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Finally, wife acquitted after killing her abusive husband

pawian  226 | 27817
18 Jan 2023   #1
It is so good the Supreme Court ruled the woman is innocent. It is bad the prosecutors demanded 8 years and appealed previous rulings again and again. Prosecutor`s job is one of the nastiest I can ever think of. They are sick people of hyena nature.

Never mind, here is the story.

On Wednesday, the Supreme Court upheld the acquittal of 38-year-old Karolina P., who, in defense against rape by her drunken husband, killed him with a knife in the chest. The Supreme Court emphasized the essence of self-defense. The prosecutor's office demanded 8 years of imprisonment for the woman.

In justifying this decision, Judge Ryszard Witkowski emphasized that the court did not find any gross violations of the law in the decision of the court of appeal that would allow it to be challenged. The judge pointed out that the cassation allegation boils down to a different assessment of the same evidence and undermining the assessment of the credibility of the main evidence, i.e. the explanations of the accused. "Neither a different assessment nor undermining the credibility of the evidence is a sufficient basis for changing or repealing the judgment," stressed the judge.

Attorney Katarzyna Król, who defended the accused, expressed her satisfaction with the decision of the Supreme Court on Wednesday. - I believe that this is the most accurate decision of the Supreme Court. The decisions of previous instances are interesting, because these courts have established that a woman's sexual freedom is a good more important than the life of the attacker who attacked her, she said in an interview with the Polish Press Agency and Polish Radio.

The lawyer added that her client has already managed to return to normal life, among others. due to the fact that the district court released her from custody early.

On that day, Marcin P. returned home drunk and demanded sexual intercourse from his wife. As it was reported during the trial, similar situations had already occurred in which Marcin P. brutally forced a woman to have sex.

The couple's two young children were in the house. Karolina P. ran away to the balcony. She tried to call for help by calling a neighbor. The man was slapping his wife. The latter, defending herself, stabbed him in the shoulder with a knife, which she grabbed during the struggle. Drunk Marcin P. did not react. The woman hit him again, this time in the chest. After this hit, the attacker fell. Karolina P. called the emergency services. However, the doctors were unable to save the man's life.

Miloslaw  22 | 5228
18 Jan 2023   #2
Good result!
OP pawian  226 | 27817
18 Jan 2023   #3
You mean the husband or the ruling???
Miloslaw  22 | 5228
18 Jan 2023   #4
Are you stupid?

The ruling of course!
Alien  26 | 6551
19 Jan 2023   #5
Prosecutor`s job is one of the nastiest

but needed.
jon357  72 | 23665
19 Jan 2023   #6
Prosecutor`s job is one of the nastiest I can ever think of. They are sick people of hyena nature.


The job appeals to a certain nieciekawy type.

I'm glad this woman's nightmare is over and she can start to rebuild her life. Hopefully she will receive as much support as possible.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
19 Jan 2023   #7
The ruling of course!

You sounded quite equivocal. You often do. Never mind.

The job appeals to a certain nieciekawy type.

Zero Ziobro??

but needed.

Like a hangman in medieval societies. :):):)
AntV  3 | 670
19 Jan 2023   #8
Was the only evidence the testimony of the woman?

When it comes to criminal law in Poland, does it operate on the "beyond a reasonable doubt" paradigm?

Prosecutor`s job is one of the nastiest I can ever think of. They are sick people of hyena nature.

Why is that? Do you find it nasty to prosecute crimes in a court of law? Would you still consider the prosecutor nasty if the man had killed the wife for supposedly denying his sexual desire?
OP pawian  226 | 27817
19 Jan 2023   #9
Was the only evidence the testimony of the woman?

There were also neighbours` testimonies.They had known the abusive husband for years before the tragedy. They confirmed he had always become prone to aggression when drunk and it had happened quite often.

Do you find it nasty to prosecute crimes in a court of law?

No, I find it nasty when prosecutors insist on sending a person to prison only for defending herself against aggressive lowlife`s sick demands.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
21 Jan 2023   #10
I'm glad this woman's nightmare is over

It wasn`t always so. I remember a few cases when women WERE sentenced.

E.g, Katarzyna, the wife of Edward 'Ed' Jancarz, a Polish international speedway rider, got 9 years and did 5.

On 11 January 1992 he was fatally stabbed by his second wife, Katarzyna, during a domestic dispute caused by his alcoholism he had suffered from since the mid-1980s.

