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Professional Poker Player seeking Polish Laws on Gambling help.

Kamil1988  1 | -
7 Mar 2010   #1
My name is Kamil and I live in Canada. I Moved to Canada at age 4, I am now 22 and in my last year of university. Anyways, as much as I love school, once I earn my degree I'm going to try and play poker for a living. For the past 3 years (36 months) I've averaged approx 2500 USD a month.

2500USD x 2.75 (zloty) = 6875 zlotchs.

If you can see where I'm going with this, I want to move and play in Poland. I speak the language and make frequent trips back. I beleive I can bring in 6875 zlotychs a month GROSS playing poker online.

Now my questions are :

Does Poland allow for Online gambling yet?

If so, would the standard 19% Tax apply for my nature of work.

Any info is appreciated.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
7 Mar 2010   #2
Does Poland allow for Online gambling yet?

The opposite, in fact. Online gambling has been outlawed, though there is no technical reason why you can't play. Tax is high as well - I can't remember the figure, but if they catch you and force you to pay, the penalties are huge.

Why not move to the UK? No tax on gambling winnings!
magdalenaG  2 | 67
2 Apr 2010   #3
check out the regional tourneys on ....thousands of polish players .
newagedoc  - | 2
10 Feb 2012   #4
Kamil1988 , use Moneybookers they are registered in Uk , the main benefit is that you can also request a MasterCard attached to your MB account.
welshguyinpola  23 | 463
17 Dec 2013   #5
Merged: How to obtain a gambling licence in Poland?

A friend of mine wants to get a gambling license to host Poker games in his bar. Does anyone know how he can go about this?
bobolek  - | 3
30 Jan 2014   #6
I think the polish online market will be open in June. It was announced for January but then got delayed. I assume they will follow the Italian/French model (AAMS/ARJEL).

We have to wait and see :-)
fredobook  - | 1
6 Nov 2018   #7
Hi. As far as I know it is legal now in Poland.
Pike Bishop  2 | 5
2 Sep 2019   #8
Is there any update on the situation with online poker here?
All the info I am finding is from last year or before and there are still a lot of sites that do not allowing players from Poland to register.

Looks like it is still illegal.
And live poker is pretty much dead here too.
Doesn't look like the state is doing anything about relaxing or changing the laws.
irishkiddy  1 | 5
17 Aug 2020   #9

Gambling Tax

How much can be won tax free from a gambling shop in Poland - and does proof of winnings need to be shown to the tax authorities when under this limit?

Is it illegal for a Polish tax resident to use online gambling sites anywhere, or just while in Poland?

pawian  226 | 27532
18 Aug 2020   #10
a gambling shop in

What is a gambling shop? A supermarket or corner shop where you can buy lottery tickets?
19 Aug 2020   #11
What is a gambling shop

He means a betting shop.

How much can be won tax free from a gambling shop in Poland

According to this article there is a 10% tax on winnings:-

These sites might be of help:-
Atch  22 | 4299
19 Aug 2020   #12
He means a betting shop.

Yes, first thing that struck me was how strange that an Irish person would call a betting shop a 'gambling shop'! In fact he'd call it a bookies, though I can understand how he might not use that term outside Ireland, but even in Poland they have the term bookmaker for betting shops, 'buchmacherskie.'
pawian  226 | 27532
19 Aug 2020   #13
He means a betting shop.

I see. I keep away from them, betting and gambling have never been my hobby.

Is it illegal for a Polish tax resident to use online gambling sites anywhere, or just while in Poland?

Only in Poland.
irishkiddy  1 | 5
20 Aug 2020   #14
Thanks guys!
I see winnings from casinos are exempt from tax - do casinos pay out cheques quite a lot to keep track of what winnings are tax free?

I imagine it would open a money laundering loop if everybody can deposit cash to the bank and claim it was casino winnings.

Pawian, do you have a link to something official stating it is only illegal for a Polish resident to use gambling sites inside Poland, but is fine when outside?
pawian  226 | 27532
20 Aug 2020   #15

It is obvious that when in another country, you are subject to its laws which may differ than Poland`s. So, if a foreign country allows online gambling, you can use it when on its territory and it doesn`t matter you come from Poland. Simple.

To avoid any misunderstandings, using such foreign sites on Polish territory is illegal.

Home / Law / Professional Poker Player seeking Polish Laws on Gambling help.

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