The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Feniks  

Joined: 14 Mar 2024 / Female ♀
Last Post: 1 day ago
Threads: 2
Posts: 863

Interests: Reading, Hiking, Science, Travel, Art

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1 day ago
Off-Topic / USA News and Poland - part 14 [502]

Solely British, you must be kidding me

That's not what I said.

don't you think it is about time for constructive criticism?

Pointless exercise. In his opinion, anyone that disagrees with his worldview is dumb, stupid, moronic or a leftist fvcktard.
1 day ago
Off-Topic / Music Thread - part 2 [765]

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1 day ago
Off-Topic / USA News and Poland - part 14 [502]

he is one of the best-informed, eloquent, and intelligent men, dealing with the facts

Only in his own mind.

In the real world he is frequently wrong as PF members have pointed out. Look at his post 439 and an answer given in post 440 for an example. Like Novi, he also has a tendency to ghost those he loses debates with.

My opinion of him is that he is the epitome of every negative stereotype heard about Americans. An abrasive, rude, arrogant know-it-all with an over-inflated sense of his own importance. He could also do with anger management classes.

Don't forget breaking the Enigma code

I hadn't but I didn't include it as it was a collaboration of nationalities and not a solely British breakthrough.
2 days ago
Off-Topic / USA News and Poland - part 14 [502]

Funny how the UK people here think they are so high and mighty.

Coming from someone who repeatedly bangs on about how dumb and stupid other PF members are that's a bit of a joke.

Brits have done nothing of note, create anything of note, invent anything of note, or done anything earth shatteringly beneficial to mankind in at least the last fifty if not one hundred years.

Let me see.......oh yes, those little unimportant things like:

Radar, jet engine patent, carbon fibre, IVF, DNA profiling, hovercraft, commercial jet airliner, Colossus computer, first accurate atomic clock, animal cloning, the World Wide Web.

Given that Britain also includes Scotland and Wales, then we can also include the discovery of penicillin and television.
27 Mar 2025
News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 20 [1534]

provide links on spending and military support for Ukraine

He's blocked me due to my calling him out over another issue with his numbers but in case anyone else is interested here are a couple of links to US and EU spending:
25 Mar 2025
Travel / Poland in photo riddles - part 3 [674]

They are a bit blurred so it's hard to see detail.

Does A) have a couple of seed pods in the photo? I thought at first the long curved thing was a piece of bone but I don't think it is now. The whole thing reminds me a bit of potpourri.

B) looks a bit like some kind of fossil but I'm sure it's not.....
24 Mar 2025
News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 20 [1534]

No one with 156 IQ needs to cheat.

He doesn't have an IQ of 156. See below.

I don't know where you got this number from.

This article explains it:
23 Mar 2025
Food / Best kielbasa to use for Bigos. [22]

I had homemade Golabki tonight:):)

They do look nice. Zrazy is my favourite dish, these come second.
23 Mar 2025
Off-Topic / USA News and Poland - part 14 [502]

They stole elections with their shady manipulations

If that is what you believe then there isn't a lot of point in debate about the riots as I don't believe the election was stolen.

Regardless of personal beliefs though, do you not have a problem with Trump pardoning and releasing convicted rioters? I find a president who appears to be on a power trip and disregarding the rule of law worrying to say the least.

I don't believe one word coming from investigating commit,

You don't believe anyone was injured in those riots? That's all you have to say? I'm stunned. You really have got rose-tinted glasses on.

What about an unarmed woman, a military veteran, shot to death?

It's sad that she died but she was a participant in a violent riot. She had been told three times by an armed police officer with gun drawn to back off and get out of a secure area where law enforcement were trying to evacuate Congress members and staff. She ignored him and carried on trying to enter the area. She was later found to have a knife in her pocket. The USCP deemed the shooting to be lawful and within department policy.

