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Polish grandma`s advice on life and food

pawian  226 | 27817
1 Nov 2024   #1
Any raw meat can be frozen, but the freezing time depends on the type of meat . Fatty meats must be frozen for a shorter time than those that contain less fat. Beef and veal can be stored in the freezer for up to 8 months. The maximum freezing time for pork is 6 months, and minced meat should be consumed within two months.

Storing meat in the freezer for too long can negatively affect its quality, taste and nutritional value, which is quite obvious.

We consume a lot of honey. I buy it either from local producers or in shops. In the latter case, i choose the honey which started getting crystalized at the bottom of the jar. Then I know it is genuine coz fake product doesn`t crystalize.
Alien  26 | 6543
1 Nov 2024   #2
should be consumed

Unfortunately, we often forget when we have frozen meat or other products in the freezer. You have to be careful with ice cream, after some time it has to be thrown away, the same with meat, especially when it starts to look like mammoth meat. On the other hand, rolls and bread are problem-free (they must be frozen immediately after purchase), as well as fruit, e.g. cherries and, to a lesser extent, strawberries.
1 Nov 2024   #3
We consume a lot of honey. I buy it

I'm surprised you don't have your own colony yet. Regarding meat, I learned that you can just boil it and put it in the jars. It creates delicious "mielonka."
OP pawian  226 | 27817
1 Nov 2024   #4

I freeze all kinds of our fruit.

I'm surprised you don't have your own colony yet.

I reject the notion of Poland having a colony. Once we had it in Ukraine but fortunately it is no more. Yet, Ukrainian honey is imported by thousands tons and Polish producers are mad.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
8 Dec 2024   #5
Broth, mostly chicken soup in Poland, needs veg to be aromatic. Luckily, they are easily available: carrots, parsley root, celery, leek and onion.

The second trick for the perfect broth is to add an ingredient which people often forget about which is a leaf of Italian cabbage.
This ingredient not only enriches the soup's flavor with nutty and horseradish notes, but also absorbs excess fat, which is especially important for people who care about a lighter diet.

There is one more thing to those veg. Experts on taste recommend roasting them before adding to the soup. In result, the broth gets richer and stronger aroma and flavour.
Roasting also gives the broth a more intense color, which is a hallmark of a well-prepared broth. Unfortunately, many people try to cut corners by adding raw vegetables and meat, which makes the soup taste much flatter.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
10 Dec 2024   #6
many people try to cut corners by adding raw vegetables and meat, which makes the soup taste much flatter.

It also applies to cooking mushroom soup based on champignon. Mushroom should be fried before adding to the soup. I learnt about it 20 years ago by pure accident when I noticed how a female cook was preparing the soup in our school canteen`s kitchen. She explained frying was necessary for flavour, aroma and colour.
Miloslaw  22 | 5217
10 Dec 2024   #7
Mushroom should be fried before adding to the soup.

So true, and draining the water out of them as well, which gives them more flavour.
Dried mushrooms work too.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
10 Dec 2024   #8
Dried mushrooms work too.

Yes, of course, but they need to be soaked in water first.
Miloslaw  22 | 5217
10 Dec 2024   #9
Yes, of course, but they need to be soaked in water first.

OP pawian  226 | 27817
11 Dec 2024   #10

And now don`t forget to fry your mushrooms before adding to the soup. Simple. At last you will do like Poles/Polesses do. And you will be elated in result coz the insipid food you eat on daily basis is good for you know what. Ha!!!!
Miloslaw  22 | 5217
11 Dec 2024   #11
And now don`t forget to fry your mushrooms before adding to the soup.

Of course!You try to paint me as an idiot but fail at every step!
I bet I could cook a better Bigos than you!
OP pawian  226 | 27817
12 Dec 2024   #12
You try to paint me

It isn`t trying, actually. I do nothing, really, it all comes out so naturally that you allow yourself to be painted so.

I bet

Don`t coz you will lose the last stand funds and the PF members will have to support you by paying your Internet connection fees. Don`t count on me, then. hahahaha
Alien  26 | 6543
14 Dec 2024   #13
I could cook a better Bigos than you!

