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Trading Standards body for bad dental work in Poland?

InWroclaw  89 | 1910
2 Dec 2013   #1
Who does one complain to about a dentist who has done bad dental work and refuses to deal with it under warranty? Is it [EXT] or would each city have its own dept of trading standards or similar?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
2 Dec 2013   #2
I'd go with those guys in the first instance - they're usually quite good at giving bad companies trouble.
OP InWroclaw  89 | 1910
2 Dec 2013   #3
Thanks, will do :O)

These are the regs, apparently:

Reklamacja usługi dentystycznej

Korzystałeś z usługi stomatologicznej. Ząb przestał boleć, ale po krótkim okresie wypadła plomba. Co masz robić?. Jeżeli od wykonania usługi nie minął jeszcze rok, masz prawo złożyć reklamację do dentysty wykonującego usługę. Zażądaj w wyznaczonym przez Ciebie terminie ponownego plombowania zęba. Dentysta jest zobowiązany bezpłatnie dokonać poprawek. Zwrotu ceny za wykonaną usługę możesz żądać, gdy stomatolog odmówi wykonania ponownego leczenia albo w odpowiednim czasie nie wykona tej usługi ( gdy wada jest istotna). W przypadku wad nieistotnych, możemy domagać się obniżenia ceny.

Podstawa prawna: art. 637 i nast. Kodeksu cywilnego

Basically, it says a patient has ONE year's guarantee on dental work.

Google translation:
Have used dental services. The tooth stopped hurting, but after a short period fell seal. What you have to do. If the performance of the service has not yet passed a year, you have the right to file a complaint to the dentist performing the service. Request a deadline set by you resealing the tooth. The dentist is required to charge to make corrections. Reimbursement rates for the service you require, when a dentist refuse to perform or re-treatment at the right time will not perform the service (if the defect is important). In the case of insignificant defects, we ask for a price reduction.

Legal basis: Art. 637 et seq. civil Code

If a dentist refuses to honour a guarantee, you can take it up with a body known as the Doctors' Chamber. If someone knows their name in Polish, please post, otherwise I assume it's komora lekarzy although that guess might literally mean something like cupboard doctors :o)
milawi  - | 60
3 Dec 2013   #4
If someone knows their name in Polish, please post, otherwise I assume it's komora lekarzy

:) it's 'Izba Lekarska'
OP InWroclaw  89 | 1910
3 Dec 2013   #5
Thank you. I suppose the other term means a doctors' furniture ! :o)
Maybe  12 | 409
3 Dec 2013   #6
dentist who has done bad dental work and refuses to deal with it under warranty

Why would you back to the idiot who didn't do the work properly in the first place? Sod the warranty find a new dentist.


Why would you back t

why would you GO back......
OP InWroclaw  89 | 1910
3 Dec 2013   #7
why would you GO back......

Yeah, you're right. A refund will be all that's acceptable now.
2 Sep 2022   #8
I just had a full set of implants in Poland project usmiech and I keep biting my lower lip, 9 weeks I've not been able to enjoy a meal, they eventually said come back and they would look at it, they filed a bit of one of my teeth then when asked for a night guard to stop me biting in my sleep they tried to charge 750 polish nearly £200 then they blamed the dentist who done the work who has now left and started her own practice. I would like to give them maximum bad feedback and also take them to court, maybe not in that order
Alien  26 | 6551
2 Sep 2022   #9
What do you mean with "full set of implants"?

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