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Weapon Law in Poland: what kinds of knives are legal?

Alien  26 | 6559
21 Oct 2023   #31
and start a 20-year war in Asia

But first you have to blow up World Trade Center 1, 2 and 7.
Novichok  4 | 8766
21 Oct 2023   #32
Without those box cutters, there would be no 9/11 and Afghanistan. Amazing...Such a small object and such a mess...
RubasznyRumcajs  5 | 495
22 Oct 2023   #33
the only knives banned in Poland are the knives hidden in the objects that do not look like bladed weapon, like combs or belt buckles etc.

there are restrictions on that if you go to the events like concerts or sport events of course (and rightly so).
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
22 Oct 2023   #34
the only knives banned

I thought the rule was about the size of the blade?
Novichok  4 | 8766
22 Oct 2023   #35
You seem to be losing the plot.......or just losing.....

This thread lost its plot at #8:

A kitchen knife though is not intended as a weapon!

A stupid thing to say so of course it was said by a woman...

Hey, dumb ass, hands were never meant to be weapons, either...that didn't stop millions from beating the crap out of their victims and then choking them to death. With their bare hands...

Home / Law / Weapon Law in Poland: what kinds of knives are legal?
BoldItalic [quote]
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