Seriously, was she trying to win a Darwin award? That's what Novi or Johnny would be saying. How many times have they banged on and on about doing exactly what the police tell to you to do, not to argue etc etc.
23 Mar 2025
Travel / Poland in photo riddles - part 3 [674]

They had a very old Hercules by the entrance that you could visit.


Where I grew up was close to an RAF base and they had an old Spitfire there. It was used in the 1967 film 'The Battle of Britain'.

One is double, i.e. small planes escort the large one

I would go with that. I thought for a moment that it was two planes as it looks like two sets of contrails but they're too close together to be separate aircraft.
23 Mar 2025
Off-Topic / USA News and Poland - part 14 [502]

Not one injury, one stabbing, was reported,

Police Officer Michael Fanone was assaulted with pipes, stunned with a taser, sprayed with bear spray, suffered concussion and in the middle of it all, he had a heart attack. He now has PTSD and a traumatic brain injury. Two men were charged with his assault.

15 of the 138 police officers who were assaulted had severe injuries. Some were beaten on the head with lead pipes, several had traumatic brain injuries, one had 2 broken ribs and 2 smashed spinal discs, one lost an eye, another was stabbed with a metal fence stake. That's ignoring the deaths of police officers that occurred in the aftermath, several by suicide and one who suffered 2 strokes and died the day after being attacked.

Is that not enough for you?
23 Mar 2025
Travel / Poland in photo riddles - part 3 [674]

what kind of airplanes those are and why are they flying in a group?

Military aircraft? If it is then I'm guessing they fly in groups for combat and situational awareness. Also for protecting each other from enemy fire, planes are safer when flying together.
22 Mar 2025
Travel / Poland in photo riddles - part 3 [674]

it's not a meteor shower or falling Starlink satellites, but something that isn't unusual to see that clearly in the day :)

Now you've disappointed me Paulina! With your interest in astronomy I was expecting something a bit.......cosmic maybe ;)

It can't be contrails from aircraft, can it?
22 Mar 2025
Travel / Poland in photo riddles - part 3 [674]

what is this?:

My guess is that it's either a meteor shower or falling Starlink satellites. Having said that it's unusual to see such things that clearly in the day....
22 Mar 2025
Travel / Poland in photo riddles - part 3 [674]

You couldn't see the damage, because in my first post the firefighters were blocking the view on the passenger side

Yeah, if I'd seen the damage to start with that would've been my first guess. Good riddle :)
22 Mar 2025
Off-Topic / USA News and Poland - part 14 [502]

What deadly weapons?

I take it you didn't want to read cms neuf link to the number of weapons that were confiscated. No worries, I'm sure all those thugs who were charged and convicted were innocent even though over 1000 of them actually pleaded guilty.

Never mind, obviously the police deserved to be well and truly shafted and Trump is an angel for setting free all those poor criminals.

Blinkered much?
22 Mar 2025
Travel / Poland in photo riddles - part 3 [674]

What could be the other reason for a wheel to fall off?

Impact? Although I keep wondering what kind of impact that only causes wheel damage and nothing to bodywork. I had an insane thought at one time looking at the overhead pass above the road......but that would be ridiculous.....
21 Mar 2025
Off-Topic / USA News and Poland - part 14 [502]

And then you get 1500 people who were convicted and charged in the Capitol Hill riots including members of the far-right Proud Boys and Oath Keepers, pardoned by Trump. 175 people were charged with using a deadly or dangerous weapon or causing serious bodily injury to an officer. You couldn't make this sh!t up.

Rule of law went out the window. Law enforcement must be so happy Trump got elected.
21 Mar 2025
Travel / Poland in photo riddles - part 3 [674]

It's not the case in the UK?

If there's no danger to life or fire, not usually. The police would normally call a towing company to remove the vehicle.

What could be the other reason for a wheel to fall off?

Wheel nuts worked loose and fell off or weren't tightened enough? Never known that happen before though. I had a tyre blowout once, That was scary, but unusual to lose a wheel I would think.

the entire braking system is missing

Now I need stronger glasses. How can you tell?
20 Mar 2025
Travel / Poland in photo riddles - part 3 [674]

I must need stronger

Unless I've made a mistake. Where the first fireman's right foot is there appears to be a jack of some kind. I can't see a tyre or a wheel.

