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HiT - controvercial textbook by PiS ideologists

pawian  219 | 24794
18 Aug 2022   #1
HiT means History and Present in Polish. It is a new publication for use in high schools which reflects the peculiarly twisted way of thinking of Polish rightwingers.

Some of statements in it has already caused uproar and became symbols of rightwing mental disorder.

Let`s see what the book is about.

"Someone who carries a bag that says" No Rules "is an enemy of civilization - even if he doesn't realize it himself - and you really don't know what to expect from him (or from it) ".
OP pawian  219 | 24794
18 Aug 2022   #2
The book is banned in one town right now but I suppose more places will follow, too.

Ustrzyki Dolne mayor banned the book in his area.

"Stop the false rhetoric of PiS. I am banning the use of the textbook in the Secondary School of Sports I am managing," he wrote on Twitter.

As he explained, a teacher running HiT class will implement the core curriculum from individual materials prepared by himself, which the school will provide to students free of charge. "I made the decision fully consciously, taking all the consequences for myself," he said.
Kashub1410  6 | 580
18 Aug 2022   #3
What's so controversial about it, rules, laws and order are what constitutes civilization.
OP pawian  219 | 24794
18 Aug 2022   #4
rules, laws and order

Yes, but carrying a bag with a slogan No rules or a rainbow coloured bag do not really endanger civilisation. :):):) Only in a warped view of mentally disordered rightists.
Kashub1410  6 | 580
18 Aug 2022   #5
The bag itself poses no threat... It's what comes afterwards if more and more people don't know what it leads to
Lyzko  41 | 9564
18 Aug 2022   #6
Why would it be a threat, unless of course, it's full of lies.
I'd like to see it for myself.
jon357  72 | 22981
18 Aug 2022   #7
Someone who carries a bag that says" No Rules "is an enemy of civilization -

This is like something from the era of Stalin, Mao or the third Reich.

What's so controversial about it, rules, laws and order are what constitutes civilization.

And individuals have a right, even a duty, to challenge this, to shape for themselves as a community the rules, laws, and what constitutes order.

Not doing so by leaving it to others, to the ideologues and political grifters, is the real threat.
jon357  72 | 22981
18 Aug 2022   #8
and you really don't know what to expect from him (or from it) ".

This bit is even more sinister. Basically othering people who do not conform to PiS' ideal of unthinking robots.

if more and more people don't know what it leads to

What are you pretending that it "leads to'?
OP pawian  219 | 24794
18 Aug 2022   #9
Ustrzyki Dolne mayor banned the book in his area.

And got a response from the Minister of Education:

- As for the mayor of Ustrzyki Dolne, there is a quote in the film 'CK Dezerterzy' as Gefreiter Kania says to von Nogay that as life practice proves, the idiot makes himself known as first. Mr Mayor can forbid his wife to read this book, if she has it. He does not have the power to prohibit anything at the level of education, it is a governing body and not a pedagogical supervision authority - said the minister.
OP pawian  219 | 24794
18 Aug 2022   #10
it is a governing body and not a pedagogical supervision authority - said the minister.

Yes, Mister Darling Minister, but it is the governing body which maintains the school and pays for everything. If they insist the book mustn`t be used, it is the head teacher`s obligation to conform.
OP pawian  219 | 24794
22 Aug 2022   #11
In vitro controversy in the textbook

The author wrote:
"Along with the medical progress and the offensive of gender ideology, the 21st century brought further decomposition of family institutions. The currently promoted inclusive family model assumes the creation of any groups of people, sometimes of the same sex, who will bring children into the world in isolation from the natural relationship between a man and a woman, preferably in the lab. The more and more sophisticated methods of diverting sex from love and fertility lead to the treatment of sex as entertainment and fertility as human production, so to speak, breeding. All this makes us ask a fundamental question: who is going to love children produced in this way?

The words about breeding and production caused uproar. As well as these about unloved children.

The publishing house decided to remove this part.

