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Public Sector Website in Poland

gcameo 3 | 8
29 Nov 2009 #1
Hi All,
What is the leading public sector website in Poland. Something like BIS Website or IDEA web site in UK

Thread attached on merging:
Public Sector Contracts in Poland

Hi All,
I am a computer programmer and my wife is from Poland. We want to move to settle there. here in the UK i have been involved in developing software for the public sector and was thinking maybe i can start a business developing such systems in Poland but i have no clue how to get started and even if they would want to buy it.

anybody have experience with the public sector? is there a place where you can bid o contracts or something like that.

how is the technology adoption in the public sector?

Any resource or pointers will be very much welcomed

Kind Regards
plk123 8 | 4134
1 Jul 2010 #2
if you don't speak polish, you are up against a mountain.. but good luck to ya.
hague1cmaeron 14 | 1368
1 Jul 2010 #3
Pardon in advance, but would that be the same public sector software that has cost the taxpayer billions with little true benefit, as demonstrated by the NHS database, which has been described by various people as an expensive failure and in now being scrapped by the conservatives?

In advance, I am sure you have worked on the more successful projects):

Good luck with finding something in Poland, I am guessing that a person with your skills has a better chance of finding work then most):
1 Jul 2010 #4
For god's sake man, not the public sector. Walk. Away. From. The. Polish. Public. Sector.

It, like the UK, is going to get hammered to plug deficits. IT spend wasn't exactly a priority anyway and the top-level decisions are only going to get made in cahoots with the big software houses, not a one-person shop like you (and, indeed, me). FWIW I still work 'in' London via VPN - don't burn your bridges, at least at the start.

There may be other avenues, though. What's your speciality (PM me if you want to take this offline, but here is good too)?

A (Poznan, BTW, if you're ever in town for a beer/coffee)
OP gcameo 3 | 8
1 Jul 2010 #5
Good luck with finding something in Poland, I am guessing that a person with your skills has a better chance of finding work then most):

Thanks for the feedback. No its not related NHS spine project. I have been involved more in the local council softwares mostly licensing. Since Poland has just adopted the EU Services directive and i have worked extensively there I can offer such services if i know where to go:

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