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Posts by Maxxx Payne  

Joined: 11 Oct 2006 / Male ♂
Last Post: 14 Jul 2008
Threads: Total: 1 / Live: 0 / Archived: 1
Posts: Total: 195 / Live: 25 / Archived: 170
From: HELLsinki, Finland
Interests: boring IT stuff and many more

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Maxxx Payne   
14 Jul 2008
History / What do Poles think about Turks? [761]

sorry for the late replies, I have been at the countryside with no ISPs

We like Hungarians too.

In Ottoman times, Finns were Turks are our relatives. Because we were strong.
Now, they say threr is not any relation with Turks, we are Viking ! :)

I dont think so, in Ottoman times Finns were fighting against Turks in Russian army for example in Crimean War and Russo-Turkish 1878. On the other hand I have no problem of being "related to" Turks, I could have a problem with being related to Hungarians cant understand them really :P .

The pseudoscience which tries to link Finns to Vikings(or the Goths) is indeed stupid, each nation should stand on its own than boast about its possible relation to some more bad*ss nation.There was probably some finns sailing with Vikings but that doesnt make them "related"

Rather complicated to go into, but this is the "short" version :) LOL

and politics plays its part too: whole Fenno-Ugric group has been seen either as Hapsburg plot (late 19th, early 20th century) or as a Moscows plot (modern times) to take Hungarians their pride away
Maxxx Payne   
27 Jun 2008
History / What do Poles think about Turks? [761]

An unrelated thread, Maxx, but it has been asserted numerous times over the years by various linguists, that the Finnic or 'Fenno-Ugric' languages are in fact related to the Turkic :)

well modern linguistics dont think so. Sure there are similarities, but they are probably result of interaction than of relation. It is understandable when you consider that Uralic (Finns,Estonians, Hungarians,...) and Altaic (Turks, Mongols,...) were living in same areas thousands years ago. But science progresses and maybe sometime in future the Uralo-Altaic theory is in limelight again.

Weird thing is: Hungarians dont like Finns and see themselves more as a Turkic people but Turks like Finns and see themselves related Finns. Quite a weird "triangle"...
Maxxx Payne   
18 Jun 2008
History / What do Poles think about Turks? [761]

I respect Turks for their efforts to modernize to society. They fared far better than in arab countries. As for membership in EU, dont know. Religion shouldnt play an issue here, even though I am not a fan of Islam.
Maxxx Payne   
15 Jun 2008
History / What do Poles think about Turks? [761]

Osiol:) I'd be much more concerned with both Sweden's as well as little Finland's treatment of its Saami (commonly known as 'Lapp') minority to the North than about the Karelian population in Western Russia!

Actually the Saami are doing quite good nowadays in Scandinavian area. As for Karelians, they are small people who eventually will be Russianized. It is neither "good" nor "bad", just part of natural process of cultures absorbing to bigger ones.

Culture's death is not always result of genocide etc.

Their position during WWII vis-a-vis Germany, despite the heroic stance of Mannerheim against the Soviet invasion, remains a serious issue in their past. Like Norway, Finland didn't exactly stand up politically against Hitler.

it sure is. I am not proud of everything my country has done.

Maxx, I have many Finnish acquaintances and all of them speak excellent Swedish. My Finnish is rudimentary at best, but I have basic survival skills. English might be a poor choice, save perhaps at a class hotel in the center of Halsingfors, oops, Helsinki.-:) LOL

Välkommen ! Tervetuloa !
Maxxx Payne   
14 Jun 2008
History / What do Poles think about Turks? [761]

ok, now I have read it. Have to say that comparing Byzantine empire and US empire doesnt work. USA hasnt been expanding its territories since the Spanish war. In fact they want to get out of Iraq ASAP. Sure USA is fighting for its interests, every country,big or small, looks after its interests, but this has nothing to do expansionism.
Maxxx Payne   
14 Jun 2008
History / What do Poles think about Turks? [761]

What has Iraq war to do with saints Cyrillius and Methodius ?
Do you even know who they are ??
Maxxx Payne   
13 Jun 2008
History / What do Poles think about Turks? [761]

nor discuss if our women have to wear a headscarf...period!

actually it was other way around: are women allowed to wear a headscarf
Maxxx Payne   
19 Feb 2008
History / Whom do the people in Poland hate more: Germans or Russians? [869]

But then again: who would want to date a German?

someone with a bad taste I suppose

I guess the Germans'women must be tight, considering it was Germans who wanted smaller condom sizes:
Maxxx Payne   
19 Feb 2008
History / Whom do the people in Poland hate more: Germans or Russians? [869]

Could be, I dont know much about Swiss. Switzerland is en easy country to defend, a lot of mountains etc. and every male is obligated to own a rifle so it would have been difficult for Germany to invade it. So Swiss were not obligated to co-operate in that sense.

