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Moving back to Poland - Healthcare

Novichok  4 | 8677
9 Feb 2025   #31
Silly Americans brag about their healthcare, mentioning such a stupendous issue

I am a product of American healthcare. I am 83. Heart attack in 2011 and prostate cancer in 2015. Never felt better. Can't wait for another visit to LA Fitness...

You want to armwrestle?

Thank you, American healthcare, doctors, and nurses for keeping me alive and well past the expiration date.
Joker  2 | 2447
9 Feb 2025   #32
Silly Americans brag about their healthcare, mentioning such a stupendous issue

Here is the Brutal Reality: The Eurotard Healhcare is a Death Sentence

Eurotard healthcare systems are all smoke and mirrors- they promise the world but deliver nothing but waiting,frustration, and a slow realization that youre worth less than the paperwork stacked in front of the The bureaucratic nightmare that is "universal" healthcare means everyone suffers equally, but no one actually gets treated.

Eurotard healthcare doeast heal!! lol It just postpones your death until they can shuffle you off to a waiting list thats too long to actually matter.

I dont mind paying a little for insurance when I have the best doctors and hospitals in the world:)
Novichok  4 | 8677
9 Feb 2025   #33
I dont mind paying a little for insurance when I have the best doctors and hospitals in the world:)

...who never go like this:

He is 83 so let's not waste money anymore...
Alien  26 | 6527
9 Feb 2025   #34
Eurotard healthcare systems are all smoke and mirrors- they promise the world but deliver nothing but waiting,frustration, and a slow realization

Not in Germany.
Joker  2 | 2447
9 Feb 2025   #35
Not in Germany.

German hospitals treat you like a defective car part...youre in, youre out, and they barely care if youre still breathing.

The bill will be larger than your illness.Youll leave feeling violated, not healed.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
9 Feb 2025   #36
German hospitals treat you like a defective car part..

I heard Poland's hospitals are about the same only they demand money before they will even look at you.
Remember how they treated Cargo Pants when he was so sick.
Joker  2 | 2447
9 Feb 2025   #37
I heard Poland's hospitals are about the same only they demand money before they will even look at you.

Polish healthcare isnt just bad. its a test of how much pain and bureauracy a human can tolerate before giving up.

Wany quick treatment? Pay!
Want fair treatment? Good Luck!
Want to survive? Hope you have connections.

Polands healthcare system is a relic, held together by the sheer willpower of doctors who havent fled yet and patient's that are too stubborn to die before their appointment.

Scenario 1: You're sick and go to a doctor.

Option A: The doctor ignores your symptoms, shrugs, and tells you to drink chamomile tea.
Option B: You get a referral for a specialist... whose first available appointment is in 2028.
Option C: You pay for private healthcare, which works great... until you run out of money and have to crawl back to the public system.

Scenario 2: You need surgery.

Option A: The hospital schedules your procedure for three years from now-assuming you don't die before then.
Option B: You bribe the surgeon, and suddenly, your operation is next week.
Option C: You go to Germany because even Polish people know not to trust Polish hospitals.
mafketis  38 | 11260
9 Feb 2025   #38
Polish healthcare isnt just bad.

Not my experience.... when was your last encounter with the Polish healthcare system?
Novichok  4 | 8677
10 Feb 2025   #39
when was your last encounter with the Polish healthcare system?


What is incorrect in Joker's Post 37?

Remember how they treated Cargo Pants when he was so sick.

How is he?

Can you expand on your post?

I miss this guy...really...
pawian  226 | 27817
10 Feb 2025   #40
Polish healthcare isnt

Bs, The main difference between Am and Polish systems is that in US dozens of millions Americans can`t afford basic medical insurance and care while in Poland vast majorioty of citizens can.

What is incorrect in Joker's Post

Everything. Read my conclusion above.
Przelotnyptak1  - | 713
11 Feb 2025   #41
and either my assigned GP can see me or the receptionist sends me to another one.

Can you explain why my dear friend, a resident of Warsaw, where health care is supposedly superior to a province fel and broke her hip because authorities
didn't learn how to make a zebra crossing not slippery?Little sand in the paint will do the trick. In agonizing pain, she waited for an ambulance for half an hour; she was transported to a hospital; she was put in an uncomfortable cot, not in the room but in a hallway, because of overcrowding. She was operated, botched operation, and the following attempts were unsuccessful.
She will live her whole life in constant pain.Pawian, nie zamydlaj nam oczu.Polish health care is 50 years behind.
Novichok  4 | 8677
11 Feb 2025   #42
Polish health care is 50 years behind.

In 2019, I flew in on Thursday and was out on Sunday when I realized just that...
Lenka  5 | 3548
11 Feb 2025   #43
Polish health care is 50 years behind.
In 2019, I flew in on Thursday and was out on Sunday when I realized just that...

And we are eternally gratefully for that.

Just last year my mum was admitted to hospital just because her GP wanted her to be checked over.. She wasn't in a corridor, she had physio, doctors of different specialisations and many tests. She was aslo booked in for physio camp.
No bill, no wondering if the insurance covers this or that.
Ironside  51 | 13083
11 Feb 2025   #44
out on Sunday when I realized just that.

Hey smartass. if you are happy why are you lingering in Polish Forums like a heavy fart? Go to the American forum for Americans.
You are so noisy about having nothing to do with Poland happy about and so on that I stopped believing your lies, if they were the truth you wouldn't be here on Polish forum 24/7.
Novichok  4 | 8677
11 Feb 2025   #45
I can give you three responses: rude, honest, and pawian. Which one would you like?
Ironside  51 | 13083
11 Feb 2025   #46
Which one would you like?

