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Recommendations for lawyers/companies to process citizenship by descent (better if in US)

22 Oct 2023 #1
I have Polish ancestry (grandparents, father). I have quite a few of their documents (passports, etc), but I'lll need help with the application. When I search the internet for companies or lawyers I get too many hits so it's hard what is legit or not. Can folks recommend companies or private attorneys that are reliable and have a good track record doing this?

22 Nov 2023 #2
Hi querypoland,

The only lawyer I can recommend is Karolina ( she goes by nickname Boska) from Warsaw Poland.
She is currently helping a friend of mine who is US/CDN citizen in obtaining him residency permit.
She comes highly recommended from english speaking roman catholic community of St Paul parish in Warsaw.
What I can recommend to you by simply emailing her to see, if she'd be willing to help you with your citizenship application.
Her facebook page:
on top of that there is Warsaw Manila Holding legalisation group, they provide every wednesdays free of charge online consultations on immigration and citizenship matters.

Home / Law / Recommendations for lawyers/companies to process citizenship by descent (better if in US)