But on the other hand the biggest sissies were Germans, they cried like babies when the wind turned on them: ooh Dresden was bombed, oooh we are like sooooo victims.

i was just reading Finnish forum were my country Women were praising German "gentlemen" : it made me puke. Germans' girlfriends were given far too lenient terms: you Dutches treated them like they should have been treated. I am so ashamed of my country sometimes. I would rather be Pole or Dutch...
Maxxx Payne   
14 Feb 2008
History / Whom do the people in Poland hate more: Germans or Russians? [869]

Netherlands the second biggest nation of pussies during WWII.

no, Dutch had a bad *ss resistance movement. Soldaat van Oranje !!!

the biggest pussies of WW II
1) Sweden
2) Sweden
3) Sweden

only thing they were good in was bad-mouthing Finns
Maxxx Payne   
7 Jul 2007
Genealogy / Are all Poles blue eyed and blonde? [451]

When in Poland I saw a lot of couples of whom guy was blonde and woman was darkhaired. I dont know if this is just my observation...
Maxxx Payne   
17 Jun 2007
Life / Why Do You Love Poland? [907]

Of course Poles are much more moral than other nations, i have no doubt that it's a moral heart of the world....;-)))))

I think we both (you russian me finn) should look up to them...
Maxxx Payne   
19 Mar 2007
Love / Polish women are the most beautiful in the world! [1718]

Why does everyone say that the most beautiful women in the world are Polish?

Maybe because they are making it big in modelling, acting...
Or maybe they simply are the most beatiful ? :)

I personally like their sensitivity and empathy most. maybe that's what makes them so beatiful ?
Maxxx Payne   
27 Feb 2007
Genealogy / Why are some Polish people dark complected, and others very light [511]

Hungarian 60% is surprising cos they are not a Slavic people at all, but related distantly to Finns & Estonians whose most frequent haplotype is N.

Haplotype N is also big in Russia. Czechs used to say that Russians are Slavicized Finns. Hehe :)
Interesting to know that genetic kinship is different from linguistic kinship.
Maxxx Payne   
28 Jan 2007
Life / Why Do You Love Poland? [907]

Polish are proud people with strong morality. That's why.
Maxxx Payne   
22 Nov 2006
Love / Polish women are the most beautiful in the world! [1718]

Polish women have incredibly beautiful cheek bones and eyes to match them !:)
That's the most distinctive feature of Polish women, well for me at least.

Polish men are also handsome. Well, how they couldn't be, because I have been mistaken for a Pole several times.:)
Maxxx Payne   
23 Oct 2006
Life / Why are Poles always so miserable? Why do they never smile? [512]

I would say that in countries like UK, USA very commercial , money orientated, selfish and inhumane people are much more more lonely and unhappy than in Poland .
And artifical smile means nothing to me. It doesn't mean that soemone is happy or likes you it is just little game, that is all.

I saw less beggars in Krakow than in New York. Poland takes care of it's poor. Maybe it is part of catholicism, I don't know

It amuses me to learn that the Finns are "sociable and open and happy" If that is so why is Finland leader in homicide rates in Europe and number two in suicide rates.

And contrary to common belief: our climate is not that bad. If you can tolerate the cold and snow that is. :) We don't have constant raining during winter, I don't know if the global warming changes that in future...
Maxxx Payne   
22 Oct 2006
Life / Why are Poles always so miserable? Why do they never smile? [512]

Swedish are most P.C. nation on earth so don't take them as a standard. But deep in their hearts they think they are morally superior nation to others and complain that every country should be like their beloved Svea-mamma.

Sorry for the rant but I can't just stand them :(