When a camper or other tourist approaches a local yokel (peasant) to see if he hasn't got some eggs for sale, would he say: "Gosdpodarzu, dostanę u was trochę jaj?" or "Proszę pana, dostanę u Pana trochę jaj?"
Gospodarzu, dostanę u was trochę jaj?
It really depends on the type of the yokel and the type of the speaker. My mother would use the latter, my mother-in-law would undoubtedly use the former. The former implies a greater dose of "assumed" familiarity; it is quite nice and quite traditional, but it is becoming less common in my view.
Both not bad, but I warn you, don't ask like this: "Gospodarzu, macie jaja?" ;-)
a local yokel (peasant)
How do you justify your arrogance?
A touch of humour -- nothing more! You're not one of the PC types, are you?
You're not one of the PC types, are you?
No, I hate PC. On the other hand, your turn of phrase sounded unpleasant and patronising, not humorous at all IMHO.
By the way, the best way to ask a farmer about eggs for sale is to say:
Dzień dobry. Czy ma pan może jajka na sprzedaż?
Dzień dobry. Czy ma pan może jajka na sprzedaż?
It may well be:
Dzień dobry. Gospodorzu, a dyć macie jajków na zbyciu?
aphrodisiac 11 | 2427
12 Feb 2010 #8
Dzień dobry. Gospodorzu, a dyć macie jajków na zbyciu?
a wiele wam potrzeba;)??? Jajkow ni mom, bo krancowatego koguta mnie sprzatneli.
Gospodorzu, a dyć macie jajków na zbyciu?
That will work very well if you are 100% sure about the farmer's background (dialectal and other) ;-)
Both not bad, but I warn you, don't ask like this: "Gospodarzu, macie jaja?" ;-)
You are all wrong. The correct expression is, 'gospodarzu, ale jaja." :)
you should really say: "Niechże no mi pan da pomacać swe jaja".
But I think the Gospodarz would probably like that better if said by a woman than a guy. But it all depends on the gospodarz, you never know...
But I think the Gospodarz would probably like that better if said by a woman than a guy. But it all depends on the gospodarz, you never know...
Wesołego jaja!
Nowadays you have to ask " Proszę pana, czy ma pan jajka na sprzedaż i po ile?
GefreiterKania 32 | 1485
3 Oct 2023 #14
Proszę pana, czy ma pan jajka na sprzedaż
Nie no, żeby tak obcego mężczyznę o jego jajka pytać... i jeszcze pieniądze proponować? Toż to, panie dobrodzieju, wszystko na obraźliwość Boską i uradowanie Ancykrysta - Sodomia i Gomoria! :)