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A parent born in Poland. Obtaining a Polish birth certificate?

alekshun  1 | -
31 Jan 2013   #1

Can I obtain a birth certificate for a parent (born in Poland) if I can show that I was born to her, even if she is alive? If she doesnt have a copy herself.

1 Jun 2014   #2
Of course you can, you are eligible for it. You need to have her personal data, address, her parents name, family name and birthplace. In fact it is also possible to get it by mail, but besides all the data mentioned above, stamp duty confirmation is required (22 zl for short, 33 zl for extended certificate)
gjene  15 | 203
5 Jun 2014   #3
I have tried for my mother and was told they either could not find the book that it would have been registered in or the book is currently missing. While I do have a replacement that was issued on he behalf by request from my grandfather. Unfortunately the replacement has his last name and is in English. Which means that either her birth was never properly registered at the time or it was listed under my grandmothers' first marriage or the book actually is missing.
ewap34  - | 11
18 Jul 2014   #4
In Poland, until 1945, were written two books born - one was for the registrar's office, one for the church. Sometimes, when the book was destroyed registrar metric can be found in the church.

If you need a birth certificate for the purposes of administrative, judicial you should write a letter to the registrar's office. Sometimes the office does not find a metric, because the book was destroyed, but then remains to check whether the book is in the church.

You can use the brokering and authorize a person in Poland to obtain such a document. You must then send the original power of attorney and photocopy documents proving that you are a descendant of a person. It usually takes a little over a month, but it is simple. I would recommend my website genealogia polonica.

Kinia Poland
2 Nov 2016   #5
Facebook zerwane wiezi,
Facebook adoptowani
alexvoce  - | 3
16 Nov 2016   #6
Merged: Obtaining My Mum's Birth Certificate and My Polish Passport

Hi guys,

I'm new to the forum I visit Poland a lot to visit my Dziadek and Babcia and just got back they are really ill now unfortunately. My mum (Polish born) moved to England in the 1980's (Born in 1964) but passed away 15 years ago. My grandparents do not have her birth certificate but i would like to obtain one. What is the best way about obtaining this? I can do it online or I have friends in Warsaw who can assist me as i do not speak Polish.

Also how easy would it be for me to get a Polish passport? Would i need my Mum's birth certificate and mine etc? Anybody know of an easy way of doing this? Sorry if this has been answered before and thank you in Advance.!!
23 Apr 2017   #7
So can I just walk in and order my mum's and my dad's birth certificate without their presence and permission? What about my deceased grandparents? How long Doo they take to come?
23 Apr 2017   #8

Can I apply for parent's birth certificate without their presence or permission?

I'm heading to Poland to get my confirmation of Polish citizenship soon (as in Australia the process is minimum 2 years), am I able to apply for my mother's and fathers birth certificates over there without their presence or permission? What about their marriage certificate? In Australia you definitely wouldn't be able to do this. Is there anything I need for this? What about my grandparents birth certificates (they have all died)? How long does it take to arrive after applying for it? I have my mum's Australian citizenship certificate, will I also need my dad's? (I won't be able to get it). Also, besides my expired Polish passport and an apostille translated version of my birth certificate and ID, is there anything else that I need to bring? Thanks
alexvoce  - | 3
24 Apr 2017   #9
Hi Iza22,

I just needed my mum's birth details and her parents birth details date of birth etc. Then i needed my birth certificate to prove it was my mum.So take yours and that was it. I don't speak polish so my friend translated for me. It took about a week and my friend picked it up and posted it to me as i gave her my permission to use her as power of attorney.
Iza22  4 | 13
13 May 2017   #10
Hey thanks so much alexvoce
May I ask if you needed your birth certificate translated before applying? Also did you need to fill in any forms, and did you apply in Warsaw?
Bristols  - | 13
15 May 2017   #11
Yes eye hat to fill in many forms and have a sertifickat
15 May 2017   #12
Why would you want confirmation of Polish citizenship when you have already had a Polish passport?
Iza22  4 | 13
15 May 2017   #13
Hey there @Harry
My mum never got me a PESEL number (she's crazy anti-government), and basically this is the problem.
If I had a PESEL number I could have simply renewed my passport but as I don't, I will need to confirm my citizenship via the lengthy and overpriced process.
Ziutek  9 | 160
15 May 2017   #14
lengthy and overpriced? It took me a couple of months and cost 50zł! Are you paying an intermediary?
Iza22  4 | 13
16 May 2017   #15
Well @Ziutek, lengthy as opposed to filling in one simple form, taking a few photos and waiting 30 days. Instead I will need to translate my birth certificate, register my birth in Poland, apply for my parents' birth, marriage and divorce certificates, fill in a 12 page form, apply for a PESEL, and then after all that get to fill in that form. I am not going through a lawyer but I got my documents apostilled last week, cost close to 1000zl just for that. This is only the beginning.