According to, at that time the speedway rider was also supposed to start domestic fights himself, while abusing alcohol. Danuta W., Katarzyna's friend, said that at the beginning of January 1992, Jancarz drank alcohol every day and sometimes climbed the stairs on all fours. On January 3, the athlete was also alleged to have pushed his wife down the stairs, and a few months earlier, as she herself said, he had threatened to kill her in the presence of the policemen who intervened in their house. On the day of the murder, January 11, the man was again intoxicated when he was found bloody in the bathroom. However, his wife testified that she heard a noise coming from there and later saw another man running down the stairs. In the course of the investigation, it turned out that she herself stabbed her husband with a knife, damaging his inguinal artery , which caused the fatal hemorrhage.

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traveler1  1 | 8
22 Jan 2023   #11
A woman who kills her husband should be executed
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
22 Jan 2023   #12
How about a man who kills his wife???
Are you a moose limb BTW???
traveler1  1 | 8
22 Jan 2023   #13
@Cargo pants
A man who murders his wife should be executed too.

Now if either party was defending themselves against attempted murder, then it's justified self-defense.

Abuse is not attempted murder. It's bad, but she could leave. Apparently there were times previously that he allegedly threatened. She decided to stay, so she wasn't really afraid for her life, was she.

She stabbed him to death because he slapped her. It isn't good to hit women, but her life was not in danger. That's murder and deserves capital punishment.
Alien  26 | 6551
22 Jan 2023   #14
A woman should be executed

A man should be executed too.

We do not execute people.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
22 Jan 2023   #15
I like that European law,but the max imprisonment for the worst crime like child molestation,rape,murder etc is ONLY 25 years,I would agree with 25 years too but in solitary confinement with no book,TV,etc just 15 mins out a day in the yard alone.
Lenka  5 | 3549
22 Jan 2023   #16
What about life sentence?
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
22 Jan 2023   #17
Even better but in solitary confinement.
AntV  3 | 670
24 Jan 2023   #18
They confirmed he had always become prone to aggression when drunk and it had happened quite often.

Did those neighbors testify that they saw him attempt to rape his wife prior to him being stabbed?

Their testimony as you report only states he could be an aggressive drunk.

No, I find it nasty when prosecutors insist on sending a person to prison only for defending herself against aggressive lowlife`s sick demands.

That's if he was indeed a lowlife with sick demands and that the wife did indeed need to defend herself against him. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying he was or wasn't a bad guy and the wife was or wasn't in need of defending herself. But, women aren't always innocent and truthful in these cases--it's not always black and white, in reality. It is the Prosecutor's duty to investigate these crimes and bring charges if their investigation warrants charges. Maybe the facts the Prosecutor gathered pointed toward this woman was not acting in self-defense, but out of some other motive.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
24 Jan 2023   #19
Did those neighbors testify that they saw him attempt to rape his wife

Nope, they didn`t. However, they testified about earlier cases of abuse coz the woman had confided in her friends or close family that her husband had beaten and raped her against her will.

But, women aren't always innocent and truthful

Of course, being a woman doesn`t mean you are automatically a saint. But in this particular case three courts were pretty sure how to rule. :):)

It is the Prosecutor's duty to investigate these crimes

Yes, but too often they also feel it is their duty to accuse and demand sentence against common sense, at any cost, just to show how efficient they are.
Lyzko  44 | 9730
25 Jan 2023   #20
Domestic abuse, as in many countries (including of course the US!), has long been downplayed, making the abuse somehow the woman's instead of the man's, fault.

High time that Poland Supreme Court finally stepped up to the plate and acknowledged the problem and how to effectively deal with it.

Pity that here in America, even in such liberal bastions as New York City, all too many judges still take the man's side in such cases, e.g. Meehan vs. Meehan on Staten Island some twenty years ago. In the latter instance, the judge decided against the poor housewife, accused of shooting her long physically and verbally abusive policeman husband, and pronounced an unusually stiff prison sentence!

Apparently self-defense was not an option.
Alien  26 | 6551
25 Jan 2023   #21
Legal system based on precedent cases.🤭
Lyzko  44 | 9730
25 Jan 2023   #22
Where though? In Poland or in the States? You folks in Europe are based on Napoleonic, we on British Common Law and therein lies the crucial difference between our respective legal systems:-)

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