I don't care for your response. Here is my honesty.
I think you have issues and if you like here so be it but control yourself a tad. Other posters don't like spammers and their repetitive phrases and slogans/.
How many times you have posted the same? You probably do not remember due to your mild demetia but those who have a good memory are fed up with this repetitive crap. Got it?
Novichok  4 | 8677
11 Feb 2025   #47
why are you lingering in Polish Forums like a heavy fart?

I don't care for your response.

Can you connect those two?
Ironside  51 | 13083
11 Feb 2025   #48
Can you connect those two?

A rhetorical question.
You ask them all the time. It is your method of debate but it is not a real debate at all.
Novichok  4 | 8677
11 Feb 2025   #49
A rhetorical question is a question asked in order to create a dramatic effect or to make a point rather than to get an answer.

So what is your point?
Ironside  51 | 13083
11 Feb 2025   #50
o what is your point?

control yourself a tad.

those who have a good memory are fed up with this repetitive crap. Got it?

pawian  226 | 27817
11 Feb 2025   #51
She was operated, botched operation, and the following attempts were unsuccessful.

That is normal at this age. When you break your hip, you will also live in pain to the end of your life which will happen soon. Just like to my dad in law. He died after a year.

Polish health care

is excellent compared to American one but don`t expect wonders. People are nor immortal.

She wasn't in a corridor,

Exactly. Ptak was lying or reminiscing on the long gone past aka communist times.

if you are happy why are you lingering in Polish Forums

Exactly. Everything in America sucks: their healthcare system, their opinion fora, their safety, their police, their Pres, their food etc etc.
That is why they come here like for a breathe of fresh air!!! Ha!!!!
Przelotnyptak1  - | 713
11 Feb 2025   #52
the long gone past aka communist times.

No, no, an unpleasant event took place less than 10 years ago, and I forgot the dismissive, abusive attitude of personal.

I doubt your predictions will ever come true. While skiing, I take spectacular falls. Last year, I outdid myself after a magnificent fall with an aerial pirouette; skiers riding the uphill lift gave me a loud ovation and a 10, a perfect score, not one broken bone. So dream on, you pencil neck
Przelotnyptak1  - | 713
11 Feb 2025   #53
Exactly. Everything in America sucks

But it is much better than any place on earth. As far as food is concerned, every corner of the planet is richly represented, even pierogi.
Novichok  4 | 8677
12 Feb 2025   #54
But it is much better than any place on earth.

Hey, Euros, show me a country where you can do this...

One day, without any symptoms, I read about pancreatic cancer. Oh, fvck...That shlt kills 98% in weeks.

So I went to my GP to ask if there is a test to see if I have it. Yes, there is a test ...In a couple of days I was told that I was negative.

My payment - zero.

I love America. The rest of the world, except Germany, Poland, and Russia can go to hell...
Joker  2 | 2447
12 Feb 2025   #55
But it is much better than any place on earth. As far as food is concerned, every corner of the planet is richly represented, even pierogi.

Out of all the Eurotards, Pawian is the worst as the jealousy drips off his posts.

The average American salary is nearly 4x higher than in Poland. That's why so many Poles flee to work in Germany, the UK, or anywhere that pays better.
Poland still relies on EU handouts to keep its economy afloat. Meanwhile, the U.S. is out here running the global economy.


Poland is just Germanys cheap labor pool and Russias paranoid neighbor. The only reason your country isnt speaking russian right now is bc the U.S.A. keeps you safe.

Instead of running your mouth all the time about America, maybe say "thank you" and get back in line!
gumishu  15 | 6228
12 Feb 2025   #56
Putin: Ты с ума сошел? Я бы предпочла черную мамбу в качестве домашнего питомца!

it strange that Putin talks like a Russian babushka ("ja by predpoczła" indicates female person speaking)
mafketis  38 | 11260
12 Feb 2025   #57
utin talks like a Russian babushka

What kind he say... his egg has been cracked and he's transitioning.... from now on hi..... her new name will be Oksana (please no deadnaming.... her).
Ironside  51 | 13083
12 Feb 2025   #58
Poland still relies on EU handouts to keep its economy afloat.

In the last 30 years, the only economy that has been steadily growing at a big rate besides China is Poland.
The fact you are an ignoramus on most issues is not a big deal but when you open your big stupid gob to diminish my country, I will be there to let you know what a pig-headed fool you are-got it? I guess in your thinking Trump's business lives from Handouts too!
Poland is just a historical punching bag that relies on America to keep it alive

Sure, you have a short memory-200 years or 300 years, which, in ancient terms, is the blink of an eye in Polish history. So I guess you might think that way, lol!
I shouldn't be harsh on you lot here. After all you two outspoken Yankees on PF represent the working class and lower class, well at best a lower middle class of American society. What do you know? That is a rhetorical question.

Why are you easily provoked on this forum by some lefties, that is the question only you can answer.
Without US protection Poland would be wipped off the map by Russia.

Really? So far the US protection wasn't called into action. So far the US has only benefited from Poland without really putting anything in. So save it.
If and when the USA will contribute to Poland's defense - we will see.
Joker  2 | 2447
12 Feb 2025   #59
If it weren't true why such a meltdown? Lol
I cant wait for Trump to pull out of NATO before we have to fight another war for the eurotard trash.
Ironside  51 | 13083
12 Feb 2025   #60
If it weren't true why such a meltdown?

What meltdown. It is my thing, Don't you know it. If you try to diminish Poland you are p'sing off Ironside it is that simple. Especially true of you are talking nonsense out of your ass.
NATO before we have to fight another war for you.

what war the US was fighting for Poland - name one if you can't you are a fat American loser.

Home / Law / Moving back to Poland - Healthcare
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