Congrats on getting it by the way!
Ziutek  9 | 160
16 May 2017   #16
But you don't need to register your birth until after you get confirmation of citizenship and the same applies to the PESEL.
So all you need is:
a) your birth certificate and translation
b) your parents' birth certificates
c) your parent's marriage certificate and translation if they were married outside Poland.
As for having your documents apostilled, if you go to the office with the originals, they will copy them and give them back to you.
Iza22  4 | 13
16 May 2017   #17
Hey @Ziutek
Oh I didn't know, that's great! Thanks for the info, will save me a bit of time. So do you think just my parent's certificates will be enough?

And I thought the originals needed to be Appostilled to be accepted?
Ziutek  9 | 160
16 May 2017   #18
Yes, they will be enough. Bear in mind though, that to get your passport, you will still need a PESEL and to get that you will still need to get your birth certificate transcribed to the Polish registry. It's just that it's not necessary for confirmation of citizenship.

If by "apostille" you mean getting your Australian birth certificate certified for international recognition, I don't think it is necessary. Maybe the rules are different within the EU, but I didn't have to get it done. However, you will need a sworn translation ( łumaczenie przysięgłe).
Iza22  4 | 13
17 May 2017   #19
If that's true then I've just wasted close to a 1000zł, damn! Oh well.
Yes I understand, I'll apply for both the Polish citizenship and polish birth certificate at the same time I guess. Thanks for your advice again Ziutek!
Ziutek  9 | 160
17 May 2017   #20
You are welcome.
Unfortunately I've just been to get my birth certificate registered and they wanted to retain the original, so if you want to keep yours you should get a new copy from your registry office in Australia.
ania_xx  - | 1
17 Oct 2018   #21

I'm seeking some help as I have been struggling to make a start..

Ultimately I am wanting to obtain my Polish citizenship. I am Australian born to both Polish parents. My father passed 6 years ago and my mother I don't speak with. I know their date of births and place of births however I do not have the birth dates for their parents (my grandparents).

How can I go about getting copies of my parents birth certificates to start my citizenship process? Is it easier if I go to Poland to sort this out like @Iza22 mentioned?? I have contacted an agent/solicitor but it is ridiculously expensive!

I'd greatly appreciate some guidance.

Thanks in advance.
terri  1 | 1661
17 Oct 2018   #22
You can get a copy of a birth certificate for a person born in Poland from the nearest main town where they were born. You need to go to Urzad Stanu Cywilnego. You will need as much detail as you can, such as date of birth, names of parents, mother's maiden name. It is possible to apply for this yourself, but you need to complete the form, pay the money and wait. If there is a Polish Consulate in Australia, it may be easier to speak to them so they can do it for you and obtain the certificates from Poland.

You will also need their marriage certificate, if they were married in Poland it is the same procedure, date of marriage, names and mother's maiden name. If they were married anywhere else, their marriage certificate has to be translated into Polish by a sworn translator.

You will also need to have your birth certificate (if it is Australian) translated into Polish by a sworn translator.

In your position I would speak to the Polish Consulate and explain your case to them. For each translation count on 200 pln.
MoOli  9 | 479
17 Oct 2018   #23
All the above documents will not help as the parents proof of citizenship.You can be born,educated,married in Poland and still not be a citizen.
28 Mar 2019   #24
Researching family history, but need my great-grandmother's name. Her daughter's maiden name is Antoinette Cieslinski born in 1883 somewhere in Poland. How can I find my great-grandmother's name?
DominicB  - | 2706
28 Mar 2019   #25
Cieśliński is a fairly common surname, and is widely spread in Poland. It's probably used by several unrelated families. If you don't have an exact place of birth, it is going to be very difficult to downright impossible to find anything.

If all you have is "somewhere in Poland", that's pretty much the end of the line.
alexvoce  - | 3
29 Mar 2019   #26
I didn't even need to have my english birth certificate translated to Polish to get my mums birth certificate they just looked at it.
26 May 2019   #27
Hello, I need the birth certificate of a friend of mine. She was born in Grabocin, Katowice in August 1944. Then she emigrated to Argentina. All her documents and passport were lost.

I'd like to help her. Could you, please, tell what to do? We can pay for the research.
Thanks in advance,
kaprys  3 | 2076
26 May 2019   #28
Grabocin is a part of Dąbrowa Górnicza now. You need to contact The civil registry there -urząd stanu cywilnego.
It's hard to say if they understand English but try to contact them.
You're usually charged to get certificates but it's hard to say how much if you're applying from abroad.
16 Sep 2019   #29
Hi. I'm trying to find out if I'm eligible for Polish citizenship/Passport by decent. My father was born in France in 1916 to both Polish parents. He said he was a French national, and had the option of serving in the Polish Army, in WWII which did. Any ideas? Thx. RB
richasis  1 | 409
10 Dec 2019   #30
I am inclined to say that, since modern-day Poland did not exist until 1918, you are unfortunately out-of-luck.

However, that your father served in the Polish Army during WWII certainly puts an interesting spin on things.

Home / Law / A parent born in Poland. Obtaining a Polish birth certificate?

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