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USA News and Poland - part 14 [502]
They stole elections with their shady manipulations
If that is what you believe then there isn't a lot of point in debate about the riots as I don't believe the election was stolen.
Regardless of personal beliefs though, do you not have a problem with Trump pardoning and releasing convicted rioters? I find a president who appears to be on a power trip and disregarding the rule of law worrying to say the least.
I don't believe one word coming from investigating commit,
You don't believe anyone was injured in those riots? That's all you have to say? I'm stunned. You really have got rose-tinted glasses on.
What about an unarmed woman, a military veteran, shot to death?
It's sad that she died but she was a participant in a violent riot. She had been told three times by an armed police officer with gun drawn to back off and get out of a secure area where law enforcement were trying to evacuate Congress members and staff. She ignored him and carried on trying to enter the area. She was later found to have a knife in her pocket. The USCP deemed the shooting to be lawful and within department policy.
Seriously, was she trying to win a Darwin award? That's what Novi or Johnny would be saying. How many times have they banged on and on about doing exactly what the police tell to you to do, not to argue etc etc.