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Gypsies or Roma: European and Polish attitudes towards

regionpolski  33 | 153
15 Jul 2007   #1
Outside of the Balkans, are Gypsies, or Roma peoples still persecuted on the basis of their culture? How are they treated in Poland?
Wroclaw  44 | 5359
15 Jul 2007   #2
How are they treated in Poland?

I share the neighbourhood with a few Roma families. So for me they are friendly locals.
truhlei  10 | 332
15 Jul 2007   #3
Outside of the Balkans, are Gypsies, or Roma peoples still persecuted on the basis of their culture?

In Russia Gipsy culture is traditionally popular since 19 century. Russians are very fond of Gipsy songs. Besides that it is known that they have strong families and many children.

Russians consider Gipsy women newer comit adulterium.
That is the ground for respect of Gipsies among Russians.

Unfotrunately the relations of Gipsies with the rest of population in Russia is poisoned be high lewel of criminality, especially in drug traffic.
Many Gipsy families sell drug. But it is very uneasy to punish because only women who have many little childten transport drugs/ In case of capture Trial is unable to sentence such woman to a long imprisonment, and tha estimulates narcotrafic.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
15 Jul 2007   #4
still persecuted on the basis of their culture? How are they treated in Poland?

People here like their music but most of Gypsies are simply shi*ty people - and that's not any racism but fact - they take their kids out of school after they finish few classes, send them to begg and steal and so on. It's good that we have few of them but many are coming from Romania, Slovakia etc.
truhlei  10 | 332
15 Jul 2007   #5
I have a suspect that Gypsies have a strong punish for their dissidents and renegates, people who want to abandon their communities.
I don't have another explication why nearly nobody of them leave tabors for more comfortable living conditions in European traditional societies
dannyboy  18 | 248
24 Jul 2007   #6
How do Poles feel about gypsies/Roma Gypsies etc.?

How people in Poland feel about gypsies/Roma Gypsies etc.?
Zgubiony  15 | 1274
24 Jul 2007   #9
They suck.

Can you explain why they suck? Some of us here aren't familiar with these Gypsies. Do they cheat the system-rip people off-steal? What's your issue with them?
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
24 Jul 2007   #10
How about stealing, sending their kids to beg, cheating, taking kids out of schools when they are 13... ?
Zgubiony  15 | 1274
24 Jul 2007   #11
Much better :) Thanks. Do they mix in with the rest of the Polish? I didn't see many in Poznan (more beggars in Gdansk from what I've noticed) do they live in seperate communities?
methatron  - | 10
24 Jul 2007   #12
Do they mix in with the rest of the Polish?

They don't mix. Also they don't respect polish laws (kids getting married, having there own kids and so on)

I didn't see many in Poznan

Recently there has been a sort of an outburst of them. To my knowledge there're at least 4 big (and I do mean big) families in Poznan, and a number of small families, who "serve" the big ones, by sending there own kids to street to beg.
Zgubiony  15 | 1274
24 Jul 2007   #13
I think I've actually seen them :) This small boy was smoking cigarettes :/, but I didn't know they were gypsies. I assumed that they were darker then your average Pole (besides the tanning tracksuit wearers). I always see the same kids whenever I'm there too. I'm sure you know the ones being as you're from Poznan :)
Amathyst  19 | 2700
24 Jul 2007   #14
Funnily enough there was a programme on last night - Panarama - and it was about numbers of immigrants in Slough and the people living in Slough thought they (Roma) were scum and in general were afraid to walk the streets after dark in some areas.

Here is an example:-

There was a family of 24 living in a 3 bed house with one bathroom, guess what they used the garden and the entry at the back of the house as a toilet...they estimate about 400 / 500 live in Slough, also social services find it hard to deal with situations where there is a pregnant 14 year old girl married to a 15 year old boy ....and yes they beg on the street, I have only seen a couple in Manchester, but thats enough for me.
espana  17 | 951
24 Jul 2007   #15
I have only seen a couple in Manchester,

in market street?
dannyboy  18 | 248
24 Jul 2007   #16
They are strongly disliked in Ireland.

