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A good Geriatric Doctor in Krakow

spark134  1 | -
26 Jan 2020   #1
Hey Everybody, My mother-in-law in Krakow has a medicine cabinet that looks like an Apteka. She takes way too many pills and I am in need of a good Doctor that will look at these medications and target contraindications. We understand that it most likely have to be a private visit and will have to pay. Thanks for any help in advance !

Moja mama zazywa bardzo duzo lekarstw przepisanych jej przez specjalistow, potrzebujemy dobrego geriatre ktory moze sprawdzic czy wszystkie te leki interferuja ze soba i jezeli to konieczne objac mame leczeniem.
terri  1 | 1661
26 Jan 2020   #2
Find a doctor on-line. Expect to pay about 250 pln to 300 pln for one consultation.

Go on-line and find a private doctor specializing in your Mum's conditions.
pawian  224 | 27236
2 Feb 2020   #3
My mother-in-law in Krakow has a medicine cabinet that looks like an Apteka.

Simple logic suggests that your mother has been in contact with a specialist/s/ for a long time. If her cabinet looks like Pharmacy, where did she get all that medication from? Serious medicaments are prescribed by doctors. Do you suppose they are incompetent and don`t know the effect of the prescribed medicines?
Lenka  5 | 3531
2 Feb 2020   #4
Well actually that is often the case. With so many drugs doctors loose track of how they interact etc. Not to mention that old people are ofter under the care of few specialists, each doing their bit without asking about other drugs.
pawian  224 | 27236
7 Feb 2020   #5
Hmm, in that case, they are not specialists but some novice doctors. :)

Seriously, it is quite impossible. Each doctor has to know what the patient takes - if there is some bad interaction between medications which hurts the patient, the doctor will be held responsible. I know coz we cared for our grandpa who had various disorders, indeed. I took him to several doctors and all of them made sure what medicines had already been prescribed.

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