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Beavers and the Polish Question

Bobko  27 | 2088
3 Oct 2024   #1
I have written on this forum in the past, quite extensively, about relations between beavers and Poles.

Videos on YouTube indicated a certain friendliness (linked below), however recent news I am reading from Poland suggests that things have taken a significant turn for the worse.

Pan Donald Tusk has declared a war on beavers - no less.

Quoting from Politico:

"Sometimes you have to choose between love for animals and the safety of cities, villages and the stability of dikes," Tusk said, adding that infrastructure must be defended from beavers and that the government will allow any action, within the law, against beavers to safeguard levees.

"Do whatever you have to do, I will defend these decisions. The dikes are an absolute priority today," Tusk said.

Ja pierdolę, what is this skurwysyn talking about? How about you do your job of properly investing in flood prevention, and do not blame the noble beaver?
In what normal country does the prime minister attack beavers in the aftermath of a flood instead of his incompetent bureaucrats?

A reaction did not take long to follow. Bavarian expert, Gerard Schwab - known as the Pablo Escobar of beavers - has already said to Pan Tusk: "Hands off Poland's beavers!" In confirmation of what I argued above, he said the following:

"We Germans have a better way of protecting the country's levees, he added approvingly. "You just put mesh wire on the surface of the dike, a little bit of foliage and grass on top, so you can mow the dike and the animals can no longer dig in.

On the other hand, if they build a dike from scratch, they can make it out of gravel, preventing the animals from making holes, because as soon as they start digging the gravel comes down and there's no longer a hole."

Yes, Tusk, you stupid son of a goat - build better dams instead of blaming beavers who cannot speak up for themselves.

For now, that is all I had to say on the topic. I would like to hear what fellow forum members think about this scandal?

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GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
3 Oct 2024   #2
I would like to hear what fellow forum members think about this scandal?

Tusk simply needed a scapebeaver. Typical. :-/
OP Bobko  27 | 2088
3 Oct 2024   #3
Tusk simply needed a scapebeaver. Typical

It certainly seems so, but this time he chose the wrong target!

That being said, it was a little annoying to read this from the Pablo Escobar of beavers:

"We Germans have a better way of protecting the country's levees..."

He just simply could not avoid putting things in such terms, could he? Why can't the focus of the conversation remain simply on beavers, without introducing subtle digs at Poland's backwardness?

If you have good advice on what to do with beavers - say it - but don't tell me how everything in Germany is done much better. Am I wrong?
pawian  226 | 27543
3 Oct 2024   #4
Ja pierdolę, what is this skurwysyn talking about?

:):):) Hey, relax. None of the beavers have been eliminated yet.

about this scandal?

There is none. ):):)
pawian  226 | 27543
4 Oct 2024   #5
son of a goat

Another thing - can you stop swearing in Polish in the forum? I can`t open such threads on computers in my schools due to blockade on foul language. Think before you act.
Alien  25 | 6423
5 Oct 2024   #6
stop swearing

And on top of that he swears with a Russian accent. 😉
pawian  226 | 27543
5 Oct 2024   #7
There should be double blockade on it.

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