The Romanians hate them more than anyone I think.

There is a group of them currently trying to screw the system in Ireland:
Amathyst  19 | 2700
24 Jul 2007   #17
in market street?

The old lady selling the Big Issue?
Eurola  4 | 1898
24 Jul 2007   #18
It sounds like nothing changed in the last 3 or 4 decades. Locals were always on guard when a tabor of Gypsies were passing thru a town or a village. They were so very skillful in stealing...
ArturSzastak  3 | 593
24 Jul 2007   #19
Some of us here aren't familiar with these Gypsies

I was told that Gypsies are people who roam the world and don't have a country....

dunno if I should believe this guy, cuz he's a jack@ss, so anyone wanna explain what gypsies are exactly?

:] Much appreciated
peterweg  37 | 2305
25 Jul 2007   #20
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
25 Jul 2007   #21
so anyone wanna explain what gypsies are exactly?

WTF ? Don't you have Gypsies in Amerikka ?
truhlei  10 | 332
25 Jul 2007   #22
so anyone wanna explain what gypsies are exactly?

In Russia the say they are a trube who came from India some 1000 years ago. They usually have strict and well organized communities, their leaders called as Baro (some people confund it with Baron - so the term Gipsy Baron appeared). They have an internal legislature and a great division between attitude toward people within the community and abroad. There are many good customs within the community: nobody can stael anything that belongs to another Gipsy family, wimen don't commit adulterium (but not men) no abortions at all. But as to the world outside Gipsy community, no rules are active. It is possible to steal, to sell drugs etc.

The main deficiency in my opinion is that young Gipsies who want to leave the community and live among other people are usually threatened. I at least suspect that
sapphire  22 | 1241
25 Jul 2007   #23
I saw that Panorama programme too.. and its pretty representative of what a lot of people in the UK think about them. In North and Central London they operate in big gangs.. women and babies.. either begging or pickpocketing and then handing over the money to groups of men. Personally I find them agressive and intimidating and think they give Romanian people generally a bad name...and the kids are often downright scary.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
25 Jul 2007   #24
Deport them to India.
espana  17 | 951
25 Jul 2007   #25
The old lady selling the Big Issue?

yes!!!! i see her always (ADIDAS shop)....may be i know you amathyst , and we dont know that!!!!!
25 Jul 2007   #26
I saw many gypsies in Wroclaw, they look different ,they do not integrate, they often beg on bus station and main train station there. Gypsy woman wear strange dresses, man are dangerous, they only walk in groups and are very loud. Generally they are seen negative and dangerous.
Amathyst  19 | 2700
25 Jul 2007   #27
Gypsy woman wear strange dresses

Yeah, like old peasants...

yes!!!! i see her always (ADIDAS shop)....may be i know you amathyst , and we dont know that!!!!!

Thats the one!

We have probably walked past each other on the odd occassion Mr Cow and not even known it...I've never bought one off her, I dont like the look of her I get mine off the guy in St. Anne Square.
truhlei  10 | 332
25 Jul 2007   #28
yes!!!! i see her always (ADIDAS shop)....may be i know you amathyst , and we dont know that!!!!!

Espana, as Spanish I'm sure you can tell us much about Gipsies. There are many Gipsies in Spain and Latin America and Spanish people seem to know well their traditions
espana  17 | 951
25 Jul 2007   #29
their traditions

dont really like this traditions(all for the male and nothing for the women is not very nice :(

I'm sure you can tell us much about Gipsies

not much , i just check my wallet every time i see one

the romanians are more happy and friendly people than the polish , i m sure most of you dont think that becouse is a polish forums .
truhlei  10 | 332
25 Jul 2007   #30
the romanians

Romanians mean Gipsies or people from Romania?

Home / Life / Gypsies or Roma: European and Polish attitudes towards

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