The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Lightbulb  

Joined: 30 Aug 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 30 Sep 2007
Threads: Total: 1 / Live: 0 / Archived: 1
Posts: Total: 39 / Live: 3 / Archived: 36
From: California
Interests: Foreign languages, books, guitar.

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30 Sep 2007
Off-Topic / Are Polish Christians here? [134]

Are Polish Christians who share all 10 testaments and don't forget that human life starts since conception?

I know what you mean, but we call them "commandments" here, unless I misunderstood your meaning. ;)

Anyway, I'm not Polish, but I'm also curious to know how popular faith is in Poland. I consider myself an Orthodox Christian, though denomination isn't all-important to me. I have nothing against the Romans. :)
25 Sep 2007
Genealogy / The typical Polish look, or all Eastern Europeans [656]

it is people of Polish descent NOT Polish descended people

Eh. That paragraph was meant as humor. Grammatical or scientific accuracy isn't necessary. I won't be submitting it to the Encyclopedia Britannica, so don't fret.

Although I do prefer the -descended (I normally would've hyphenated it) version, correct or no. Euphony is more important than grammar to me, and the former doesn't flow. :)
25 Sep 2007
Genealogy / The typical Polish look, or all Eastern Europeans [656]

also Poles are usually slender and not fat like Americans

Geez. I'd rather be fat as a whale than look like either of those two guys, though! Heroin chic, I guess, must still be big! ;)

Anyway, most Polish-descended people I've met look almost exactly the same. About 5'5-6'3 in height, hair ranging from black to blonde, eye color usually brown or blue or something in between, and usually ten fingers and ten toes, give or take.

stuff your face with fries Yank

Ugh, no thanks. ;)

Those guys do look really stoned though, you must admit.