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Should Polish bands and singers sing in Polish or English?

Miloslaw  20 | 4836
22 May 2024 #1
I am really divided on this one.On the one hand I think they should sing in Polish just to keep the interest in their music in Poland.But on the other hand, they will never get recognition abroad unless they sing in English.Maybe, as some bands have already done, they should do both.
johnny reb  46 | 7426
22 May 2024 #2
I think they call it dubbing.
pawian  220 | 24842
23 May 2024 #3
they should do both

That`s a statement by a true genius! :):):) It is amassing you also support our balance in nature principle!
jon357  73 | 22626
23 May 2024 #4
On the one hand I think they should sing in Polish just to keep the interest in their music in Poland.But on the other hand

Their call, unless they massacre the English language as some overseas pop groups do.

There was that German one, Sarah something, who sang in English with a British /Irish name. Her song was nevertheless too kitschy and German to do well in most markets. It lacked authenticity and was puzzling why she wouldn't use her own German name.
Alien  22 | 5456
23 May 2024 #5
sing in Polish or English?

Usually their English is terrible.
Lyzko  42 | 9525
23 May 2024 #6
I would say to sing in one's native language, unless
of course, one happens to be either Abba, Adele or Nina Hagen!
jon357  73 | 22626
23 May 2024 #7

As far as I know she sings in her native languge.
Lyzko  42 | 9525
23 May 2024 #8
But she has sung in English, as I recall.
pawian  220 | 24842
23 May 2024 #9
they should sing in Polish unless they sing in English.

Why do you discriminate other languages??? They should sing in Czech!!!! At least it will be fun! Ha!!!

Check the Czech song about Blue Stick in Highlander arrangement:

Lyzko  42 | 9525
23 May 2024 #10
Bottom line is that it is the rare singer in any language, be it rock, folk, folk rock or even opera,
who is able to sing as comfortably, indeed indistinguishably, in a language other than their own.
The great Paul Robeson for example prided himself on singing in English, German, French, Italian with equal facility, even
Chinese, and yet when I hear his gorgeous rendition of "Freiheit", his American diction comes through
loud and clear. However, his deep, rumbling, and resonant bass puts any such considerations to shame.
OP Miloslaw  20 | 4836
23 May 2024 #11
Lyzko, please behave, she IS English!
Lyzko  42 | 9525
23 May 2024 #12
Hmm, she's been marketed for years as French. Oh gosh,
perhaps a true native bilingual then:-)

Whoops, just checked. Yes, you're right. Adele is English.
OP Miloslaw  20 | 4836
23 May 2024 #13
Hmm, she's been marketed for years as French.

You are confusing her with the French actress Adele......... the singer was born in Tottenham in North London and I would be surprised if she could speak French.
jon357  73 | 22626
23 May 2024 #14
Hmm, she's been marketed for years as French.

Has she?

She's from the Home Counties and has a Londony accent. Who is marketing her as French and why?????

Does she even speak French? I'm pretty sure she's not done songs in French.
Lyzko  42 | 9525
23 May 2024 #15
@Milo & jon, apologies for the mix up. Yes, you both are right:-)
jon357  73 | 22626
23 May 2024 #16
A quick look on google suggests a French singer did a cover of one of her songs. Perhaps you've heard that instead.
Lyzko  42 | 9525
23 May 2024 #17
Must be it. Thanks, jon!

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