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Moroccan girl try be marry to a Polish man not muslim

dwadwa0  1 | 1
9 Jun 2023   #1
Question for us.
Moroccan girl try be marry to a Polish man not muslim it is no problem law on Morocco when it will be not registered on Morocco? It must by register on Morocco country?

Wedding will be on Poland civil office.
jon357  72 | 23654
9 Jun 2023   #2
Wedding will be on Poland civil office.

That is enough. There's no need to have the legal part of a wedding in two countries. If Morocco has any unusual laws relating to overseas ,marriages, you'd need to check with Moroccans, however many couples from different countries get married and do not have two ceremonies/registrations in different countries.

A weddinfg (the registration part) in Poland takes place in the Urząd Stan Cywilnego. It is a government office and there is a small ceremony (not religious) where the couple make promises to be together and then sign a document. It is like a nikah ceremony however it is in an office. When the document is signed, you are married under Polish law.
Kashub1410  6 | 580
9 Jun 2023   #3
I would make contact with Moroccan embassy if I were you to find out about any legal agreements that have been signed or agreed upon regarding marriage for any Marrocan citizenship and possible consequences
jon357  72 | 23654
9 Jun 2023   #4
It must by register on Morocco country?

Not under Polish law and Polish marriages are recognised as lawful around the world. A quick look online at the Moroccan government website suggests that it's not possible to register in Morocco without a certificate of conversion, however your marriage is still legally valid.
OP dwadwa0  1 | 1
9 Jun 2023   #5
Police on Morocco or on the airport don't tell me go to the prison because I have contract from Poland not Morocoo?
Marriage of girl in Marocco its not valid?
It will be not problem for her?
Future wife will be illegall and still single on Morocoo country only with Poland contract civil?
jon357  72 | 23654
9 Jun 2023   #6
I have contract from Poland

No, no problems at airports however I'd be careful staying at small hotels in conservative areas.

About Moroccan law, you'd probably get the most accurate advice with8n Morocco.

There's so,e discussion about the matter here:
Alien  26 | 6528
19 Nov 2024   #7
So what, have you found your Pole and are you already married?

Home / Law / Moroccan girl try be marry to a Polish man not muslim

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