lots of things that they can not afford and owning a house is one of them.
11 Apr 2023   #21
most normal people in Poland do not live in houses as you claim.

He is claiming the very opposite. Check his post #3. Stop trying to trash main page threads by initiating arguments.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1520
11 Apr 2023   #22
living in houses like most normal people do!

Erm... I consider myself a rather (just rather :)) normal person and I quite enjoy living in my apartment in Gdańsk (2-storey, five rooms, two bathrooms, underground garage, 6-8 minutes from the city centre) and I wouldn't exchange it for a house. It's just too comfortable to live in.

but people prefer to live in houses

Not really. Not everyone is into cutting grass or fixing roofs and fences. Some of us prefer the comfort and laziness of living in an apartment. Maybe that's because we are and have always been city dwellers for generations. People with peasant roots understandably have soft spot for houses - they like to have their obejście even if they don't keep cows or chickens anymore.

As for Gdańsk, and I suppose most large cities in general, overwhelming majority of people live in flats/apartments of various kinds and I don't think you could describe them as "abnormal". :)
johnny reb  49 | 8005
11 Apr 2023   #23
Normally I don't respond to guest posters like you because they are mostly sock puppet trolls causing trouble.

He is claiming the very opposite. Check his post #3.

(His post #3) Most people live in flats instead of houses.
Yes, and in post #19 he is claiming just the opposite.
His post #19) Compared to living in houses like most normal people do!

Stop trying to trash main page threads by initiating arguments.

Maybe you should heed your own advice
The truth of the matter is NOT "MOST" of the Polish people but actually about a 50/50 equal split like I posted to straighten him out, not to argue.


About half live in houses and the other half live in live in multi-family blocks of flats.

Are we o.k. now ?
Kashub1410  6 | 580
11 Apr 2023   #24
@johnny reb
Most people living (as in people, normal and not normal people/situation) compared as most normal people live and/or should be living.

I don't see anything strange about it
Lenka  5 | 3537
11 Apr 2023   #26
Some of us prefer the comfort and laziness of living in an apartment


And when it comes to ease of use etc one level flat is much easier to navigate than a house.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1520
11 Apr 2023   #27
one level flat is much easier to navigate than a house

True. I do, however, like my 2-storey layout - with 3 bedrooms and a bathroom in the upper level, where only family has access, and visitors are entertained on the lower level only. It definitely has its pluses. :)
Miloslaw  20 | 5115
11 Apr 2023   #28
Sounds almost like a house to me, except that you have no garden and can hear the neighbours and they can hear you....and then there is the fire risk.....
GefreiterKania  33 | 1520
12 Apr 2023   #29
you have no garden

That's the whole point - I'm not very much into cutting grass and weeding flower beds.

can hear the neighbours and they can hear you

Maybe in commie blocks. At my current address I heard my neighbours once in 2016 (a rather loud argument) - nothing since then. It depends on the neighbours, I suppose. :)

and then there is the fire risk...

Actually, there are way more fires in houses than in flats...

Blisko 70% z tych zdarzeń, to pożary w domach jednorodzinnych. Można więc śmiało stwierdzić, że pożary zdecydowanie rzadziej wybuchają w mieszkaniach.

transl. "about 70% are fires of single-family houses. We can clearly see that fires break out significantly less often in flats"
Atch  22 | 4299
12 Apr 2023   #30
I'm not very much into cutting grass and weeding flower beds.

You don't need to. You can have an English cottage garden where you plant the flowers very densely. The denser the planting, the fewer weeds. You can eliminate weeding almost completely - and don't have a formal lawn. Go for a wild flower mix or something and have a mini meadow.

Maybe in commie blocks.

In kamienicas too actually. The sound insulation in pre-war buildings is often very poor. And a lot of modern ones too! Judging from what friends tell me there is a lot of noise in newly built apartment blocks. I think you've been rather lucky.

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