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Gdansk Tips for Person relocating there

MunDub 1 | 5
21 Oct 2017 #1
Hi All,
Just wondering what advice and tips would you give for a person relocating to Gdansk?
everything from-
-Dry cleaning
-General tips
-best places to live

Thanks in advance

cms 9 | 1253
21 Oct 2017 #2
Dry cleaning is slow and expensive in Poland but getting better. You will pay about 80 zloty for a weeks worth - most shopping malls have a place with convenient hours. I don't know of any Service where they pick it up from your apartment.
OP MunDub 1 | 5
21 Oct 2017 #3
Thanks cms.. roughly how much would 5 shirts be to be dry cleaned if you know?
cms 9 | 1253
21 Oct 2017 #4
About 50 zloty - get a loyalty card
Roger5 1 | 1432
21 Oct 2017 #5
Who dry cleans shirts?
cms 9 | 1253
21 Oct 2017 #6
People for whom time is valuable and don't like wasting the weekend ironing ! They always look better if they have been dry cleaned and properly pressed
OP MunDub 1 | 5
21 Oct 2017 #7
cms- 100% agree
21 Oct 2017 #8
People for whom time is valuable and don't like wasting the weekend ironing !

For an extra 50zl you could not only get five shirts ironed but also get your flat cleaned. And that's at Warsaw prices, I'm sure in Gdansk a maid charges less.
cms 9 | 1253
21 Oct 2017 #9
Yes possibly - but they would struggle to wash, dry and iron in 100 zloty session ? With a dry cleaners you just dump the mess on their desk and let them do their thing. I guess I am normally dropping off a few other things - suits, ties etc that I wouldn't trust my cleaner with :)
OP MunDub 1 | 5
21 Oct 2017 #10
any other tips for poland/gdansk gents?
Roger5 1 | 1432
21 Oct 2017 #11
I don't know if there are members who live in Gdansk, but if you want tips on living in Poland, be more specific.
Dougpol1 29 | 2497
21 Oct 2017 #12

Bring a long coat and the Goretex. Not known as the windy city for nothing. Excellent transport links. A car is a waste of money if not for lifestyle. Live in Gdansk if young, Gdynia if older, Sopot if rich/daft.

What sort of accomodation? Depends what you like. Try to get a flat with a sea view. Otherwise, what is the point of living here? If monied, condos in Gdansk Jelitkowo or Brzezno if you like the coast I guess....Wrzeszcz or the Old Town if you like older type buildings....or the other side of the ring road if you like forest and countryside (then you need a car....)

My experience? Gdansk is great in summer, tedious in winter.
OP MunDub 1 | 5
24 Oct 2017 #13
Thanks Dougpol ... some good points.... trying to work out a few things before i move
24 Oct 2017 #14
trying to work out a few things before i move

If you ask more specific questions, you'll get better answers.

Gdansk is great in summer, tedious in winter.

Personally I love it most in late autumn (all those gorgeous foggy nights wondering round the old town) and mid spring.
johnny reb 46 | 7365
11 Apr 2024 #15
Just wondering what advice and tips would you give for a person relocating to Gdansk?

In a new ranking of European cities where people are most satisfied with their lives, Poland's Gdansk is in the top 5.
Alien 22 | 5397
11 Apr 2024 #16
Poland's Gdansk is in the top 5.

Has the quality of life in the world deteriorated so much?
Torq 8 | 1132
11 Apr 2024 #17
Poland's Gdansk is in the top 5

Johnny, damn it, stop encouraging them - we already have half of Ukraine (and a quarter of Belarus) here. *rolls eyes*

Has the quality of life in the world deteriorated so much?

What's the matter Alien - regretting your decision of emigrating to Germany? A bit too late for that ;)
johnny reb 46 | 7365
11 Apr 2024 #18
What I have read about Poland over the years, Gdansk would be my first pick of places to live in Poland.
The heart of Europe.
Londonstan would be the last place I would pick.
The armpit of Europe.
I posted here years ago that the country of Poland would be the most sought after place to live in all of Europe for quality of living.

They mocked me back then but look now.
Torq 8 | 1132
11 Apr 2024 #19
I posted here years ago that the country of Poland would be the most sought after place to live in all of Europe for quality of living. They mocked me back then but look now.

*thumbs up*

You were absolutely right, Johnny.

With the possible exception of Switzerland, I wouldn't choose any other country in Europe to live in.
Alien 22 | 5397
11 Apr 2024 #20
any other country in Europe to live in.

Switzerland, Austria, southern Germany very well-kept, Portugal, Spain, Italy, Greece beautiful landscapes, views, France - wines, Benelux illuminated highways, Great Britain - general English school. What does Poland have?
Torq 8 | 1132
11 Apr 2024 #21
What does Poland have?

Very well kept, landscapes, views, good health service (if you can afford private), good education level, vodka...

... plus the additional benefit of no mass immigration, no terrorist attacks and overwhelmingly white population. :)

The only minus I can think of is the football league (so-called Ekstraklasa).
Torq 8 | 1132
11 Apr 2024 #22
^ Plus: the climate (I wouldn't like to live in Portugal, Spain, Greece or most of Italy in the coming decades), food, women, opportunities for educated people - scratch what I said about Switzerland, I wouldn't choose ANY other country to live in. :)
Alien 22 | 5397
11 Apr 2024 #23
You are a true Polish patriot, it's a pity I have to go to the lecture. I would have discussed it differently.
Alien 22 | 5397
11 Apr 2024 #24
wouldn't like to live in Portugal, Spain, Greece or most of Italy in the coming decades),

I definitely prefer 20°C in Algarve in December than 2°C in GdaƄsk.
jon357 73 | 22477
11 Apr 2024 #25
I definitely prefer 20°C in Algarve in December than 2°C

Me too.

Gdansk is pleasant enough however there are nicer places in PL.

Home / Life / Gdansk Tips for Person relocating there

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