"Disagreeing with the above criticism and wrong interpretation, but at the same time taking into account the public good, the will to ease the atmosphere and the possibility of conflict-free use of the textbook, together with the author we decided to remove the questionable fragment from the textbook" - the publisher said in a statement.
jon357  72 | 22981
22 Aug 2022   #12
That just reads like a hysterical rant.
Miloslaw  21 | 5027
22 Aug 2022   #13
Because it is just that!
jon357  72 | 22981
22 Aug 2022   #14

Singling out children for matters outwith their control. An absolute no, and just nasty.
OP pawian  219 | 24794
24 Aug 2022   #15
Another controversy which has been pointed to by psychologists is extremely explicit photos which are too drastic for such young viewers as 15 year olds.

E..g, the picture of the dead cursed soldiers who fought against communists in late 1940s. It was taken by the commie secret police. The bodies were nailed to the barn in upright position.

  • pobrane.jfif
OP pawian  219 | 24794
31 Aug 2022   #16
According to the author, the main anticommunist opposition activists in the last decade of communism in Poland were those connected with today`s PiS:
Jarosław Kaczyński
Lech Kaczyński
Antoni Macierewicz
Jan Olszewski

all others played minor roles, including Lech Wałęsa, hahahaha

I wonder if the author is still sane enough to notice how gravely he discredited himself. Now he will be remembered for that shyt HiT book instead of his previous achievements.
amiga500  5 | 1475
31 Aug 2022   #17
i listened to an interview the author of the textbook at the polska worldwide conservate conference six months ago, it was on tvp info 24/7 along with many other great heroes of poland, missed it? . Sounded like a smart intellectual professor who knew Poland and the world, and was qualified to write a textbook about it. hey pavian i'm sure u know his name, and i'm sure u recognise him as a legend of polish academia.

According to the author, the main anticommunist opposition

Yes like Walesa many of the others were traitors, as has been proven by IPN, walesa was not SB was military intelligence traitor tied with Kiszczak wow you don't even believe the poor generals widow? like his compatriots who made billions and left her to rot in poverty, you have no shame
jon357  72 | 22981
31 Aug 2022   #18
Sounded like a smart intellectual professor

All professors are smart and intellectual; it's part of their job specification

They can also be propagandists, cranks and absolutists. Even all three.

Odd to see a mandated state textbook written by one person. Odder still to see it deliberately pushing reactionary points and criticizing individual children.
amiga500  5 | 1475
31 Aug 2022   #19
extremely explicit photos which are too drastic for such young viewers as 15 year olds.

funny that but baboon has no problems with child time drag sexual indoctrination, but objects showing the war atrocities against children by the soviets, funny that.

Odd to see a mandated state textbook written by one person

jon u know how academia works, i'm sure he had his quorum and more in conservative worlds of academina in poland (which is vast) in getting his textbook approved. don't be disgenious.
OP pawian  219 | 24794
31 Aug 2022   #20
Odder still to see it deliberately pushing reactionary points

The author Roszkowski declared in one interview: the book was written to show the failures of Western civilisation, not its achievements.
Sick guy.

war atrocities against children by the soviets

jon357  72 | 22981
31 Aug 2022   #21
You sound a barrel of laughs today.

Do you think pantomime is "child time drag sexual indoctrination".
OP pawian  219 | 24794
31 Aug 2022   #22
his textbook approved.

The book and the author will land in the dump site of history when PiS stops ruling in Poland. That is a common characteristic of shyt publications - their life is short.
amiga500  5 | 1475
31 Aug 2022   #23
Do you think pantomime

drag queen pantomine was always performed, since english medieval times, in an adult setting. and has no place for children. Unless u are going to argue the point the men dressing up as women in suggestively sexual pantomimes has something to do with children? and then i ask how young? and why drag your kids there when ure not gonna drag them to a male strip club?
OP pawian  219 | 24794
31 Aug 2022   #24
The textbook which is supposed to cover the period to 1979 contains pictures of winning PiS from 2020. What nice indoctrination. Communists would be proud of prof. Roszkowski.