I miss having a stick shift, they're hard to find over here these days.

I've never driven an automatic but it makes sense that they're more common in the US. Much greater distances to cover. Less tiring than changing gear.
20 Mar 2025
Travel / Poland in photo riddles - part 3 [674]

It looks like they are trying to lift up the front end or stop it from rolling.

If it wasn't for the fact that there's a missing wheel, I would've said that it looks like they're trying to stop a moving car.

Aren't most cars in Europe stick shift?

Mainly, yes.
20 Mar 2025
Polonia / Polish bus crash in Croatia. Is there a fate? [202]

There was something similar in a smalltown nightclub in r*SSia. Many young people died and it looks as if the fire escapes were locked shut.

I remember that one. There was also the fire in the Kemerovo mall a few years ago. Locked doors and no working fire alarms in that one. This latest one in Macedonia was in a building with only one exit and a locked back door. The club's owners also had a forged licence and bribes were paid so that a blind eye was turned to the venue operating beyond capacity and in violation of fire code.

This keeps happening and it's always young people who are paying the price for greed and corruption :(
20 Mar 2025
Travel / Poland in photo riddles - part 3 [674]

The car appears to be missing a wheel on the passenger side and there doesn't appear to be anyone in the vehicle. The fire brigade are moving it off the road for some reason, breakdown? blocking traffic? but surely this wouldn't normally be their job? Unless there was a fire or multiple cars involved or someone had to be cut out of a car.....

Not much idea at the moment.
17 Mar 2025
Food / Polish cookbook - down to earth hearty Polish cuisine [33]

The Berni Inn was where we always went for special treats.

I only ever went once when I was invited by a friend's parents. Going out for a meal, at least in my circles, was relatively rare. Hard to believe when it's so commonplace these days.

It was always presented as something of a mystery where more could go wrong than right.

I must admit I've had my share of kitchen disasters in my time!

I got the Delia complete cookery course on special offer and never looked back.

Fair play. I've not met that many men who are into cooking to be honest although I think everyone should be able to cook a few basic meals.

restaurant in Poland was a prawn salad that was basically a humongous prawn cocktail.

Yum! Love anything with prawns but haven't encountered that much seafood in Poland as I've been inland more than on the coast.

This place sounds like a dream

I would so like to go there.....that menu looks amazing! There are so many things I like I'd be really hard pushed to choose what to have. Not many places like that around anymore.
17 Mar 2025
Language / Polish vs English tongue twisters [45]

These are hard for me:

"Sześć tysięcy sześćset sześćdziesiąt sześć słów"

"Pstrąg trącał pstrąga prądem w prącie"
17 Mar 2025
Polonia / Polish bus crash in Croatia. Is there a fate? [202]

tragic disco fire in North Macedonia

It's almost a carbon copy of the Colectiv nightclub fire in Bucharest 10 years ago. Corruption was the factor in that case and this one appears to be the same. Very sad.
16 Mar 2025
Food / Polish cookbook - down to earth hearty Polish cuisine [33]

It's time for a 70s and 80s food revival.

I don't know if I could even eat the sort of food that people ate back then these days. I remember having tinned salmon with parsley sauce on the top ( packet mix back then ). Tournedos Rossini! You might have moved in better circles than me......

I actually liked Findus crispy pancakes of all things. Don't know if you can even get them anymore. Vesta curries!

Those thrilling choices for a meal out too! Either melon balls or prawn cocktail for starters, steak for mains and black forest gateau for dessert. At a Berni Inn of course.

Delia Smith

Never made anything from her recipes although she's hugely popular even today. I learnt to cook from the age of 8 out of necessity. Used an old book called 1000 recipes byJane Harrop, Isabelle Barrett. Nothing too exciting in it but good for basics.