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Move to Poland with Misdemeanors?

PolebyMarriage  1 | 1
10 Feb 2014   #1
I have so much love for Poland and we would like to start a family in Poland and be closer to my wife's family. I made a horrible mistake decision 2 years ago and got a OWI and a Public Intox. On my record I now have a Misdemeanor B. My wife and I want to move to Poland after I finish my Masters in 2 years. Any advice would greatly be appreciated.
jon357  72 | 23659
10 Feb 2014   #2
It should make no difference at all.
smurf  38 | 1940
10 Feb 2014   #3
Public Intoxication isn't frowned upon in Poland, it's encouraged.

Drink driving is a scummy thing to do though, you will have to pay a higher vehicle insurance rate because of it, and failing to tell them can lead to all kinds of trouble down the line.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641
10 Feb 2014   #4
Public Intoxication isn't frowned upon in Poland, it's encouraged.

You can walk around with an open bottle of alcohol, drinking from it and no one gives you a second glance even if you are a woman?
smurf  38 | 1940
10 Feb 2014   #5
Yea, alcoholism is rife here.
It is illegal to drink openly on the street and if the Police or the Straz see you they'll fine you, but it's small, I think it's like 50 or 100zl.

But you can walk down most streets at any time of the day and see people with beer bottles in their hands.

I'm just back from walking my dog and the usual lads were standing around smoking and drinking a few bottles....yes, at 10.30 am on a Monday. They have the life of Reilly :)
DominicB  - | 2706
10 Feb 2014   #7
My wife and I want to move to Poland after I finish my Masters in 2 years. Any advice would greatly be appreciated.

Almost certainly not the best option available to you. The job market is fiercely competitive, and wages are depressingly low. The only way this would work out is if you would get a job with a Western company in your own country and then get transferred to Poland at Western wages, and that's an option only for project or regional managers, higher level administrators, and highly qualified and experienced specialists and consultants.

Otherwise, you are eventually going to become frustrated with the low wages, job insecurity, poor lifetime earning prospects, poor prospects for advancement, inability to obtain further education, inability to save up and, not least, social isolation. If anyone, including your wife, is trying to paint a rosy picture for job prospects for foreigners in Poland, be assured that is very far from rosy, especially for people at the start of their career, like you. There's a good reason why so many young Poles are leaving the country to work abroad.

Sorry, but moving to Poland almost always making a big financial sacrifice. You might say that you are up to it, but after a year or two living in the country and experiencing the frustration day in and day out, you'll eventually burn out and get out. The "foreign-boy-moves-to-Poland-to-be-with-his-wife/girlfriend" story rarely has a happy ending. In the end, it all comes down to dollars and cents. And in the end, the only dollars and cents that count are the ones that you and your wife can put away in your savings account at the end of the month.
10 Feb 2014   #8
Get your career going and after a few years try for a transfer to a company which also has operations in Poland. Do not come here without a job.
pawian  226 | 27817
6 Jan 2021   #10
you can walk down most streets at any time and see people with beer bottles in their hands.

Not anymore. Now when I see open bottles it is only on park benches where local chavs party. And quite rarely coz the police also frequents such places. The fine is 100.

Home / Law / Move to Poland with Misdemeanors?

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