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amiga500  5 | 1475
31 Aug 2022   #25
pictures of winning PiS from 2020

till 2020, u are such a bad traitor liar. show me in the tekst. u mean 2014-2020, a seminal period in Poland energy independence, breaking away from the merkel-tusk alliance slave to russian gas, and building USA LNG links as well as our natural gas pipeline to Norway/Denmark. way before their time those PiS visionaries, not to mention warning of the russian threat, as well as building our territorial defence force and border wall, and a social welfare net thanks to 500plus to jeers and woke threats from EU, and ridicule from clowns like you, yes that feat should be in polish textbook idiot.

i remember that days when jon and u said the territorial defence was pointless, fighting germany on nordstream 2 was useless, and we should just bow down and suck german/EU co*k

how about u bow down and admit u were wrong fool?!
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
31 Aug 2022   #26
The book is banned in one town

Wow typical facist move, banning anb burning books you disagree with, all that hate campaign against, dehuminising those who support it and so on ..
What is the name of that facist mayor?Bartosz Romowicz is a typial facist!
OP pawian  219 | 24794
31 Aug 2022   #27
the territorial defence was pointless,

You committed a few lies in one post. You are amaSSing. :):):)

banning anb burning books

Banning is the privilige of school spupervisors. If the book doesn`t conform to facts and distorts history, then it is useless as school material.

As for burning, it was your ideological nazionalistiche buddies who did it. Ha! So, you are talking about sth you would do.

The book and the author will land in the dump site of history

Even earlier. Due to such huge controvercies, most schools in a certain poll decided not to use the textbook. Sorry, darlings. hahahaha

Here is a map:

jon357  72 | 22981
31 Aug 2022   #28
drag queen pantomine was always performed, since english medieval times, in an adult setting. and has no place for children.


Pantomimes are and have always been aimed at families.

suggestively sexual pantomimes

They all have different levels of humour; some for the kids and some points meant to go over their heads.

ure not gonna drag them to a male strip club?

I'm not sure what the word "ure" means (isn't it the river that runs through Wensleydale?) however have you ever seen a pantomime, a drag story hour or a travestie show with people stripping their clothes off? I haven't. There's Baywatch, Love Island and much else besides on the TV for that, never mind beach holidays.

Weird (even very weird) that you're obsessing over stage performers reading kids' stories.

Does it happen much in Poland or is it just that cross dressing occupies a large place in your mind?

And why mention male strippers? Do you dream about those too?
amiga500  5 | 1475
31 Aug 2022   #29
Pantomimes are and have always been aimed at families.

From the ever reactionary ex trots at spiked

The supporters of the movement argue that the 'performances are very similar to pantomimes,
The project of exposing children as young as three and four to topics related to sexuality and gender has acquired momentum in recent years
Stonewall now goes so far as to insist that evidence shows 'that children as young as two recognise their trans identity'. They want to 'educate' - that is, indoctrinate - young children

In the parallel universe inhabited by Stonewall, toddlers are busy cultivating their trans identity. In previous times, the absurdity of portraying two-year-olds in this way would provoke incredulity and mockery.

The more than 100 librarians participating in this webinar were told how to handle angry parents worried about the sexualisation of their children through drag events. Reportedly, one of the speakers suggested that parents and protesters could be fooled if the term drag queen was replaced by pantomime dame.
jon357  72 | 22981
31 Aug 2022   #30
ex trots

Right wing agitators.

Weird that you're even mentioning this since there isn't such a project in Poland. Perhaps you dream every night about cross-dressing. What's in your wardrobe?

Or perhaps you're just trying to distract the thread from its topic; the third reich/soviet union style PiS propaganda textbook.

Like totalitarian government propaganda, do you?

Home / Life / HiT - controvercial textbook by PiS ideologists
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