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Testaments (Wills) in Poland - leave people specific things or only percentages/fractions?

InWroclaw  89 | 1910
19 Dec 2012   #1
Here's my question to the learned members of the forum:-

Can a person writing a testament in Poland legally leave specific property and chattels to individuals or organisations? Or, must everything be in percentages or fractions?

For example, can my will/testament say...?

Lotus elan - Pan Piotr Panski of Ul. Wisniowa 12/3, Wrocsaw
Learjet - Pani Dorota Nowak of Ul. Pomador 4/56, Krakdansk
Rolex - Pan Michael Mouski of Ul. Sern 7/89, Katobin

or do I need to instead write...?

1/5 - Pan Piotr Panski of Ul. Wisniowa 12/3, Wrocsaw
3/5 - Pani Dorota Nowak of Ul. Pomador 4/56, Krakdansk
1/5 - Pan Michael Mouski of Ul. Sern 7/89, Katobin

Do I need a witness for my will or can I just handwrite it and sign it? (In the UK, 2 witnesses are needed.) I have been told a witness is not necessary - that amazes me!

Is it essential to write my will in Polish if I die in Poland and my estate is to administered in Poland? I assume yes.

Can a beneficiary be executor/administrator, if I name them? (ie could Piotr also be the The Executor?)

If I go to a lawyer to write a simple will for me, approximately how much should he or she charge, and do they charge to store it each year?
inkrakow  1 | 98
19 Dec 2012   #2
I can't answer the question about how you leave what to who but I know you can draft it yourself. However, as anywhere, if you don't know what you're doing it can cause problems down the line so people often go to a notary for this reason. The notary also has to register the notary act in his/her own records so it's "stored" for you automatically.
OP InWroclaw  89 | 1910
19 Dec 2012   #3
Thank you for that info on the notary, I didn't know that. Good tip!
23 Dec 2014   #4
Hi, I've been told that if I write to a married couple in Poland I shoul address it Mrs and Mr, rather than Mr and Mrs.

Does anyone know if this is true?
17 Jan 2023   #5
I just enquired about the rules making a will, it seems that even if you make a will, the courts take into account next of kin, ie I cannot leave my will to a girlfriend, the next of kin must be notified as they are entitled to a share of the will, and that goes down the line, to their siblings... this seems ridiculous, is this true
cms neuf  2 | 1959
17 Jan 2023   #6
No - the siblings and their kids only have rights if you die without making a will

I think your own kids have rights if you make a will but disinherit them

But there are two simple solutions

- marry your girlfriend and then you can name her as the heir

- if you are citizen if another EU country, you can nominate your will to be under those laws.

Home / Law / Testaments (Wills) in Poland - leave people specific things or only percentages/fractions?
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