"Narobić bigosu" has a slightly different meaning.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
14 Dec 2024   #14
"Narobić bigosu"

:):):): hahaha

  • Seeing beegos made by Milo
OP pawian  226 | 27817
21 Dec 2024   #15
Hey, guys and guyesses, don`t be so quick with making your bed right after you get up in the morning. Let it cool down and dry up for a while. Otherwise, you attract bacteria and mouldy bugs into it.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
21 Dec 2024   #16
Otherwise, you attract bacteria and mouldy bugs into it.

Airing it at least once a week helps a lot. Washing does even more.

  • a
OP pawian  226 | 27817
21 Dec 2024   #17
On Monday I am going to get me a can of light beer.
What for????

Hint - not for direct drinking but to follow Polish grandma`s advice on sth.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
22 Dec 2024   #18
Mr Makłowicz, a culinary gourmet expert, recommends beer as an unusual marinade. Instead of the traditional milk, the journalist marinates the fish in light beer, which makes the meat more aromatic and exceptionally tasty.

To achieve the optimal effect, remember to marinate for several hours - that's how much time must pass for the fish to soak in the attractive flavors.
Alien  26 | 6543
22 Dec 2024   #19
recommends beer as an unusual marinade.

Myślałem że śledzik w wódce pływa.🤔
OP pawian  226 | 27817
24 Dec 2024   #20

We never have herring for Supper.

beer as marinade. Instead of the traditional milk, makes the meat more aromatic and exceptionally tasty.

It is already happening.
Of course, I never waste food so I am going to drink that beer marinade later on. Beer sushimi, sort of.

  • a
Alien  26 | 6543
24 Dec 2024   #21
We never have herring for Supper

And today we had it for Christmas Eve, covered in cream, straight from Poland.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
24 Dec 2024   #22
covered in cream,

In herring salad, you mean?

beer as marinade.

The fish was excellent. Normally I eat 2 pieces but today I ate 3.

I am going to drink that beer marinade later on.

No, I couldn`t force myself to drink it. Yuk!
Alien  26 | 6543
24 Dec 2024   #23
herring salad

Nie, śledź w śmietanie.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
24 Dec 2024   #24
But served cold?
Alien  26 | 6543
24 Dec 2024   #25
served cold

Yes, 'śledzik na raz' from a Polish store.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
24 Dec 2024   #26
So it isn`t as dish but herring salad to me. ):):)
Alien  26 | 6543
24 Dec 2024   #27
Zwał jak zwał.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
26 Dec 2024   #28
Polish grandma warns other grandmas, pas, aunties and uncles not to offer money as gifts under the tree. Small kids expect real presents and aren`t so happy seeing notes in envelopes.

"A banknote is not a gift!" says sensible granny in a letter sent to the forum. Her statement sticks in mind. She been trying to explain this to her loved ones for years.
Kids should remember the Christmas Eve dinner as a magical time with their loved ones, during which Santa brought them a wonderful toy. Not as an opportunity to get rich.

OP pawian  226 | 27817
27 Dec 2024   #29
Hey, Kremlin Stooges, Ptak and Iron!
Read, watch and learn how to deal with smoked winter sprats in Polish grandma`s way! Don`t mix the steps below!!!

Do you see the scissors on the right? They are indispensable when dealing with sprats.

Cut off the head.
Cut off the belly with intestines.
Take off the skin.
Separate meat from the spine.
Eat the meat.
Give spines to cats as good calcium source.
Throw the rest into the bin.

  • DSCN6660Kopiowanie.jpg
OP pawian  226 | 27817
1 Feb 2025   #30
Tomorrow it is Sunday. In many homes the traditional starter aka first course for dinner is chicken soup.

When Should You Salt Your Broth? Many People Make This Mistake

Without the addition of salt, we cannot imagine preparing various dishes, including chicken soup aka broth. However, few people realize thatsalt not only affects the final taste of the soup, but also the structure of the ingredients and the entire cooking process. That is why the moment of adding salt to the broth is so important.

My grandmother always follows the key rule to salt the broth only at the end of cooking. It is best to do this about 10 minutes before removing the pot of soup from the burner . If we add salt at the beginning, it may cause the meat fibers not to close, and as a result, the fat and aromas will not be released into the soup to a sufficient degree, and the taste of the broth will simply be worse after cooking. Additionally, adding salt at the end allows for better control of the taste and avoiding over-salting the soup, because during long cooking, the broth evaporates and the taste becomes more intense.

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