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Posts by RussianAntiPutin  

Joined: 14 May 2022 / Female ♀
Last Post: 2 Oct 2022
Threads: 6
Posts: 209
From: St. Petersburg, Russia.
Speaks Polish?: Pretty well.
Interests: INACTIVE. Professional ballet dancer, 18 years old.

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30 May 2022
Off-Topic / Best posters [875]

Wroclaw Boy

Who is Wroclaw Boy?
And I'm a real person, not a subject for you to debate. Discussion over.
29 May 2022
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

Korvinus- A fetus is a growing human being inside of a woman

Yes, inside of a woman, who, by the way, should have a choice whether or not a foetus grows in her. And not a human being. Can it think? Can it speak? Can it know anything? Can it have a passport? Does it even have a functioning brain? No? Then how is it a human being, exactly?
28 May 2022
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

Countries that ban abortion are barbaric

That makes more sense.

Religion doesn't promote sex with little children either, but the clerics have no problem with it.
27 May 2022
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

Back street abortion is just what happens in most abortionless countries. Not barbaric countries.
25 May 2022
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

Novichok - Should we have aborted the baby called Adolph

Yes, of course. So many terrible things would have never happened. The one question is, what would the world be like now if he had never existed? Better or worse or neutral? Without sounding like a Nazi, we will never know.
24 May 2022
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

@Dirk diggler
Maybe slutty cows don't deserve to be mothers.
Would abortion be warranted if we could tell if the foetus would be a leftie or the next Einstein? (Aborting the leftie, of course, not the genius).
24 May 2022
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

More than depressed! If someone dances, and then doesn't, their soul withers, in a way. It's a horrible thing. The worst is for a ballet student who doesn't become a professional.

I really don't understand desire for sex. It seems so strange and primitive to me.
What about the eggs lost when a woman menstruates. Is that murder? Or sperm cells that don't fertilize the egg after sex. Is that manslaughter? Or sperm lost outside of intercourse? Or reabsorbed sperm. Murder? And really, what IS life? What is death? A simplistic view is never good. Life is a philosophical thing, really. Maybe only the person who has really LIVED is "alive". Is someone alive if they don't know what is feels like to really live? Maybe people are only alive after death? Only God knows.

And are the women not precious as well? (If they aren't sluts). Isn't motherhood precious and sacred? Not to be given to just anyone. Good mothers are special, angelic people. Shouldn't everyone have a good mother?
24 May 2022
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

I hate feminazis with all my soul. Especially when they act like men or claim Swan Lake shouldn't be danced or Romeo and Juliet shouldn't be acted because they're "misogynistic" . Pathetic wussy women putting on an aggressive front aren't the centre of the universe.

Lefties who can't take a harmless joke are probably the most annoying people on earth. I honestly prefer talking to Putin supporters.
24 May 2022
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

Why shouldn't the woman see an image of the foetus before she may decide on an abortion? It's part of an informed decision, isn't it?
24 May 2022
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

Any subject? Really? Even Newton on physics? Plato on philosophy? And even foeteses are smarter than leftists, even if they haven't developed brains yet. (Not meant to offend leftists).

@jon 357
Definition? Having many sexual relationships. 'Many' is more than three or four.
Because there are more important things in life.
24 May 2022
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

Does it, though? Couldn't people live without sex? Love isn't sex
Everyone over the age of 13 maximum knows exactly what promiscuity is. How old are you, 6?
24 May 2022
Off-Topic / Best posters [875]

@johnny reb
Thank you, Johnny.
I'm a little better, still in hospital, cause, don't know yet, waiting for some rest results. Thank you for being so kind.
24 May 2022
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

You're right on that not being risky. I said that wrong. I meant casual or non committed sex. And yes, I do discuss abortion online. I know I'm doing something pointless. It's really a waste of my time, I won't change anyone's opinion.

And doing ballet isn't a requirement, you're right, but it's hardly in the same category as sex. Ballet is pure art, sex is simply animalistic and disgusting.

Oh yes, of course people need to have sex to have children. I meant recreational sex, sorry.
Does everyone else really think promiscuity is OK? I thought what I said would be controversial.
24 May 2022
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

It's immoral though. Sex isn't a requirement for life. Of course having sex doesn't mean wanting kids, but sex outside of marriage is very risky. And premarital sex wasn't on the same scale.

The stigma is only there in more traditional countries. Unfortunately, worldwide the stigma is either reduced or, in the case of the West, not there. And they shouldn't. Humans aren't animals, people can control themselves.

I knew I'd be ripped apart for saying this. My reputation on PF will probably be permanently trashed.

Also, what's the point of abortion arguments? No one wins or agrees. It's pretty pointless to argue over abortion, isn't it?
24 May 2022
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

It's still disgusting and animalistic. And the levels are higher today than ever before. Sorry, but when there's no stigma attached to even one night stands, society has degenerated. Of course it leads to unwanted pregnancies and, therefore, abortions or miserable lives.
24 May 2022
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

If I may venture to ask, why do we need sluts in society? Abortion isn't contraception, but maybe we shouldn't accept women being dumb sluts in the first place. The planet is overpopulated, why keep the pieces of crap?

That sounds pretty Nazi and extremist, doesn't it? I'm not being "misogynistic" , though. I think overly promiscuous men are just as vile and worthless.

General world attitudes around sex need to change. A lot. Perhaps back to that old no sex before marriage. Maybe there won't be as many abortions then, if everyone who has sex is married.
24 May 2022
Off-Topic / Best posters [875]

Thank you, AntV.
Sitting of course, but why are you asking me how I pee? That's weird as hell.
What do you permanently attached? I'm not a man, why would you suggest that?
What is that thing? What idiot invented that?

Also, @Novichok, it's not only men who can live without their phones.
23 May 2022
Off-Topic / Best posters [875]

Thank you Paulina (:
23 May 2022
Off-Topic / Best posters [875]

Thats nice of you :). I won't though give anyone information for them to know my exact location. I think that's a little potentially dangerous, I mean, some creep like Strzelec might get something like a phone number. Or some criminal browsing the site. You're very nice, though.
23 May 2022
Off-Topic / Best posters [875]

@johnny reb
Yes, i am. That's very kind of you.
When I went into PF, I didn't expect such kind, lovely people. I was just looking for language information. You're all really lovely. Thank you for being so kind to me
23 May 2022
Off-Topic / Best posters [875]

Yes. Just resting right now. Thank you for being so kind.
@Johnny Reb
Your Russian is fine. Sorry I didn't answer quickly.
23 May 2022
Off-Topic / Best posters [875]

Was waiting for ambulance then. I'm very unwell right now. At least I have my phone, PF, and autocorrect.
23 May 2022
Off-Topic / Best posters [875]

No none arre creepy. Stop fighyting
23 May 2022
Off-Topic / Best posters [875]

I'm not answering anyone righht now. I'm too dizzyy to see if think well. I didnt even read Johnny s question. Wehnn you're vomiting blood and only on PF to distract, don't want to translate or mark Russian. I go on PF mainly to escape Russian Russia things and talk about Poland. Sorry johnny. And sorry my tyyping is bad, myv hands are shakky